Thursday, June 30, 2022

Daily Wisdom

 Psa 68:28  “The Lord hath sent strength for thee… “

The Father has manifested and imparted His strength to appear within us, our inner man. He strengthens us “to go” and traverse the Hill of Difficulty or descend the Valley of Sorrow; but don’t grow weary, fearful, or doubtful but with perseverance in His promise and power to provide, hold to your strength. As well the Lord is our strength to sit still in a season as difficult as that is to attain, “if only I could do something.”  When the child is ill, and the mother stands in impotence, how severe is the test! But our strength and sufficiency is of God; if we must climb, descend or be still, His strength is imparted to us to do so!

Don’t let yesterday steal or tomorrow borrow of the strength the Lord’s given you for today… HSAY

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Daily Wisdom

 Rom 3:3 “For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?”

I can trace the sorrow, fear, doubt that’s resided in my life to simple unbelief. How can one be anything but peaceful knowing their past is forgiven, present furnished with power, and tomorrow full of hope; because the abiding facts do not change with mood, circumstances, or our disbelief. The promises of God stand absolute, despite our doubt, and cannot and does not make void the veracity and faithfulness of God. No praying believer accomplishes so much with so little expenditure of time as when they are praying. Yet, prayer without faith degenerates into objectless routine, or soulless hypocrisy. While prayer with faith brings Omnipotence to back our petitions.

Nothing lies beyond the reach of prayer except that which lies outside our faith and God’s will… HSAY

Monday, June 27, 2022

Daily Wisdom

 Mat 14:29-30 “And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus. But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me.”

Peter had enough faith, maybe even less than a mustard seed, but still enough to step out in faith. But, as with all believers, his sight became the hinderance. Peter acted with only a glimmer of light radiating from Jesus across the darkness. Yet, once in that darkness Peter began to measure the waves and wind that led to his tears. The believer cannot prevail measuring the waves, nor grow strong gauging the wind; pausing at these difficulties is what causes faith to perish. Faith’s resiliency is determined by one’s focus; be it the glimmer of light for one more step or the darkness that prevents it.

Before you doubt God’s direction and stop, take just one more step in faith and see - then do it again… HSAY

Friday, June 24, 2022

Daily Wisdom

 Mat 15:23 “But he answered her not a word…”

Why did Jesus appear to have such a hard reproach? We’ve all, like the Canaanite women, felt the fear, sorrow, pain that’s led us to cry for mercy that seems to find no response. Picture an image of three persons knelt in prayer. As Jesus approaches the first, He bent over them in tenderness and grace with a smile of love speaking softly into the ear. Leaving and approaching the second He but only placed His hand on the bowed head and gave a look of approval. The third He passed abruptly by without stopping. With the first person we see His great love, the second we see His approval, and the third we can assume His disappointment. But what do we miss in this scenario? The first needed all of Jesus’ love, thought and help in the moment. Without they would fail and fall. The second has a stronger faith and deeper love which Jesus can trust them to trust Him however things may go. The third, whom Jesus seemed to be disappointed in, Jesus said I’m training them by quick and drastic processes for the highest and holiest of service. And they know and trust  me so intimately that they don’t require an outward approval. They are not dismayed by circumstances, but prayerful knowing Jesus is still working without words spoken. When Jesus speaks to you, it’s out of His great mercy knowing it’s needed. Feeling His presence, He’s assuring you to keep walking the path your own. Silence, He’s preparing you for a great opportunity and work due to His great faith in you!

When God is silent, pray to be still and what for His great power to work through you… HSAY 

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Daily Wisdom

 Pro 10:12 “… love covereth all sins.”

This is a powerful and challenging verse all in one.  Love first covers sin, not exposing it, then it forgives and forgets, without judgment. But man can be quick to mentally, emotionally, and spiritually harbor, fuel, and hold on to such pain that the regret, bitterness, and anger consume them. One must cry to God in such pain for the power to obey His injunction, “love covereth.” And then mentally dig a grave, emotionally lower the pain into the depth of the pit and spiritually cover it and plant a new beginning of green sod and white roses on top of it, and quickly walk away in love and peace. It’s then the wound that seemed spiritually deadly will heal without a scar.

When it hurts to look back, and fearful to look ahead, look up and find your peace… HSAY

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Daily Wisdom

 Isa 49:16 “Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands…”

The polyps which construct the coral reefs, do their work under the water, never imagining they’re laying the foundation upon which a new island will be formed of which plants, animals and children will prosper. If your place in God’s purpose is secluded and hidden, don’t murmur or complain and seek for more outside of God’s will. The Father placed you there with great purpose and will; for without polyps there are no coral reefs; the Father needs spiritual polyps!

"Just where you stand in the conflict,

There is your place.

Just where you think you are useless,

Hide not your face.

God placed you there for a purpose,

Whate’er it be,

Think He has chosen you for it;

Work loyally.

