Thursday, April 27, 2017

Daily Wisdom

How much better is it to get wisdom than gold! and to get understanding rather to be chosen than silver!Pro 16:16 

German mathematician and astronomer Johannes Kepler was considered a founder of modern science. Kepler is best known for his theories explaining the motion of planets.  Over the next decade, he learned about the work of Italian physicist and astronomer Galileo, who had invented a telescope. In correspondence with Galileo, he eventually obtained one of his own, and in doing so published the first two of his three laws of planetary motion, which held that planets move around the sun in ellipses, not circles. But, on this date in history Kepler determined/claimed in 4977 B.C., the universe was created.  Here’s the point, Kepler by way of the telescope gained greater information and insight to truths in our universe. But, these truths only came by way of greater insight and knowledge beyond his own understanding or the ability to obtain on his own. What we think we see and know is seldom the complete knowledge we need to determine truth. Despite Kepler’s eyes being opened to increased knowledge of the universe, still missed the truth concerning dates and facts of the universe. This ultimately shows that no matter how much knowledge man claims to know or means by which he obtains it, God is the only authority and source concerning and knowing truth in all matters. No matter how much man knows, he must be cautious in proclaiming it as factual and complete, there is always more truth beyond our understanding.  You want to share or proclaim knowledge, proclaim and edify what God has revealed in his word not what man utters from his heart. “God’s word was not given to increase our knowledge, but to change our lives.”

The proclamations of man are not always the prevailing truths of God.

HSAY… Todd

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Daily Wisdom

But they shook off the dust of their feet against them, and came unto Iconium.” Acts 13:51

Sadly, many are unable to avoid posting personal problems on social media. Personal problems require personal solutions not social attention. Many utilize social media as well as life as their personal dumping ground. It has been quoted that people are like garbage trucks. They run around with garbage and full of disappointment, frustration, anger and bitterness. And when their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it, and others around them become the available dump. But don’t take it personally just smile, wish them well and move on. Don’t let their garbage and its smell spread form you to loved ones, work or others in your life. Love those that treat you right, and pray for those who don’t. Life is 10% of what you make it and the other 90% is how you relate to it. God has too great of work for each one of us to get caught up in life’s garbage dumps.  Helping others with their personal and spiritual garbage is worthy, but doesn’t require you to be their dump. If others refuse truth, as Paul was referring, your next step does not require you opening your life as a refuge for their garbage. Our job is to point or if need be lead them to Christ who is willing and able to be their dump. You can only provide directions, not the dump.

Consider how much of what weighs you down is not yours to carry?

HSAY… Todd 

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Daily Wisdom

Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.Phil 2:3

Being a leader has nothing to do with responding to stuff all day, it’s about the ability to move things forward. This is accomplished by influencing outcomes and inspiring others to achieve it. Does not require a title, position of authority or a corner office. The first required step in influencing and inspiring others starts with self-reflection, do others around you see you as credible, in the sense do they see you as one who is sincere in serving others needs to help them succeed? It’s not about getting others to help you succeed, but your willingness and devotion to influence and inspire their success. This was Jesus M.O. (modus operandi), he came to serve not to be served. He came so others could succeed spiritually, and he did this by influencing others through his credibility and sincerity. You want to influence and inspire others for Christ, don’t allow them to focus strictly on what Christ can do for them. Instead inspire them to see and yearn for the eternal perspective and the vastness of glory. When they are able to see beyond themselves and see the eternality of Christ, they will then be lead to influence and inspire others as well towards Christ greatness.

Great leaders don’t create great followers, they create greater leaders!

