Monday, March 31, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."What's on your Mind"

Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; for he is faithful that promisedHeb 10:23

What keeps your mind on track?  We’re all familiar with the friendly question or gesture…”What’s on your mind?” But this can be a very important question and not one to be taken so lightly.  The mind can be illustrated by using the image of a train. Consider a train car of our “Thoughts” that are hitched to a car of “Emotions”, which is hitched to a car of “Hope”, which is all attached to the engine of “Faith.” It would work like this…the engine that pulls the mind in a given direction is Faith, always wanting to pull you towards what is a trustworthy and wholesome destination to believe in.  Hitched to the engine of Faith is the car of Hope; if our engine of Faith is pulling us towards a destination that appears promising (near of distant future) we feel Hopeful.  Right behind the car of Hope is the car of Emotions and like life our emotions fall right behind our level of hope and directly affect our attitude and hope towards our destination.  Then the last car is our conscious Thoughts, those things that occupy our mind at the moment. If we are Hopeful then our Emotions are happy and the outcomes of our Thoughts are enthusiastic.  However, most people ride in the cars of Emotions and Thoughts rather than the Engine of Faith.  So when we find ourselves like Martha, “troubled about many things” (Lk 10:41) we have to realize we have a directional issue.  Meaning we are not in the Faith car, thus our cars of Emotions and Thoughts are directing our path instead. That’s why the Bible addresses our emotional and thoughtful state by directing our minds towards Faith; “…think on these things” (Phl 4:8). That’s why Bible reading and prayer are so important, it directs our Engine of Faith in the right direction based on a promised Hope, not our Emotions and Thoughts.  If you’ve lost Hope, make sure you’re riding in the right car and not seated in your Emotions and Thoughts.


Saturday, March 29, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."Where's the Love"

As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.”  Gal 6:10

The Church is filled with lots of dangerously different people (and you and I be one).

There are rich and poor, old and young, male and female. We have families with multiple children and fifty-year-old unmarried’s.  There are Republicans and Democrats, executives and janitors, athletes, artists, teachers and all of different races.  Not to mention our personalities – outgoing and shy, bold and meek, patient and ambitious, emotional and unaffected, rational and relational.  There’s no mystery why the Bible has so much to say about stress, conflict and reconciliation between believers.  How could there not be friction in such a family. Remember when Paul called out Peter in front of everyone?  When the apostles – a very small group of very like-minded men who alone mediate the very words of Christ - didn’t always get along, it could easily discourage the rest of us, right?  Paul said, “I withstood him to the face…” (Gal 2:11).  So what was Paul so worked up about?  Peter had stopped eating with the Gentiles believers to preserve his image among the Jews, and many had followed his example (Gal 2:12-13).  But is that really that big of a deal?  It may seem like Paul blew an empty seat in the lunchroom way out of proportion, but he didn’t.  Paul saw that Peter’s decision denied the unifying work of Christ.  Through the Gospel, God was doing something uniquely beautiful and glorious by not only reconciling people to Himself, but also bringing them together in love.  It’s a love that restores the broken (Gal 6:1) and bears heavy, inconvenient, painful burdens (Gal 6:2).  It’s a life that loves to do good to everyone, especially to those with whom we’re one in Christ.  The Gospel turns haters into brothers, enemies in sisters.  One of the most powerful and winsome things that Jesus purchased with His death was an unlikely love that we too, are to have for one another.


Friday, March 28, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."Foolishness of Christ"

For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.”  1 Cor 1:18

With the movie “Noah” coming out, I had to consider the same challenges he faced with the truth of God; trying to get those around him to heed to the warnings of “things not seen as yet” (Heb 11:7). Requiring them to build a three hundred cubit boat 6 days journey from the ocean?  Not only was the magnitude of the project overwhelming, but the purpose was foolishness in man’s eyes.  The attacks and slander that were levied against Noah had to be burdensome and hurtful, yet he knew of the truth that was ever approaching.  The clever and contemptuous mockery of those who find the Gospel foolishness stings us. Stirring up fears of doubt and ridicule that can be avoided with we just keep our mouths shut. God forewarns us, through Paul, that the Gospel of Christ will appear foolish to those who are perishing, because He is (making) the foolishness the wisdom of the world (1 Cor 1:20). Then He repeatedly tells us not to be ashamed (Lk 9:26, Rom 1:16 & 2 Tim 1:8).  Like Noah, who was “a preacher of righteousness” (2 Pt 2:5), we too are to be shares of “events yet unseen.”  Jesus tells us that Noah’s flood was a foreshadowing of things to come (Mt 24:37-39). Yet, in this greater judgment a greater, more perfect Ark has been provided for our deliverance: the crucified and risen saviour Jesus!  If such preaching was foolish sounding for Noah, more so for us, thus we should not be surprised that “it pleases God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe” (1 Cor 1:21).  A Christian’s call is not for the respect of the unbelieving world; our job is to warn in confidence a contempt lost soul with the “Good News” of Jesus Christ!