Out in the fight or on picket,

Stand firm and true’

This is the work which

Your Father gives to you!" … HSAY

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Daily Wisdom

 Isa 30:21 “And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it…”

When in doubt or difficulty you can hear many voices urging you in one path or another. When prudence utters one advice and faith another, be still, hushing every intruder that has a voice, and simply rest in God’s presence. In that time of rest devote yourself to God’s Word and prayer with eagerness for His counsel and direction while remanding stand still in His presence. No matter how quite or void it seems, separate yourself from the intrusion and shadows of the world, then like Elijah the still small voice (1 Kgs 19) is heard, truth is discerned, and direction is provisioned.  

God speaks to those who take the time to be still and listen… HSAY 

Monday, June 20, 2022

Daily Wisdom

Heb 12:12 “Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees; 13 And make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way; but let it rather be healed.”

This is the Father’s exhorting us to lift up our hands of faith, and bend our knees to fervent prayer. Often faith grows weary losing force and effectiveness; discouraged and timid with obstacles that frighten us. But in such obstacles the Father is ready to heal us, but the exertion of faith reaches our limit and we seek another path around the obstacle rather than walking through it. We use excuses such as: “I’m not ready to deal with this now.” Yet our Father encourages us to walk through the flood with hands lifted high and let Him part the waters. Just don’t let our feet find a different path because we fear getting hurt, when the Father’s ready to heal.

Remember, every healing started with a little hurt. Keep your faith in the great Physician… HSAY

Friday, June 17, 2022

Daily Wisdom

 Isa 7:11 “Ask thee a sign of the LORD thy God; ask it either in the depth, or in the height above.”

Keep praying, then wait in the Lord with patience and perseverance, until you hear the rain falling. This means you move forward in your worship, servitude and all that lies within your power (not kicking down doors). While you can’t create the wind in your favor, you can set your sails to catch it when it comes. “Cannot the same wonders be done now as old? Where is the God of Elijah? Is He waiting on an Elijah to call on Him?” The same power that worked through Elijah is the same power you have access to today! But do you have the same faith, hope, and love exhibited by such saints? 

The issue isn’t the ability to whom one Prayed, it’s the faith of him who prayed… HSAY 

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Daily Wisdom

 Psa 62:5 “My soul, wait thou only upon God;  for my expectation is from him.”

This passage brings great peace. Man spends excessive time worrying about the outcome of a thing rather than relying on the One who provides for it. We never find Jesus rejecting a single supplicant who came to Him for mercy, so we too should find contentment in that the Father hears our supplication and will work everything to His glory and our spiritual welfare. The seed of prayer that lies under the ground is taking root preparing to bloom though unseen and appearing dead. Wait on the Lord and place your expectations in Him, knowing the Father is never delayed, but diligent and perfectly timed in your need.

Faith can expect from God what is beyond expectation… HSAY

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Daily Wisdom

 Gen 41:52 “… God hath caused me to be fruitful in the land of my affliction.”

The beauty of rain is in what we don’t see, the life and beauty it brings forth. As the rain pours the poet stands peacefully at the window, seeing not raindrops, but a myriad of flowers which will soon bloom forth and pens: “It isn’t raining on me, it’s raining flowers I soon shall see.” When the rain in life is pouring down in measure beyond what you can endure, know that it’s not raining on you, but rather for you! IF you’ll hold to the Father’s promises, under the beating down of the rain will spring up beauty you never saw coming! It’s not raining affliction, but assurances of love, hope, and promise which will bloom forth beauty and fruit that otherwise you’d never get to see.

Nothing blooms without a little rain; everything has purpose, even pain… HSAY 

Monday, June 13, 2022

Daily Wisdom

 Acts 4:33 “… great grace was upon them all.”

In this passage unity in great grace was brought forth in the body. Through such grace man can see as never before despite the darkness him. But such grace doesn’t settle upon us by chance, and if we don’t discern certain states of grace, and choose them, and in our thoughts nourish them, they never become fastened in our nature or behavior. Every step taken in grace must be proceeded by first apprehending it, and then prayerful resolve to humble ourselves to it. For grace to abound in our life one must put themselves daily on the altar of sacrifice as did Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane… “not my will, but thine, be done.” (Lk 22:42). As life-giving rain falls from above, so does the power and life-giving grace fall from the Father above… may we shower ourselves in it!

Of all the wonderous works, grace is the greatest of all… HSAY

Friday, June 10, 2022

Daily Wisdom

 Rom 8:28 “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”

How wide is the assertion of Paul! He doesn’t say “We know that some things, or most things or only joyous things… but rather “ALL” things. And all things “work” – they are working in your life; not have worked, could or might. Psa 145:17 “The LORD is righteous in all his ways, and holy in all his works.” What a beautiful promise, that the LORD in His righteousness insures “all things work together.” Dwell in the LORD’s love, hold to your salvation and the Lord will do His work in your life for His glory and your good.