HSAY… Todd 

Monday, April 24, 2017

Daily Wisdom

Beware lest any man spoil you through vain philosophy and vain deceit after the tradition of man, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.” Col 2:8

By definition the word “spoil” that is used here in the Greek is not in reference to being over indulged in your desires, but instead means to be robed, plundered or lead away, seduced from your faith and hope by man’s/worldly philosophy.  The Grecian philosophy prevailed strongly in Colossae causing them to rely rather on the deductive reasoning of man rather than the truth of God’s word. In its vain deceit, it was mere fallacy and its doctrines were established on plausible, not factual arguments. In addition to the Grecian thoughts, Colossae was exposed to Jewish opinion and its religious tradition that corrupted the gospel of Christ.  There are two ways for one to be deceived. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to accept what is true. Proverbs 15:4 says a tongue that brings healing is a tree/source of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit. Don’t let man spoil/rob you of the life Christ has for you by his vain thoughts or traditional efforts. Deception may give you what you want for a season, but will always take away in the end. Let the world be vocal, just labor in the Lord silently, and let the fruit thereof make its own noise.

Don’t be deceived by the appearance of things, show is not substance.

HSAY… Todd

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Daily Wisdom

"As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him." Col 1:6

Having Jesus and yet choosing to walk your own path makes as much sense as having a new pair of shoes and going barefoot. We are told the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord (Psa 37:23). And beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news (Rom 10:15). But neither one of those scriptures apply if we are unwilling to walk in the Lord. It's hard to grow your faith if you're unwilling to leave your comfort zone and walk where the Lord leads you. Those who walk with the Lord will always reach their destination, and find out that where the Lord takes them faith says no matter what lies ahead the Lord is already there!

Don't fear walking in the Lord, like a book every step just leads to a new chapter and a great ending!

HSAY... Todd

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Daily Wisdom

And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled. In the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight:”  Col 1:21-22

Satan has his way of belittling your worth and causing you to focus on your flaws rather than the favour of God.  Causing you to find yourself alienated and guilty by your wicked works that prey on your mind and creates a subconscious image that haunts us. Paul encourages us to fret not. By way of Christ having made peace through the blood of the cross, he has reconciled you unto himself (vs 20). And because of his work, no matter how you see yourself, the scars and blemishes you focus on are unseen by God! Through Christ, God sees you blameless and approved and has no memory of your sins: “I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins.” Isa 43:25  What you hold against yourself you hold alone, God does not hold your sins to his thought. No matter how engulfing your fire of guilt burns a drop of God’s mercy distinguishes all. God’s love is not based on what you are, but in who Christ is!.

Holiness is not the way to Christ, Christ is the way to holiness!

HSAY… Todd

Monday, April 17, 2017

Daily Wisdom

"I would hasten my escape from the windy storm and tempest." Psa 55:8

Some of the most fierce storms rage with the greatest intensity right up to the brink and clearing to a wonderful new morning. In the same light, you'll never be the same after a storm. As with childbirth or anything new that is birthed, in the last moments of pain and effort comes forth a newness in life that changes everything around you. There is often lingering discomforts to remind you of the great work that God has manifested through you. So often we avoid the labors in life that bring birth and in doing so we miss the gift God had in it. Remember there is never a storm you endured or will that God does not provide the shelter to weather it (Psa 61:3). Also know the storms of life no more indicate the absence of God, than the clouds indicate the absence of the sun. It was the greatest of death that God used to bring forth the greatest promise of life. Don't focus on the storm you went through, rather glory in the anew that burst forth out of it.

Without rain nothing grows.

HSAY... Todd

Friday, April 14, 2017

Daily Wisdom

For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.” Phil 3:20-21

At the culmination of Jesus ministry he accomplished in three days what we benefit from for eternity. Jesus took that which was vile, frail, defiled and mortal and fashioned into a glorious reflection of his image. In the Greek it reads “the body of our humility.” And yet we labor in gyms and diet on scientifically engineered programs to shape and tone the body that offers an appealing physical appearance, but the man itself is vile.  Jesus by his death and burial illustrated our death in corruption, but he also magnified our promise of in-corruption through his resurrection (1 Cor 15:42). We can labor as we will for a lifetime but we’ll never achieve the promised “glorious body” as it is now in heaven and illustrated by his transfiguration. Try to perfect all you want, but know and hold on to the promise that when he comes will raise the dead first, and put such a “glory” on our bodies as is on his own (1 Tim 4:16), and bring us to himself, that where he is we may be also (Jn 14:3)!

