Friday, April 30, 2021

Daily Wisdom

 ‘... made perfect.’ Heb 12:23

Consider the great contrast between Israel’s terrified approach to God at Mt. Sinai and their joyful approach at Mt. Zion! What a difference Jesus made! Showing us there are two kinds of perfection which the Christian needs-the perfection of justification in the person of Jesus, and the perfection of sanctification wrought in him by the Holy Spirit. Our Justification as been made perfect in Jesus and the cross, our Sanctification is on-going through the Holy Spirit. At present, corruption yet remains even in us, the regenerate-experience soon teaches us this. 

But I rejoice to know that the day is coming when God shall finish the work which he has begun; and He shall seal our soul, not only perfect in Christ, but perfect through the Holy Spirit, without spot or blemish, completed for our Glorification. Oh, how we should extol Jesus who perfected our Justification, and the Holy Spirit in preparing us to stand fit before our Lord to receive our finished work, perfected for Heaven. Yet let not the hope of perfection hereafter make us content with imperfection now. If it does this, our hope cannot be genuine; for a good hope is a purifying thing, even now.

The Christian life calls us to a walk of progression, not perfection. Perfection isn’t obtainable, but if we chase it, we’ll catch excellence along the way… HSAY

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Daily Wisdom

 "Fear not to go down into Egypt; for I will there make of thee a great nation: I will go down with thee into Egypt; and I will also surely bring thee up again." Gen 46:3-4

You’ll seldom find what the Father has for you until you find yourself where He wants you. Jacob must have shuddered at the thought of leaving the land of his father’s and dwelling among heathen strangers. This is nothing new for believers today – called into foreign circumstances or seasons that are untried and fearful. But through Jacob’s testimony we can see by way of his prayers, we’ll find the companion for our walk-in faith, that leads us into His promises.

We cannot hesitate to go where the Father promises His presence; even in the valley of death we can fear no evil, knowing the Lord is with us (Psa 23). Remember the promises of the Lord often dwell in presence of our enemy, not in the comfort of our own dwelling. We must exercise Jacob’s confidence, “Fear not,” in placing ourselves in the Lord’s will, knowing His promise of deliverance awaits us. David passed through his valley of death, Moses through his sea, Daniel through his lion’s den, and Paul his prisons; and each encountered the Lord’s presence and preservation. 

When God calls, it’s always collect… you must be willing to accept the charges… HSAY

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Daily Wisdom

 ‘With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.’ Mt 19:26

As Jesus spoke with the rich young man concerning his efforts of salvation being as if a camel passed through the eye of a needle, it caused the disciples to question who then could be saved. Jesus was clarifying that no man can come to Father except through Him. Making what is otherwise impossible, possible. The disciples were sure that a rich man had favor; Jesus illustrates that the Father’s favour is upon all men, rich or poor who seek Him. 

Yet, man often stops fully relying on the Father after their salvation and try to manage their own lives going forward. So much of our life is exposed to failures, hardships, regrets, and pain that we never had to endure if we would’ve continued to rely on Him that saved us.  Those impossible moments we faced with our own strength could’ve been made possible with a continued reliance on the Father. Remember, what got you right is what keeps you right. 

As difficult as it is, a camel kneels before his master to remove its burden, so must we… HSAY 

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Daily Wisdom

'For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour.’ Psa 8:5

When we look at the vast expanse of creation, we wonder how God could be concerned for people who constantly disappoint him. Yet, God still sees us as highly valuable, crowning of His creation for His glory and honor. And that’s the truth the scripture… we are for His glory and the supremacy of Christ, and not the supremacy of man. The Father did not create us for our life purpose, but for the purpose of His eternal glory in Jesus Christ.

‘… that in all things he might have the preeminence.’ (Col 1:18). Where is our supremacy needle for our life? Is it tilted toward self (man’s supremacy) and our wants, or is it tilted towards Jesus (Christ supremacy) and His glory in our life having preeminence?

