Thursday, October 30, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."Anguish of Achor"

And Joshua said unto Achan, My son, give, I pray thee, glory to the Lord God of Israel, and make confession unto him; and tell me now what thou hast done; hide it not from me.”  Jos 7:19

The Anguish of Achor…He that hides his sin is already dying within! Achan not only sinned by coveting the spoils of war, he furthered his sin by acting on it, trying to hid it and refusing to acknowledge it on his own before God and seek His mercy.  Achan underestimated God and didn't take his commands seriously (Jos 6:18). Taking a robe, along with some silver and gold, may have seemed a small thing to Achan, but the effects of his sin were felt by the entire nation (Jos 7:11-12), especially his family. Like Achan, our actions affect more people than just ourselves. Beware of the temptation to rationalize your sins by saying they are too small or too personal to hurt anyone but you.  Achan's sin began in the eye. He saw these fine things, as Eve saw the forbidden fruit. See what comes of suffering the heart to walk after the eyes. Sin has drastic consequences, so we should take drastic measures to avoid it.

The power of sin blinds men so they do not recognize its true character!


Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."Moments that Measure Movement"

Joshua said “…take you up every man of you a stone upon his shoulder, according unto the number of the tribes of the children of Israel: that this may be a sign among you, that when your children ask their fathers saying, what mean ye by these stones? Then ye shall answer them…”

Moments that Measure Movement… The works of the Lord are so worthy of remembrance, and the heart of man is so prone to forget them, that we are needful to refresh our memories, for the glory of God, our growth, and that our children may be encouraged.  For the men, who had already passed over into Gilgal, God immediately returned them to the river to retrieve stones for remembrance, which allowed them to reflect on the miracle and workings of God.  Be quick and often to reflect on God’s mercy and prone to share it with others.  Treasure those moments, when God moves you in His will, and measure them for growth in your walk with Him.

The mark of a good man is seen by his growth and movement towards God


Friday, October 24, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."Promised Light"

ARISE, SHINE; for thy light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.”  Isa 60:1

As we have the knowledge of God in us, and the favor of God towards us, our light is come. And if God's glory is seen upon us to our honour (vs 2), we ought, not only with our lips, but in our lives, to return its praise. For the Jews we don’t see a deemed fulfillment of the prophecy in this chapter; we must conclude it relates mainly to future events. It fore tells the purity and enlargement of the church and the conversion of souls both Jews and Gentiles. As one of God’s children, don’t miss the light (truth/salvation) you’ve been given for your promised hope in Christ.  Lift up your eyes around about and see the goodness of God before you…”the sun shall be no more thy light by day nor the moon by night; but the Lord shall be unto thee an everlasting light and thy God the glory.” (vs 19)

The permanence of God's character guarantees the fulfillment of his promises, thus your life should be a bright as His promises.


Thursday, October 23, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."Profitable Labor"

Where no oxen are, the crib is clean: but much increase is by the strength of the ox.” Pro 14:4

When a farmer has no ox, the stable will be clean but he will not be profitable. Labor has its rough, unpleasant side, yet it ends in profit. The affairs or business of the world brings us before others and with it cares and disturbances, but also much increase. The only way to keep your life free of people and problems is to keep it free of people. But if your life is empty of people, it is useless; and if you live only for yourself, your life loses its meaning. Instead of avoiding people and its problems, we should labor to serve others, share our faith, and work for justice. There will be a sure reward of that activity in good works for him who goes, as with “the strength of the ox,” to the task of laboring and investing in others to which God calls us all. Though it may be messy the profit is eternal.


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Daily Wisdom...Discretion

“When wisdom entereth into thine heart, and knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul; Discretion shall preserve thee, understanding shall keep thee.”  Pro 2:10-11

While some may possess more knowledge than common sense or just the opposite, we all need to learn discretion/discernment for our lives.  Knowledge does not always equal great judgment, only when it has dominion over us, then it not only fills the head, but enters into the heart, and will preserve, both against corruptions within and temptations without. True wisdom that offers proper discretion is a lot easier on the soul than debt, depression, disease or despair; which often falls upon those who lack it. Use Godly wisdom in all you do words or actions; five simple words cost Zacharias “40” weeks of silence (Lk 1:18).

Your choices can eternally influence a life(s).