You claim you can never achieve glorious perfection? Jesus responds: over my dead body!

HSAY… Todd

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Daily Wisdom

Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” Phil 3:13-14

There are endless ways of illustrating the point, but a clear and easy way to say it is: you can’t drive a car looking in the rear view mirror. Paul was not referring to his past sins, which God had forgiven to remove all guilt. Nor was he making mention of worldly things, which believers are apt to respect and look back upon and hanker after, as the Israelites did during the exodus from Egypt (Exo 16:3).  Paul told us “what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ.” (vs 7)  What Paul was referencing was his labors and works of righteousness since his salvation. Though he makes mention at times for the glory of the gospel, and to stop vain boasting of false teachers, but he forgot them in point of making dependence and trust on them. Instead he put his hand to the plough (Lk 9:62) and refused to look back, and continued reaching towards the prize in Christ. What Paul reached and pressed for was the perfection (maturity) in the faithful knowledge of the word and holiness in/through Christ-likeness. Like a metaphor of a runner striding for a finish line, but not yet having reached it he refuses, and can’t afford to look back on what he’s accomplished; only where he is heading. What consumes your mind controls your life. Losing focus or being distracted from the race (1 Cor 9:24) in which you’re are called will cause you to lose sight of where you were heading. Your objective is not about outperforming or beating others running with you, it’s about you finishing your race with the great eagerness and desirous efforts in which Paul ran. That’s the mark and the prize of God’s calling.

Live your life as a soldier on a mission, not a saint on a sabbatical

HSAY… Todd

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Daily Wisdom

For I have no man likeminded, who will naturally care for your state. For all seek their own, not the things which are Jesus Christ's.” Phil 2:20-21

By way of design there exists two natures, one is the old nature before one gets saved and the second is a new nature after one receives salvation. But, Paul illustrates here that as a Christian we can still operate in either a natural or unnatural state.  The natural state is Holy Spirit led while the unnatural is self gain. Outside of Timothy, Paul had no one who was like-minded towards a natural state of being Holy Spirit led, instead they sought after personal desire and gain. There is always something to gain by our efforts or investments, the question is what are we interested in or desiring to gain?  Paul said “let nothing be done in vainglory” (Phil 2:3), referring to self-conceit. Selfish people are only good to themselves, and are often surprised when they are alone as to their true value. Man is prone to see only what he is looking for and hear what he’s listen for, and in doing so he misses the still small voice of the Spirit (1 Kg 19:12). Selfishness is the greatest distance between the natural and unnatural state of man, and to close that gap requires you to change your desires. Be someone who causes someone else to change their unnatural state. By doing so you’ll be a natural Christian.

Being a natural Christian demands progression, not perfection.

HSAY… Todd

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Daily Wisdom

I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye.” Psa 32:8

While you may not like the travels involved you will enjoy the destination if you’re willing to follow God’s itinerary. By his instruction and teaching, God will cause you to understand what you can’t see now.  When on a trip the road you travel seldom offers any resemblance or definition to your final location. The whole process requires turns, stops and often delays and even layovers, but it doesn’t change the end results only our inability to finish the trip or change the destination on our own disrupts what God has for us. Don’t get discouraged by the current scenery around you, where God is taking you requires patience, preparation, faith and endurance.. Discouragement is satan’s efforts to get you to change the itinerary on your own or in fear getting you to refuse the trip itself. Let God determine the direction of the wind, you just be willing to adjust your sails in order to reach your destination.

Be careful which direction you’re going, you might end up where you’re heading.

HSAY… Todd

Monday, April 10, 2017

Daily Wisdom

Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.” Phil 2:3

One of the lowliest of conversations to ever take place was between Jesus (God in flesh) and Pilate who held Jesus life in his hands.  That in spite of the accusations levied towards Jesus, he simply responds “thou sayest it.”  Jesus conquered/overcame any efforts of vainglory in his personal testimony. The greatest steps towards humility in self and growth in servitude starts by closing your mouth and opening your heart, then you’ll be able to see more clearly the needs of others and less of your selfish desires.

