Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Daily Wisdom

 Job 5:26b “… like as a shock of corn cometh in in his season.”

The tenure/life of old wooden vessels were contributed not only to the age of the wood, but as important is the straining and wrenching of the vessel by the sea. This caused a chemical reaction within the wood that hardened the wood; creating ships that have endured sailing for over a hundred years. There’s often a vast difference between the strength of a character that’s lived in self-indulgence and the spiritual fiber of those whose life has sailed rougher seas, and endured straining and wrenching by carrying the Lord’s cargo and being helpers of men. This is a beautiful comparison, meaning the Lord will not allow His righteous to sink until the fruit/crop is ripened in their life. Just as grain isn’t cut down when it’s green, it endures until fully ripe, like Job.

Smooth seas never make for a skilled sailor or hardened ship… HSAY

Monday, May 30, 2022

Daily Wisdom

 Rev 14:3 “And they were singing a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and before the elders. No one could learn that song except the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth.”

There are some songs from the original artist, when sung by others are not done justice. Music is in the heart. Many such songs come from memory and sung from personal experiences. They bring out their burden from the shadow of the past. John records in Revelation that in heaven there will be a song that can only be sung by the souls who’ve experience and received redemption. No angel can sing it, to sing it one must be a child of the cross. The Father is training us to sing what the angels cannot. In the darkest nights He is preparing your voice, in the valley perfecting your voice, and in the storms, He’s deepening your voice. 

Keep singing from the heart, your redemption song, so others can sing in the heavenly choir… HSAY    

Friday, May 27, 2022

Daily Wisdom

 Mat 14:18  “And he said, “Bring them here to me.””

We all have great needs or soon will, or find ourselves overwhelmed with difficulties, trials, burdens. These are all divinely provided vessels for the Holy Spirit to fill and opportunities for receiving blessings and deliverances (Eph 3:20) which you can get in no other way. Bring these vessels to God and hold them steadily before Him in prayer and faith, and keep still, and stop your own relentless work and allow the Father hands to hold them. Every trial, burden that threatens to overcome you with discouragement and disaster, will become testimonies of revelation of His grace and glory in our life, as never seen before. Bring them before the Father, and leave… but don’t leave with them! Don’t expect God to work with what you won’t let go of.  

Put everything in God’s hands, and you’ll see God’s hands in everything… HSAY 

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Daily Wisdom

Num 21:17 "Then Israel sang this song: “Spring up, O well!—Sing to it!"

What a strange song. Israel had been traveling over the desert's barren sands, no water was in sight and they were famishing with thirst. Then God told Moses, "gather the people, and I will give them water", and consider how so. They gathered in circles and with their staves began digging in the sand, while singing "Spring up, O well, sing ye unto it." Upon which the ground gurgled and water gushed forth. The digging of the well is a beautiful picture of God's blessings that flow in our lives, and we have only to reach by praise and faith. Yes, they labored in obedience, but reached the needed water by praise; they sang upon the sand in faith. Our Praise and Faith will still open fountains in our desserts. There is nothing that pleases the Lord so much as faithful praise. Are we PRAISING GOD enough, Even in our desserts?

Know the very spot upon which we doubt, fear, murmur could be the very spot where blessings are flowing under us... HSAY

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Daily Wisdom

 2Ti 1:6 “Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands.”

How often do we humbly consider what God gets out of us? Especially in weight of the unmeasurable investment He has in us by way of the cross! The Greek word Paul uses for “stir up” is (anazōpureō) meaning to rekindle, freshen up. And is used in the present tense, meaning continually doing or exercise of. This is in reference to our spiritual gift/s (gift of God-1 Cor 12:7-11). Not to use our gift from God on a faithful/continual basis is to cheat God out of His investment. Just as you, with your time, finances and resources, expect a return on your efforts… God is no exception!

If our investments are limited to this earth, we’re the world’s worst investors… HSAY

Monday, May 23, 2022

Daily Wisdom

 1Ti 6:12  “Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.”

As Jesus proved /shewed Himself blessed and worthy of the Fahter’s adoration (vs 15), we too are called to witness a good confession before God and man. Such requires of us to strive after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, and meekness (vs11). Paul illustrates this using active verbs to describe the Christian life: run, pursue, fight, hold tightly. This requires of us to have an active faith, not passive. True faith offers no buttons to push for quick service.