What may appear to be falling apart, may actually be falling into place by God’s work… HSAY

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Daily Wisdom

 Psa 37:3  “Trust in the LORD, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.”

Feed on His faithfulness, stop supposing… As a believer “supposing” can be spiritually hindering; suppose you lose your job, health, resources? Such “supposing” can lead to thoughts of a sobering, fearful future. It’s often our thoughts of “supposing” that makes us miserable in our faith. But the Lord is our shepherd and knows our every need and situation. The Lord addresses our “supposes” in Heb 13:5-6 “Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.” 

The eagle that soars (Isa 40:31) doesn’t worry itself as to how it will cross the river… HSAY 

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Daily Wisdom

 1Jn 5:4  “For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.”

It can feel at times that every corner we turn in life there’s an enemy or foe waiting to rob you of your hope, joy, peace, or substance. Satan never retires from his efforts of deluding or ruining God’s children. But your faith is the game changer in any situation, it can snatch victory from the jaws of death. No matter the darkness of a situation, or trouble faced, the lifting of your heart to God in a moment of real actual faith, alters life’s situations in a moment. As a child of God your victory is promised and possessed by your faith and is activated as a spiritual 911 when applied.   

Faith never fails it only falters when man’s fear flourishes instead… HSAY 

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Daily Wisdom

Job 35:10  “But none says, ‘Where is God my Maker, who gives songs in the night.”

The story of Job is hard to fathom. Yet, Like Job, you may wonder where is God when you need Him most? Elihu spoke to this very point. His conclusion was that God is still concerned even though He doesn't intervene immediately in every situation. In your sleepless nights, or the oppression that comes with some mornings, ask the Holy Spirit to fix your eyes on your Maker, knowing He can and will fill your soul with a song. In our bereavements, discouragements, even actual failures God draws nigh and closest to the brokenhearted (Psa 34:18) and who lacks a song to sing. His song offers hope and is harmonious with His providence. Seek the Father’s face and you’ll find songs that will strengthen your soul.

Trust in the Father and He’ll tune your heart to sing to His grace and salvation… HSAY

Monday, June 6, 2022

Daily Wisdom

 1 Pt 4:7b “… watch unto prayer.”

A hard day’s work offers a kind excuse for shortened prayer and quick night; then rising to a late morning and your devotions and prayers done in haste… no “watching unto prayer.”  There has been that done which cannot be undone. Prayer surrendered, exposes yourselves to suffering. Temptation will never be too tired or late in its attacks against you, it’s ever-present lurking and watching for moments of weakness in your spiritual armor (Eph 6:10-18).  Jesus, God in flesh, felt it necessary to rise before the breaking day to pour out His heart to God, how much more ought we to “watch unto prayer?” A prayerless life is a powerless life!

If you are too busy to pray, you are busier than God calls you to be… HSAY 

Friday, June 3, 2022

Daily Wisdom

 Exo 14:21 “… the LORD caused the sea to go back… all that night…”

This small excerpt from (vs 14) offers great comfort by showing us that God is still working in our darkest hours. When life situations are the darkest, don’t be fearful or doubtful just because you can’t see the Lord’s hand working amidst the darkness. The next day of your life only manifests what the Lord had been doing that night! In your dark times you believe to see, but you are not seeing… don’t forget it was “all that night.” Your joy by way of the Lord is revealed in the morning (Psa 30:5); a result, even though you don’t see it, from the Lord “all that night” working in your life.

In the darkest times of your life should come your loudest praise, knowing God is clearing a path to walk… HSAY  

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Daily Wisdom

 Rom 4:18a;19a  For Abraham…“Who against hope believed in hope… And not being weak in faith…”

George Muller responded to a question concerning great faith: “the only way to learn strong faith is to endure great trials.” Faith is established and measured by the ability to trust/obedience when faith is all you have. Don’t overlook the opportunity when passing through great affliction, you’re in the very presence of great faith working in your life. If only you will let go and grasp the garment of Jesus (Mt 9:20), He will teach the mightiest hope in faith you can hold to. Faith isn’t about just letting go, it’s about choosing what to hold on to. Hope and faith are unavoidable in life; the question is, what do we place it in?  That’s established in every choice we make!

Faith fosters a hope of expectancy when things are otherwise hopeless… HSAY  

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Daily Wisdom

 Isa 28:12  “To whom he said, This is the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing: yet they would not hear.”

Why do we worry ourselves? What use does fretting bring us? We’re aboard a vessel which we could not steer even if the Lord put us at the helm. We have no knowledge of the reefs that destroy, or where they are before us. Be still, the LORD is on the throne. And though the enemy may come in waves crashing over us, the Lord calms the seas (Mk 4:35-41), and if need be, affords us to walk on top of the waves (Mt 14:29). Don’t give way to despondency, it’s only a ploy of satan that withers the heart, making it unfit to receive the Father’s abundant grace!

Keep your eyes on the Lord and you don’t have to fear what’s before you… HSAY