God’s judgment and wrath is not based on what you have in life, but on why what you have in life being preeminent over Christ glory… HSAY

Monday, April 26, 2021

Daily Wisdom

"All the days of my appointed time will I wait."  Job 14:14

Nothing makes rest so sweet as toil; nothing renders security so pleasant as exposure to alarms. Our battered armor and scarred countenances will render a more glorious victory above, when we are welcomed into the presence of those who’ve already overcome the world. Such tarrying is worth the wait, allowing us to appear as worthy heirs with Jesus, for He was baptized with a baptism of suffering (Lk 12:50), and we must be baptized with the same as His heirs. 

Such fellowship with Jesus is so honorable, for our lingering here is for His glory and the good of others. We should not wish to enter heaven till our work is done. Our prolonged stay here is doubtless for God's glory. A tried saint, like a well-cut diamond, glitters the more in the King's crown. Nothing reflects so much honor of a workman as hands that show severe trial of his work, and its triumphant endurance in Jesus. We are God's workmanship, in whom He will be glorified by our afflictions. It’s for the glory of Jesus that we endure the trial of our faith with sacred joy. 

"If my lying in the dust would elevate my Lord by so much as an inch, let me still lie among the pots of earth and be covered with it, so my Lord can stand upon it.” … HSAY

Friday, April 23, 2021

Daily Wisdom

 “God, even our own God.” Psa 67:6

 It is strange how little use we make of the spiritual blessings which God gives us, but its stranger still how little use we make of God. Though He is "our own God," we apply ourselves but little to Him. How seldom do we ask counsel at His hands! How often do we go about our affairs, without seeking His guidance! In our trials how constantly do we strive to bear our own burdens, instead of casting them upon the Lord, that He may sustain us!

 We’re self-defeating by not seeking the riches of our God. An eternal friend inviting us to draw from Him daily. Promising we’ll never be in want, fearful of a fight, or doubtful in a duty. But we must learn the faith of making God all things to us, and not just a safety net for us. Not only can He supply us with all, or better still, He can BE to us instead of all.  Let me urge us, then, to make use of our God. Make use of Him in prayer. Go to Him, because he is our God, and has good for us.

 Don’t let what you have become more important that what God has for you… HSAY

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Daily Wisdom

 "Blessed is he that watcheth." Rev 16:15

"We die daily," said the apostle Paul. This was the life of the early Christians; they went everywhere with their lives in their hands. We’re not in this day called to pass through the same fearful persecutions. The test of the Christian life is not so much outwardly, as it is of the heart. Today we must overcome the flattery with self, desires of the flesh, hypocrisy of our choices, the diversion from God’s purpose of our lives, the temptation of worldly prosperity and that creates pride and self-sustaining confidence and trust over our dependence and faith in the Lord.

Comparatively, our world is silky smooth. The devil cares not what distracts us or preoccupies us if it takes us away from God’s will for us and His purpose through us, so long as he destroys our fellowship and true longing for the Lord. I fear the Christian church is far more likely to lose her integrity in these soft and silken days than in those rougher times. We must be awake now, for we traverse the enchanted and tempting ground, and are most likely to fall asleep to our own undoing, unless our faith in Jesus be a reality, and our love a vehement flame.

Watch where you’re walking, satan offers endless paths for you to wonder… HSAY

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Daily Wisdom

 "Lo, in the midst of the throne ... stood a Lamb as it had been slain." Rev 5:6

Why should our exalted Lord appear in His wounds in glory? The wounds of Jesus are His glories, His jewels, His sacred ornaments. To the eye of the believer, Jesus appearance is just because He is "white and ruddy;" white with innocence, and ruddy with His own blood.

The wounds of Jesus are far more glorious than all the splendor of His physical appearance. A soldier’s medals don’t define his honor, it’s the scars and blood that was shed. The thorny crown is more than an imperial diadem. It is true that He doesn’t bear it not now, but there was a glory in it though it that never flashed of gold. Jesus wears the appearance of a slain Lamb as His court dress in which He wooed our souls, and redeemed them by His complete atonement. Nor are these only the ornaments of Christ: they are the trophies He proudly bears showing of His love and of His victory.