Thursday, March 27, 2014

Daily Wisdom...."Pride"

For do I now persuade men or God? or do I seek to please men? For if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.”  Gal 1:10

Which is more desiring: The desire for pleasure or the desire for praise and avoidance of ridicule?   This can be challenging because one deals with the physical while the other involves the soul.  Consider, “MIT” (University) created software called “SCIgen” which strings together words to create fake computer-science papers for the purpose of proving conferences and lecturers will accept meaningless papers to, quote: “maximize amusement.” They were able to get “30” papers published in conference proceedings and more than “100” were published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers of N.Y.   What generates such actions of people to accept what is called “gibberish” in the study?  One strong motive is the love and stimulation of praise verses the fear and ridicule or failure.  Within the academic system people feed on the notoriety of publication in hopes of creating a name; pride surfaces in all individuals to a degree, longing for acknowledgment and avoiding failure.  Jesus’ indictments against human praise are unrelenting.  Mt. 6:1 “Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them…”  (vs 5) “And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites…that they may be seen of men.” Pride is more powerful than pleasure; pleasure is not subtle or tricky and seldom is novel or complex. Pride, however, derives from within cleverly and systematically stimulating our soul and creating a hunger for worth and purpose.  Being honest writing such a blog creates wonder if it will be liked.  Pride is within, never relenting or just a passer-by always rearing its ugly head to change your focus from and diminishing your worth in Christ Jesus.  Don’t be chastened, subdued by the world’s folly of self-worth, it’s only the world inside; of which we are crucified to as Christ who holds our greatest worth and treasure.


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."A Heart for Others"

There was a great cry of the people and of their wives against their brethern the Jews.”  Neh 5:1

God’s work never just happens…how we treat others are always determined by how we think about God, who He is and what He has done.  Whether implicit or explicit, this is fundamentally the case for all.  It’s not by accident that the greatest commandment is to “love God” and the second, which is like it; “love others” (Mat 22:36-40).  Our vertical relationship with God will inevitably impact our horizontal relationship with others. It’s this point that causes the book of Nehemiah, as they finish re-building the walls around Jerusalem that had been destroyed, to take an ugly turn in chapter 5.  As things start big and look promising, they turn to selfishness and greed.  Chapter five begins with, “there was a great cry of the people…” this is the same word “cry” God used towards Sodom & Gomorrah in (Gen 18:21) and in Exo 21 when Israel cried out about their unjust taskmasters. Not the kind of word you would think belongs in the re-building of Jerusalem. Yet, this out-cry has nothing to do with outsiders, but from amongst their own people. The children of Israel had mortgaged, borrowed for the ability to re-build Jerusalem, as it drew to a close the nobleman and rulers levied usury (tax and interest) upon them when they were weak (vs 7).  Here we see the true measure of man’s heart when they deal with the less fortunate and needy; (Lev 25:35-43) addresses man’s proper act against a brother that is afflicted. The reason is because they had a flawed view of God and a short memory of their own deliverance from physical and spiritual poverty…”it is not good that ye do: ought ye not to walk in the fear of our God…” (vs 9)  Thus while the exterior of Jerusalem is re-built, their hearts are not worthy to inhabit it. Remember, before you turn your heart against the weak, poor, troubled and downtrodden, our Saviour embodied these same traits to save your soul (2 Cor 8:9).


Monday, March 24, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."Faithful Worship"

At that time will I bring you again, even in time that I gather you: for I will make you a name and a praise among all people of the earth, when I turn back your captivity before your eyes, saith the Lord.”  Zeph 3:20

Zephaniah foretold both the near day of judgment against Judah and the future day of judgment against the entire world. Such warnings, however, only provided the context for the book’s main purpose, which was to muster tireless trust in God’s faithfulness to preserve and ultimately delivering his believing remnant, even through judgment. Zephaniah’s summons to submit by “seeking” and “waiting upon” God, culminates in the joy of the redeemed in their salvation through Christ. With the shadows of judgment looming, Zephaniah’s greatest motivation for patiently pursuing God comes in his glorious vision of future hope that is held out for all who persevere in faith; the book’s final verse includes a magnificent portrait of hope. It begins “at that time” — when the proud are removed and the God-dependent persevere. God clearly promises to exalt his own before the world’s eyes. The ultimate end of new covenant transformation is worship. All things are from God, through God, and to God (Romans 11:36; Colossians 1:16). It is about His glory, His Son, His greatness, His exaltation and as we gather for worship, may our lives illustrate the matchless worth of God in Christ Jesus.


