Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Daily Wisdom

But I know you, that ye have not the love of God in you.” Jn 5:42

This is the greatest gift, the love of God, and its’ never earned.  We, unfortunately live in a context today that love is earned or deserved and placed upon others as an award.  Like marriage, in a reciprocation arrangement stating I’ll love you and you’ll love me; then we add in commitment, honesty, promises as some type of assurances or guarantees.  Society tries to illustrate it through marriage, romances and on screen images. But, God’s love for us is so contrary to this context, it’s not at all like our love.  God’s love is unconditional, always for us, towards us and relentless without preconditions or arrangements. Rather or not we are messy, unworthy or non-reciprocating His unconditional (agape) love is real and ever-present. Yet, so many miss its power, feeling they can’t nor have anything to return to God; that’s the miss, He doesn’t require anything. It’s not elementary love; I’ll love you if you love me, it’s not conditional with obligation of religious practices on our part. We are so conditioned that nothing is free, it will cost us in some way, God’s love is unconditional and free if we are willing to receive it and accept it. That’s the greatest love story ever told and it’s all about His love for us in spite of ourselves. It’s in this context of God’s love that life truly begins!

The greatest and unharnessed power in the world is God’s love; its only hindrance is our acceptance.  


Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Daily Wisdom

That God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him.” Eph 1:17

Do you know enough of God to want to know more? Paul prays for the church to come to wisdom and revelation in God, not just knowledge.  For some their understanding of God is on par with their understanding of cancer; God is good, cancer is bad. Tozer stated: “The devil is a better theologian than any of us and is devil still.” It’s the difference, revelation between knowledge of God and wisdom in God that brings fulfillment and worth in your life. Knowing God and choosing not to serve Him, is like knowing how to swim but choosing to drown.  You draw close to that which you desire and exhaust great effort in obtaining all that you can that concerns it.  Wisdom comes not by knowing His will, but by doing His will brings you to a deeper relationship. Knowledge is the consumption of information that lacks the wisdom of application.

No God no peace; Know God know peace.


Monday, December 28, 2015

Daily Wisdom

Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.” Col 3:24

The greatest wealth comes not by whom you’re born to, but by Him who adopts you. In His infinite love, God has adopted us as His own children. Through Christ suffering, brought us into His family making us co-heirs (Rom 8:17) to the riches of His grace and wisdom.  The poorest of man has the ability to gift the richest inheritance through Christ. The greatest treasure lies in heaven, the best way to store it up is by investing in getting others there.  Like a spiritual mutual fund, investing in Gods will bring the greatest returns.   

Don’t long for an inheritance that can buy the world, seek one that can change it.


Saturday, December 26, 2015

Daily Wisdom

Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.” Pro 30:5

Your strongest testimony occurs in those moments between when you leave church worship and before you return; knowing your willingness and purpose in keeping God’s word is the greatest form of worship to God and the most powerful testimony in showing others His goodness; and can be the key that unlocks someone else’s prison.

The word of God is the bread of life, not an appetizer for the world.


Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Daily Wisdom

“…in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.” Psa 16:11

Both Peter and Paul referenced this psalm three times in Acts speaking to Christ resurrection. This psalm is titled Michtam of David, and is titled on five psalms; it’s translated "stelography" in the Septuagint, meaning an inscription upon a pillar; such as is erected by conquerors declaring a victory obtained; suggesting that the psalm, or the subject of it, the death and resurrection of Christ, was worthy of David’s attention and to be inscribed on a pillar of marble declaring great joy of victory in Christ.  Joy is not obtained through absence of hardship; but rather in the presence of Christ to endure it; that’s the joy that builds strength in your life (Neh 8:10). A soul filled with joy will preach the loudest without ever preaching.

Joy is what comes alive in ones spirit when they find their greatest gift is in the presence of Christ in their life.


Thursday, December 17, 2015

Daily Wisdom

Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned.” I Tim 1:5

The commandment of servitude through love, not hindered by speculative motives, but in Godly edification which Christ calls us all to accomplish, has precursors for its effectiveness in our lives. In order to accomplish God’s will, one has to reach the point where good intentions give way to purposeful acts. Paul encourages Timothy to be purposeful in order to love others as God has called us; this requires on our part a Pure Heart, Godly love has to be seated and secured from within, not merely by outwardly expression; Good Conscience, a spirit free from the violation of guilt when a man knowingly acts in continual wrong; Unfeigned (sincere) Faith, that does not quarrel with its obedience to the truth of God’s word or hindered in confidence in the promises it offers.  

Love isn’t something you fall into; it’s purposeful in order to serve others. (1 Cor 16:14)


Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Daily Wisdom

To my beautiful sister!

“Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors (victors) through him that loved us.” Rom 8:37

There is a great misnomer in life that victory over a challenge is defined by the outcome; victory is determined moment by moment in how the challenge is faced, and how you live, why you live, and in the manner in which you live day by day.  Paul defines a spirit of victory in Philippians 1; while I’m here let’s get His work done before I go home. Victory is not a last man standing definition, but a daily occurrence in hope, strength and His promises, and that living moment by moment through these we are victorious in Christ. Don’t cheat yourself out of the abundance of life Christ has given you by defining victory by worldly outcome.  You miss the beauty of the victory by focusing on the final outcome instead of focusing on the journey getting you there.