Monday, October 20, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."Merry Heart"

“…he that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast.”  Pro 15:15

Our attitudes color our personality. While we cannot determine what happens to us, we can determine our attitudes towards each situation. Such merriness of heart is determined by that which grabs our thoughts and causes one to think upon what is pure, lovely, true (Phl 4:8). This is what allowed Paul to rejoice even while imprisoned. One that has the love of God shed abroad in him by His Spirit, where Christ dwells by faith; and that lives by faith in Him, and in the provisions of His grace: all of such is a constant continual feast for a soul and joyful thereby.

Focus not on what you see about you, but instead focus on that which dwells within you.


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."Constraining Love"

For the love of Christ constraineth us; (vs 20) Now then we are ambassadors for Christ.” 2 Cor 5:14; 20

Ambassadors may live in a foreign country, but they do not belong to it. They are there to represent their own country without allowing any opportunity to pass to do so.  As Christians our job is to represent Christ through His binding love that “constrains us.”  Meaning to hold together, urging us to serve Him because of His love for us, not our love for Him.  As the sunlight reflects off the moon to earth, so too is Christ love for us to be a reflection to all men.  Yet, such love does not constrain all men, because they do not understand the profound significance of the cross until they are able to perceive the love of Christ that redeems their soul and delivers them from eternal damnation. The pivot of life must be the risen Christ: “no longer living unto ourselves, but unto Him who rose again.” Often people are described as eccentric – out of center. A man becomes ex-centric when he is concentric with Christ. It is thus when we become a new creation, when by faith we are united and constrained by His love that the transition is made and He reconciles us unto Himself and we become His ambassadors and charged with sharing the love of Christ with others.

You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving!


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."Joy of the Lord"

"This day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the Lord is your strength." Neh 8:10.

Joy and gladness is a very necessary element in human well-being. One cannot live their best life if sorrow and depression holds undisputed sway. There are three sources of joy mentioned in this chapter.

First, they were attentive, eager and understood the Divine Word of God and profited by it (Neh 8:3 & 5).  We too must find delight in God through His Word and let us not read it as a task, but dwell upon it, until its beauties become woven into our thoughts and lives.

Second, they communicated good things to those for whom nothing was prepared (Neh 8:10-12). There is no greater comfort for ourselves as when we minister to others. Nehemiah could not have given better advice than when he bid his people share their joys and sweets with those whose lives were bare of comfort and luxuries.

Third, Our Saviour gives us His joy (Neh 8:10 “…for the joy of the Lord is your strength”), because He reveals the Father to us, makes us to rest in Him, and gives a worthiness for our lives; He makes work light because He has appointed it, sorrow supportable because He shares it, and death desirable because He has opened the door of eternal life in the Father's Home. In His joy we may participate (Jn 15:11; Jn 16:22).

Obedience, as soon as they understood the words they heard, they began to put them into practice. No wonder there was joy, for in the keeping of God's commandments there is great reward. It was during the Feast of Tabernacles that our Lord spoke of the Holy Spirit entering the heart to remove its thirst, and to pour forth as rivers to a dying world (Jn 7:37-39). We cannot do much apart from the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Only through Him can we be right with God; only through Him can we be glad; only through Him can we pass on joy and comfort to others.


Monday, October 13, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."Godly Conscience"

For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not. (17) That he may withdraw man from his purpose and hide pride from man.”  Job 33:14 & 17

In the discourse of Elihu he accuses Job of not listen to God, which in Job’s case was not true, yet otherwise is common for many of man. Elihu's point was that God had spoken again and again. He spoke in dreams and visions (Job 33:15-18), through suffering (Job 33:19-22), and by mediating angels (Job 33:23-24). As God speaks to us by conscience, by providences, and by ministers; the purpose and design of these admonitions are to keep men from sin, particularly the sin of pride. While men are pursuing selfish desires and purposes that are indifferent towards God and that indulge their pride, their souls are hastening to destruction. That, which turns men from sin, saves them from chastening or even hell. What a mercy it is to be under the restraints of an awakened conscience that allows us to respond to God’s rebuke that protects the soul!

If truth is truly desired, there is one thing one must have, an unremitting ability to admit they might be wrong.


Thursday, October 9, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."Wisdom"

And God said unto him, Because thou hast asked this thing and last not asked for thyself long life, neither hast thou asked riches for thy self…”  1 Kg 3:11

Solomon asked for wisdom, not wealth, but God gave him riches and long life as well. While God does not promise riches and long life to those who follow him, He does give us what we need if we put His kingdom, interests, and his principles first (Mt 6:31-33). Setting ones sight on riches and possessions will only leave you dissatisfied because even if you get the riches that are craved you will be left desiring more. J.D. Rockefeller stated: “I know of nothing more despicable and pathetic than a man who devotes all the hours of the waking day to the making of money for money’s sake.”  Having a humble sense of his own wants and weakness, Solomon pleads, Lord; I am but a little child. The more wise and considerate men are, the better acquainted they are with their own weakness.  Solomon begs of God to give him wisdom. We must pray for it, (Jam 1:5) that it may help us in our particular calling, and the various occasions we have. Such is pleasing to God, who seeks spiritual blessings to earthly good.