Friday, March 21, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."Goodness of God"

But it is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord God, that I may declare all thy works.”  Psa 73:28

Ever consider the tens of thousands of things we can’t see? This passage informs us the nearness of God is our good. Even when the wicked prosper and evil carries on, though the circumstances of God’s people appear bleak, everything makes sense the closer we are to God.  There the embattled soul is revived and strengthen, the beastly attitude is tamed.  “Nevertheless” the psalm goes on “I am continually with thee: thou hast holden me by my right hand.” (vs 23)  From start to finish God is with His children (Exo 33:14-16).  Where we go, He goes, thus the nearness of God is our good.  We are to put our trust in God, He is our portion our reliance; the doubts we had are not, so that we may declare the doings of God’s goodness to man. Fear not nor question the unknown; just know God is the source of your goodness and clarity of the soul is found in His presence.


Thursday, March 20, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."Doubt

“…and they were sore amazed in themselves beyond measure and wondered. For they considered not the miracle of the loaves: for their heart was hardened.”  Mk 6:51-52

Do you only see Jesus as big as His last miracle in your life? The disciples were just removed from the miracle of Jesus feeding the five thousand and now, while tossed in the sea, their heart is hardened at the appearance of Jesus on the water.  The strength of one’s faith is not in the many things he is in doubt of and tries to believe, but only in the few he is assured of and no need of effort in believing. Doubt is the architect of despair that never allows one to see the fruition of their faith; creating hesitancy and despondence towards truth, it robs one of their joys and often buries their hope. “Belief!” is the life of one’s faith feeding and strengthening the soul.  Your greatest fear should not be trial or suffering, but the pain and cost of facing it with doubt.  The disciples were only a half-a-day removed from Jesus last miracle and their hearts were already hardened in doubt.  When you dare to depend entirely on Jesus and do not doubt, the hardest and feeblest of faiths will become strengthened mightily through Jesus, to the pulling down of strongholds on the heart.


Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."Solitude"

And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place and rest a while:…” Mk 6:31

We live in a world that is starved for solitude and silence: thus depriving many of personal relationships with man and more importantly God.  So many times solitude is better than society and silence better than speech.  Such an approach allows man to reflect on the things of God which nurtures the soul and strengthens the spirit.  Consider why it is that so many Christians listen and observe a multitude of sermons and truth and yet advance so little in their spiritual growth? Why plant a fruit tree or a garden and yet never spend time in it, but instead gather your fruit and vegetables at the store? Often times the greatest communion with God is beyond words and lies in the silence with His Spirit. Unfortunately it’s rare to find a soul still enough and quite enough to hear the Lord speak. Our spiritual life should be structured in a way that we have time to spend in the garden harvesting what has been planted spiritually in our life.  Thomas Keating references a good point…finding your resting place in and with God can be like a child falling asleep in the arms of his parents, but the parent isn’t disturbed as long as the child is happily resting occasionally opening their eyes to their presence.

God never ceases in speaking to us, but the noise of the world and the tumult of our passions often prevent us from hearing Him.


Monday, March 17, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."Walk in Truth"

Teach me thy way, O Lord; I will walk in thy truth: unite my heart to fear thy name.”  Psa 86:11

How sad and hurting it is when one can ignore God, deny truth, live a lie and justify their actions to appease others.  The absence of truth is not only damaging to one-self, but to those around them as well.  Yet, interestingly enough the desire for truth is innate in man and seldom is the soul satisfied or comforted until truth is known; causing the soul to be fearful and doubtful instead of faithful and hopeful. The profound truth of God’s word raises the soul to awareness beyond its narrow self and embraces the goodness of God and the well-being of others.  The truth of God is not only enlightening, it’s promising and strengthening, but for many they are discourage because it’s not always comforting; on the contrary, truth is often far from being comfortable.  The truth of God’s word often experiences three stages in man’s life…First, it’s ridiculed; second violently opposed and third, it is accepted and becomes self-evident.  When one comes to love the truth of God and His word, it will become purposeful, resourceful and masterful for the soul.


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."Christian Character"

“…we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience. And patience, experience and experience, hope”  Romans 5:3-4

Character and the courage and the strength that derives from it cannot be established or built without perseverance.  For first century Christians, suffering was the rule rather than the exception. In Romans 5, Paul tells us that Christians and the future will become, but until them we must overcome. Meaning through difficulties, hardship and suffering we can still rejoice, not because one likes pain or deny its tragedy, but because we know God is utilizing life to build our character that allows us to preserver.  This perseverance strengthens us and encourages us in our faith and deepens our trust in God and the future.  There are two concepts to the Christian life. On one hand we are complete in Christ, our eternal security is secure.  On the other hand, we are to be growing towards His likeness in every way.  At one and the same time we are and have the status of “The Kings Kids” and yet the duty of slaves; feeling both the presence of Christ and the pressure or presence of sin.  We have peace in knowing that we've been made right with God through Christ, but still face the daily difficulties of life that God wants us to grow through.