“Be cautious not to be swallowed up in books and wisdom, an ounce of love is worth a pound of knowledge.”

HSAY… Todd

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Daily Wisdom

Thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my tears into thy bottle: are they not in thy book?” Psa 56:8

I catch myself often drawn to this scripture amazed in God’s willingness to be so attentive to my heart that he willfully catches the tears of pain and burden that can flow from it. The scripture alludes to "lachrymatories", or tear bottles, in which surviving relatives dropped their tears for their deceased friends, and buried them with their ashes, or in their urns. For God this is not limited to funeral tears, rather God takes notice of David's afflictions and troubles, which had caused so many tears, and remembers them, and delivers him out of them. These tears in which God gathers are like a spiritual scrapbook of our life. Meaning he lived every moment with us, recorded and recording every thought, feeling we endure, and they are as valuable to him as to us. It’s humbling to know God sees every tear we shed, whether it’s in joy or sorrow. He sees the joy, happiness, pain, sorrow and our anxieties. And even our loneliness “.... I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.” (Mt 28:20), and abandonment by others “for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” (Heb 13:5). Know how much God cares and has invested, he knows our “wanderings” and he knows and feels every tear. I hope I’m sensitive and humble enough to allow God to use my life is such a way, even through the pain, that every page of my scrapbook tells a story of his great faithfulness, deliverance and promised hope.

Those who fall the hardest bounce back the highest when God’s involved.

HSAY… Todd

Friday, April 7, 2017

Daily Wisdom

And in nothing terrified by your adversaries: which is to them an evident token of perdition, but to you of salvation, and that of God.” Phil 1:28

Never measure God’s unlimited power by your manufactured fears.  Your mind is susceptible to believe everything you feed it.  Feed it faith, truth, love and then you don't have to worry about what it listens to. Know that fear festers in proportion to our lack of faith in truth and ignorance towards our adversary.  Let not the power, the rage, the cunning, or the violence of one or another, move, discourage, or affright you from a close attachment to the love of Christ, the truths of God and the power of the Holy Spirit. When you’re reproached, ridiculed, threatened and persecuted the world sees it as failure or some type of just punishment (perdition), but remember man/world persecutes God perseveres.  The power of God’s promise are not limited by your fears, but are limited by your faith, don’t get caught focusing on your fear and lose sight of God. Never fear your challenges, rather challenge your fears by living in your promised salvation.

The weak men obey in fear, the strong in faith.

HSAY… Todd

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Daily Wisdom

But I would ye should understand, brethren, that the things which happened unto me have fallen out rather unto the furtherance of the gospel.” Phil 1:12

One of the most difficult aspects to one's walk in their faith is to maintain and embody the character of Christ during personal trials and tribulations. Paul’s telling us that while he is bound in prison he rejoices in knowing it was for and in furtherance of the gospel. Can we have this mind set to embody the truths of God in a way that while in tribulation the purpose and goodness of Christ is still evident and prosperous in our life? It is said that the strongest and sturdiest trees are found on the edge of the forest where the storms strike with the greatest fury. Suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. (Rom 5:3-4).

I know enough of God to know I’m willing to endure the trial in order to know more.  

HSAY,,, Todd

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Daily Wisdom

And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment;” Phil 1:9

We must keep in remembrance that God is love (1 Jn 4:8), and it’s that love that is the spiritual adhesive or glue which adheres truth to and in our lives. Think back to early school years when you learned the secret of good ol Elmer’s glue, and what started out as a simple direction from your teacher to glue two pieces of paper together ended up in a trip to the principal's office once you had both of your hands coated as casts (maybe that was just me). Anyway, back to the point… by Paul’s encouragement we are directed to abound, coat our spirit with God’s love. For wherever the work of the Spirit of God is, there is love, which is a fruit of the Spirit; and where there is not love, there cannot be that good work. Paul proceeds to enumerate the blessings which he sought for them; and it’s important to note that he didn’t ask riches, or worldly prosperity, but that his supplications were confined to spiritual blessings, and he sought these as the most desirable for them.  Paul also calls for a balance in our love through knowledge and judgment.  That as our love abounds, so our knowledge might be increased, and our judgment in spiritual things be better informed and established. Some Christians are more affectionate, and less knowing; others are more knowing, and less affectionate. Man’s love is apt to fail, but the more we abound in God’s love the more we grow in his knowledge, and the better our spiritual judgment (discernment) towards others. Paul calls us to a spiritually intelligent affection, not emotionally blind human affection, that generates a love that is an enlarged view of God’s divine nature.  