Don’t fear given up the goodness of life for the greatness of God!

“It is foolish to assume men of wealth are always happy. After it’s all over, the faith of a man is his most important possession.” J.D. Rockefeller


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."Knowledge"

How long ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? And the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledgePro 1:22

The simple or naïve individual lacks discernment, easily enchanted by the music of the pied-pipers following wherever they may lead. The scoffer is the skeptic, mocker who contemptuously disagrees with anything that opposes their own will. The fool is not lacking intelligence, but one who misses use it, not one who does not reason, but reason wrongly. Those who refuse the reproof of God, whether willfully or indifferently, the reason for it is often the same, self-protection.  Admitting to our fault requires humility which in turn, we allow to threaten our ego, because we measure our self-worth more so by our performance in life. But what if we changed our goal? Instead of protecting ourselves, we committed ourselves to becoming like Christ? Then instead of refuting wisdom we would be drawn to it and respond correctly. Col 3:9-10 “…seeing that you have put off the old man with his deeds; (10) And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created them.”

“Don’t mistake knowledge for wisdom. One helps you make a living; the other helps you make a life.”


Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."Contentment"

"Remove far from me vanity and lies: give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me: Lest I be full, and deny thee, and say, Who is the Lord?"  Pro 30:8-9

What the heart desires the mind will orchestrate. in Gen 2:9, the tree in Eden was described as "pleasant in sight" to Eve and yet in Gen 3:9 Eve's sight turned into a desire for what would be destructive for her.  Eve saw the attraction of wisdom, in case of the tree, as something she desired beyond what God had given her and allowed her discontentment to derail her.  Not all that is pleasing to the eye is pleasing for the soul.  C.S. Lewis states, "God cannot give us peace and happiness apart from Himself, because it is not there, there is no such thing."  Solomon states in Ecc 5:10 "He that loveth silver shall not be satisfied with silver; nor he that loveth abundance with increase: this is also vanity." Paul tells us in Phl 4, learn to be content in whatsoever state you are in.

He who finds himself discontent with what he has will find himself discontent with what he doesn't have.

Psa 73:25 "Whom I have in heaven but thee? And there is none upon earth i desire beside thee."


Friday, October 3, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."Desires"

And Gideon said unto them, I would desire a request of you (golden earrings)… (Vs 27) And Gideon made an ephod thereof, and put it in his city, and all Israel went thither a-whoring after it…” Judges 24 & 27

An ephod was a sacred garment made with fine linen and worn originally by the high priest and then eventually the ordinary priest as being characteristic for the office. It was worn by Samuel and also by David (2 Sam 6:14).  And though decorated with stones, jewels and gold it was limited by its size in the amount of gold that it could support.  Thus, such quantities of gold cold not have been expanded upon a single ephod to be worn by a man. Jewish historians claim this ephod was made as a religious item used a memorial of the salvation God had delivered unto Israel, only to be whored after, perverted and used for superstitious practices. Consider, Gideon already built an alter (Jdgs 6:25-27) to acknowledge God and the victory He would deliver them. Like Solomon, Gideon allowed his personal desires to cloud his judgment. One must be cautious in desiring more than what God has delivered. Could it be God knows the limits of our needs and the dangers of our spoils?

Be cautious in desiring more; be content in what you’ve been given and allow God to give the more.


Thursday, October 2, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."The Ear Trieth"

For the ear trieth words, as the mouth tasteth meat.”  Job 34:3

Not only the musical sound of them, and the grammatical construction of them, but the sense of them, and whether the matter of them is good or not; that they are sound speech and the word of God.  A sanctified ear tries these; but then men must have such ears to hear, and be attentive to what they hear, distinguish between good and bad, approve truth and receive it, and retain and hold it fast. Words and doctrines are like meat, some good and some bad; and such that have a good taste try them with spiritual discernment (Acts 17:11). But, he that has no spiritual taste cannot discern between what is true and what imitation is, thus unable to make good judgment. As with the eye of man, not all that is seen is true, likewise man must be able to discern what is heard.  The word of God does not fear inquiry; always compare what you hear to the written word of God. Ensuring it’s not rotten for the soul.