Don’t confuse patience in God with passiveness towards God; only one requires faith… HSAY

Friday, May 20, 2022

Daily Wisdom

 1Ti 4:10-11 “For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe. 11 These things command and teach.”

The labor and reproach are experienced in the stewardship of carrying forth the gospel to a lost world. Our trust and strength amongst the reproach is in the promise of our living Saviour, whose desire is that all men would be saved (1 Tim 2:4). But such promise is only appointed to those who’ve acted in faith/obedience by accepting the “gift of God” (Rom 6:23). Understand, the only profitable exercise is in godliness (vs 8), when we labor and suffer to teach others such a truth of salvation.

Salvation isn’t about you, it’s for you; it doesn’t depend on you, it saves you… HSAY

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Daily Wisdom

 Ti 3:15  “But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.”

The Bible is the written form of what God expects us to know and do. Though times have changed, the original authority remains as the Word of God, and it must be studied seriously, understood thoroughly, and applied faithfully. It is the pillar and ground of truth upon which a believer must stand, and the gospel is preserved, shared, and testified to. Quarreling, gripping, and schism causes cracks to the foundation of the church and the lives of its saints and their testimony and character. 

Stronger the foundation is, which you stand, the greater your identity in Christ is seen… HSAY

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Daily Wisdom

1Ti 2:8 “I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.”

Paul calls the believer to submissive prayer, not only in church but in daily living. With hands lifted in supplication as Moses (Exo 9:29; 33), but also indicating hands that are not defiled by sin, pure and holy in nature. Paul adds without “wrath” within one’s spirit. That’s why Jesus said that we should interrupt our prayers, if necessary, to make peace with others (Mat 5:23-24). This is seen in the word “doubting” (dialogismos) meaning, were not to approach God in prayer in the midst of clamorous disputing's and angry contentions with others. Wrath and doubting, are a prayer hinderance to the Father’s ears.

Don’t build barriers against your prayers with angst and anger towards others… HSAY

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Daily Wisdom

 Mal 3:3 “And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the LORD an offering in righteousness.”

We have nothing to offer of ourselves that’s of worth outside of Jesus and His righteousness. We can’t offer any right performances in religion unless our persons be justified and sanctified by Jesus. Till we ourselves be refined and purified by the grace of God, we cannot do anything that will redound to the glory of God. God had respect to Abel first, and then to his offering; therefore God purges his people, that they may offer their offerings to him in righteousness, (Zep 3:9). A worship that redounds to God’s worth, only abounds in Jesus’ refining work in our life.

Know that the fire’s of life are not to punish you, but refine you to your full worth… HSAY

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Daily Wisdom

 Mal 2:11 “Judah hath dealt treacherously, and an abomination is committed in Israel and in Jerusalem; for Judah hath profaned the holiness of the LORD which he loved…”

Israel’s sin was separating their dealings with God from the rest of their life. They sought after pagan women and dealt treacherously with their brother. This brought a manifold judgement from the Lord (vss 2-4). Our blessings come when we walk in the Lord and according to what He thinks, not what we think. We cannot successfully separate any aspect of our life from the Lord, He must be Lord of all. Seek your way in the Lord, and you’ll find your way in life. (Psa 37:4 “Delight yourself in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.”)

Healthy desires are found in our delight for the Lord, not in our lust… HSAY

Monday, May 2, 2022

Daily Wisdom

Col 3:10 “And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him.”

Encouragement by itself will not sustain one’s spirit. Only a changed spirit will find lasting encouragement. Meaning the good that we do can only be observed, whereas the bad that we do can be absorbed (It shall be unclean – Hagg 2:13; vss 10-19). Point being, transformation is better for the soul than encouragement. Defilement (sin) can be transferred; people with colds don’t catch health, people with health catch colds. Refusing to change (transformation) one’s spirit cannot be overcome by encouragement alone. A disobedient spirit is dangerously contagious, while a transformed spirit can be observed and mirrored.

Is our walk observed or absorbed? Both are contagious, be cautious… HSAY