“We love others best when we love God most.”  

HSAY… Todd

Monday, April 3, 2017

Daily Wisdom

Neither give place to the devil. Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice:” Eph 4:27; 29; 31

Paul’s instructing us to take caution in three areas concerning our old nature versus our new nature. He warns us as to our Fortification, Communication and Spiritualization. 1.) We need a spiritual security system for the heart and mind that will prevent any access or place for the devil (accuser/slanderer) or any adversary to set up shop. Preventing him that takes delight in slandering and reproaching God and believers; give such no room, nor reason, to defame the doctrine and ways of Christ, through an unbecoming conversation, lying and sinful anger, or any means by which the good of God and/or man is attacked. 2.) Some of us need a spiritual publicist, which we do in the Holy Spirit; unfortunately many Christians speak and write (text) on their own behalf. And what is publicly published is in no way edifying or able to minister to others, but corrupt as if the slanderer/accuser proofed it. We’ve all had a parent or grand-parent remind us, “If you can’t say anything good, don’t say anything at all.” We are told “let no” corrupt words, unsavoury speech, foolishness be spoken; it doesn’t say “try not”.  3.) While Paul closes with reiterating his second point of evil speaking (reason God repeats himself) he warns against our old nature that often resurfaces in bitterness, anger and wrath against man. Such actions grieve the Holy Spirit (vs 30). This is usually the progression, bitterness (from unmet expectations), anger (our rights over God/others… selfishness), wrath (motivating fuel for the old nature/man) and eventually clamour (the action that takes place verbally/physically). The which Paul says we must be put away, not to be used for retaliation or defense. We are told to Fortify the heart and mind, Communicate through the spirit and put away the old self-serving nature that grieves the Holy Spirit.  

As the right relationship with Christ generates a Christian, the right relationship with the Holy Spirit breeds a spiritual man.

HSAY… Todd

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Daily Wisdom

But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.” Job 23:10

We all have things in our lives we call “tried and true.”  Those things or individuals who have stood the test of time. They’ve proven themselves as good things which you can’t live without. There are even methods and ways of doing things that we call tried and true. Ladies have receipts that turn out great over and over again, and friends that stick with you through thick and thin. There are some Biblical characters that were tried and true.  Remember how Abraham was tried when God wanted him to be willing to give up his son?  (Heb 11:17)  He came through true to God.  There is Daniel who stuck to what was right no matter what the consequences. (Daniel 1:8).  Look how tried and true Job was.  He was tested and tried beyond what most of us can imagine and yet he came out true on the other side. Let's take a look and see what made Job that way. Job set standards for his life and for how he was going to live.  There were three ways Job lived in Job 1:1 “ perfect/upright, feared God, and eschewed evil.” These characteristics made Job a stronger person by allowing God to dictate his life.  Putting these principles to work in your life will impact your actions on others around you, your speech, and what dictates your life.  This is what allowed Job to respond to trials according to God’s will and not man’s (Job 1:20-22). He didn’t allow man to rule his thinking (Job 2:9-10). He depended on God’s strength and not his own (Job 23:1-9). He understood of the purpose of his trial (Job 23:10).  While we will never experience what Job went through, these spiritual traits will serve us just as strong in our life as they did Job. Hear what people have to say, but listen to God!

Confused and hurting,? Remember, unlike man, the voice of God will never contradict the word of God!

HSAY… Todd