Monday, March 10, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."Truth"

And we know that the son of God is come and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life.” 1 John 5:20

The authority and authenticity of truth is not nullified or proven inaccurate by ones unwillingness to acknowledge or act upon it.  Man can continue or persist in lying to ones-self or others, but he cannot make truth falsehood; likewise he can rebel…but he cannot accomplish anything that abolishes the will of God.  Thomas Jefferson said “It is error alone which needs the support of government or man; truth can stand by itself.” Unfortunately most people only see truth in fragments, but if they are willing to search it out one will find truth has always stood and never lost ground to enquiry. He that sincerely searches the truth in Christ and takes it for his guide will find peace and joy in the promises that God will lead him a right. Like the Sun, Moon and Stars their appearance comes and goes, but the truth of their existence is never in doubt.

God never made a promise that was too good to be true…C.S. Lewis  


Friday, March 7, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."Joy of the Lord"

“…the joy of the Lord is your strength.”  Nehemiah 8:10

I’m so thankful, daily, for the blessing and joy God has given me in my wife.  More so I’m grateful and admiring of her love for God and her simple servitude and faith.  She shared this quote this morning that illustrates a powerful truth in a Christian’s life.   Leonard Ravenhill…”You never have to advertise a fire. Everyone comes running when there’s a fire. Likewise, if your church is on fire, you will not have to advertise it. The community will already know it.”  We must consider and realize that the church is made up of us, believers and the magnitude of the church’s fire is relative to the fire that burns in the believers’ heart for Christ.  For a fire to be kindled and ablaze there has to be joy in one’s heart that will stoke the flames.  In Nehemiah chapter eight we see the joy of the Lord come upon the believers (vs 10).  We see seven things that please God and brought forth joy in the church’s heart.  1.) Assemble together (unity…vs 1) - 2.) Reading of God’s word (vs 8) - 3.) Servitude (vs 10) -  4.) Prayer (vs 6) -  5.) Worship (vs 6) -  6.) Tithe and offering (vs 10) - 7.) Church Fasting (9:1).  A church that is alive and burning for God is a body of believers who are of one in pleasing God and doing His will. Make sure your flame is burning, because the hotter it burns the greater the chance it will spark someone else’s heart for God.


Thursday, March 6, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."Subdued Sins"

He will turn again, he will have compassion upon us; he will subdue our iniquities; and thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea.”  Micah 7:19

HE will turn again” – He who seemed to be turned from us when we turned away from Him.
Promises He will return and “subdue, or trample under foot” (Joel 2:14), our worst enemy and more so our “iniquities” as He so promised in Rom 16:20 “And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly…” While sin has mastery over us and subdues man as a fierce tyrant (Rom 7:14), it weighs down the spirit of man in bondage; it is our Lord who will subdue sin.  By way of the Gospel, God says He will subdue sin as it was our footstool. Such promise bestows a double cure, saves us from sins guilt and frees us from its power over us; all by…”the grace of God, which was with me.” (1 Cor 15:10)

And will cast all sins into the depth of the sea.” – Not, some (man would be impious to expect half a pardon from God) but all sin cast into the sea.  1 John 1:9 “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”  As the passage of the Red Sea, there was not one Egyptian who was able to pursue and subdue one of God’s children.  Likewise each of our sins are sunken into the depths of the ocean, not to surface unless revived by us, not as condemnation, but only as weights to beset us in our walk with God.  Yet, on Judgment Day, they will be cast into an eternal abyss never to return again.


Monday, March 3, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."A Responsive Faith"

“…immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood:”  Galatians 1:16

Don’t undue in doubt, by way of flesh and blood, what you acted upon in faith.  Paul confers his calling by God for the sharing of the gospel and responds without hesitation or doubt.  It will be of little avail for those around us having Christ revealed to us, if He is not also revealed in us.  Paul consented immediately to God’s will, not allowing doubt to confuse, squander or delay the working of the spirit in his life.  What God calls us to by faith, Satan’s effort is to disrupt with doubt.  Paul was only responding to what God had already ordained; Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee and I ordained thee…” Because of God’s intimate knowledge and love for you, He has already prepared and empowered you for what he has called you to.  Events or life may appear inescapable at times, but men have always two choices, respond in faith with God’s direction or traverse in doubt.

It is said that the Christian life has not been tried and found to be un-wanting; it most often appears and found difficult and thus left untried.