You can’t worry your way to victory; it comes in the individual moments God gives you!  


Monday, December 14, 2015

Daily Wisdom

For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers…” Titus 1:10

Just as Paul warned Titus, we must be cautious towards those who participate in our life as well as ourselves; understanding the importance of truth and motive in our lives and those around us. Don’t be misguided by the presentation or the image that is often projected by others as it aligns to truth and purpose. Such actions are a direct attack against the truth and integrity upon which the Christian faith is built. Paul warns us: 1.) is the focus on their ministry on Christ or self. 2.) Does their direction cause you to compromise or dilute your faith (obedience) to the word. 3.) Is Christ and His divine nature or the power of God’s word de-emphasized? 4.) Are decisions made by way of man’s judgment rather than prayer and biblical guidelines?  There are many vain-talkers who are more given to self-serving religion than to sacrificial Christianity. Be cautious if the words of others, or those of your own, are confusing in comparison to their living.

The value of your testimony is not in what you say, but how it is illustrated.


Monday, December 7, 2015

Daily Wisdom

“…because there was no room for them in the inn.” Lk 2:27

Weigh these words that were levied towards Joseph, Mary and Christ. These words carry their meaning to many people in many places but, no room for Christ?  Joseph had nothing to offer for accommodations, no means for consideration by others.  They had Christ amongst them, but that was not enough to be considered.  How much are we like the people of Bethlehem today, no room for Christ? Yet He’s no longer a child, having delivered us from sin, conquered death and He’s coming again.  Christ speaks to us “Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it to me.” (Mt 25:45)  Are we void of time for Christ and those around us who are hurting and hopeless in their need for the love of God?  Is the “Inn” of your heart full, is it unaware or too occupied for consideration of those around you in need, in turning such away, you turn Christ away!  Is your heart so full with life you miss His knock and the opportunity to hear from Him and the needs of others? (Rev 3:20)  Don’t be a part-time Christian, in need of a full-time God.

Be wary of the bareness of a busy life.


Thursday, December 3, 2015

Daily Wisdom

Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe.”  Jn 4:48

Faith often falters until favor becomes fruition. This was the cast of the Jews everywhere, they needed signs and miracles and understandably so, and Christ performed such miracles for that purpose.  But, their sin lay in this; they continued to desire such signs and miracles and were not content in Christ alone, but more in what He had to offer.  Faith is derived by what you don’t see, which allows you to see what you do believe. It states when the nobleman, who sought Jesus’ healing of his son, heard Jesus say “go thy way, thy son liveth” he believed (without seeing) what Jesus had spoken and went to his son. Faith is the strength when you don’t get what you ask; you’re still able to see what you have in Jesus. Is the measure of your faith derived from the performance of God? 

Faith does not exist in the assurances you see, but only in the promises you don’t.


Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Daily Wisdom

Judge not, and ye shall not be judged…” Lk 6:37

Unfortunately many who quote Jesus in saying “judge not, least you be judge” use it to judge others for judging! People are apt to judge in matters they don’t have full understanding and in doing so cause hurt, discouragement and confusion for others. But, we are directed by the scriptures that we must have judgment, but only when it comes to discerning character and/or teachings. Paul illustrated this many times (Mt 7:1; Mt 7:15; Rom 16:17-18; 1 Tim 1:20; 2 Tim 2:17-18) he even mentions names such as Demas, warns Timothy about “Alexander the coppersmith” who did much evil, Hymenaeus and Philetus who have gone astray and John warned of Diotrephes who loves to be first (3 Jn). These men were not wrongly judged by the apostles, but discernment was used against their ungodly character and false teachings. It’s not judgment speaking to one, privately, about such character flaws and teachings. But when criticism comes by means of jealousy, bitterness, selfish-ambition or any sin of your personal dislike and not for the purpose of building them up in Christ-likeness, such would be unjust judgment. It becomes judgment when we use human standards and opinions and not God’s word for betterment and encouragement. First and foremost, before you look towards others look inward first and see if it’s a worthy example.

Judge not what you see, but what you know to be true.


Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Daily Wisdom

And it came to pass, that, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost.” Lk 1:41

Consider in the span of a few feet was the presence of Jesus, the child of Mary, and John the Baptist, child of Elisabeth; one being God in flesh, the Messiah and the other the forerunner to Him and greatest born among women.  And even though John the Baptist who once he was born his father's tongue was miraculously loosed and spoke immediately praising God (vs 64); it was while still in his mother’s womb that John experienced the presence of Jesus for the first time and leaped in His presence. This experience was a precursor to the day John the Baptist while baptizing saw Jesus and proclaims “behold the lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world” (Jn 1:29). John the Baptist obviously never missed an opportunity to rejoice over or acknowledge the presence of God; do we miss such opportunities, rejoicing in the presence of God?   Feasting on the presence of God, the world loses its allure and creates a clear path of joy (Psa 16:11).  Don’t let your emotions be your guide, stop, be still and know He is God; a moment in His presence changes everything!