Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Daily Wisdom

Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.Phil 2:3

Being a leader has nothing to do with responding to stuff all day, it’s about the ability to move things forward. This is accomplished by influencing outcomes and inspiring others to achieve it. Does not require a title, position of authority or a corner office. The first required step in influencing and inspiring others starts with self-reflection, do others around you see you as credible, in the sense do they see you as one who is sincere in serving others needs to help them succeed? It’s not about getting others to help you succeed, but your willingness and devotion to influence and inspire their success. This was Jesus M.O. (modus operandi), he came to serve not to be served. He came so others could succeed spiritually, and he did this by influencing others through his credibility and sincerity. You want to influence and inspire others for Christ, don’t allow them to focus strictly on what Christ can do for them. Instead inspire them to see and yearn for the eternal perspective and the vastness of glory. When they are able to see beyond themselves and see the eternality of Christ, they will then be lead to influence and inspire others as well towards Christ greatness.

Great leaders don’t create great followers, they create greater leaders!

HSAY… Todd 

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