The Lion: rest assured we will see the promise of His roar when our Lord returns… HSAY

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Daily Wisdom

 "If any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him." Rev 3:20

What is your desire? Is it set upon eternal love of God? Do you aspire to know the heights, and depths, and lengths, and breadths of His being? Then you must draw near to Jesus. Such a desire releases an anointing from the Holy Spirit to experience all He has for you. Jesus is the Master-key that unlocks every chamber of the Father… there’s no treasure-house of the Father which can’t be open through Jesus, yielding the Father’s favour, spiritual wealth and prosperity, “Oh that he would make my heart his dwelling place for ever’ (Psa 132:13). 

Truth is, the Lord does long to dwell in your heart abundantly, not just occasionally, but we must open the door to it wide. He is always knocking, and He will sup with you even when your cupboard is bare, because He always provides the provisions to do so! Don’t waste time, like Martha prepping/cleaning your abode/heart first to impress Him, or thinking He’ll be more comfortable or approving; I promise you He’s already seen the inside. Just let Him in and get busy in fellowship.

Let Jesus in the front door, and He’ll open other doors you never imagined… HSAY

Monday, April 19, 2021

Daily Wisdom

 ‘I know that my redeemer lives.’ Job 19:25

What comforting words. Job expressed his comfort and hope in that little word ‘My’ – ‘My redeemer.’ Oh! to get a hold of the living Christ. We must establish our presence in Him before we can find comfort in Him. What is prosperity when man holds to his own life and dwells outside of the Lord, even he with gold becomes a beggar for true hope. Of such hope, one is not content until by faith they can say ‘yes, I cast myself upon my living redeemer.’

Proclaim ‘I know!’ Ifs, buts and perhaps are thieves of hope and peace. Doubts are destroyers of tomorrow’s promises, like wasp stinging the soul. If Job, in his misery and ages before the coming of Christ, could say ‘I know’ we shouldn’t speak less hopeful. Don’t allow the promises you’ve been given to be presumptions, let us stand in the presence of Christ, and like Job proclaim ‘I know my redeemer lives’ and that my hope, my promise, and my peace stands in it! When you (allow) Christ’s will to be your only hope and answer, you’ll then see the promises and miracles in your own life that others testify to. 

In every circumstance, get God in it, then let God have it… then dwell in His presence, because that’s where miracles occur… HSAY

Friday, April 16, 2021

Daily Wisdom

 "The Amen."  Rev 3:14

The word AMEN solemnly confirms that which went before; and Jesus is the great Confirmer; immutable, forever is "the Amen" in all His promises.  As His children, we should find great comfort with in this. Jesus said, "Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (M 11:28). If you come to him, he will say "Amen" in your soul; his promise shall be true to you. He said in the days of his flesh, "The bruised reed I will not break" (Isa 42:3). 

Jesus is the Amen King, yesterday, today, and forever. He is Amen in every single title which he bears; your Husband, never seeking a divorce; your Friend, sticking closer than a brother; your Shepherd, with you in death's dark vale; your Help and your Deliverer; your Castle and your High Tower; the Horn of your strength, your confidence, your joy, your all in all, and your Amen in all.

And to that, AMEN… HSAY

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Daily Wisdom

 "And thou said, I will surely do thee good." Gen 32:12

When Jacob was on the other side of the brook Jabbok, and Esau was coming with armed men, he earnestly sought God's protection, pleading, ‘You said, I will surely do you good!” Jacob was holding the Father to His Word, ‘You said.’  The attribute of God's faithfulness is a splendid promise in which we can hold to, shall not every word He spoke be measured as truth.

When a man gives a promissory note, his oath is engaged; he signs his hand, and he must discharge it when the due time comes, or else he loses credit. It shall never be said that the Father dishonors His credit and oaths. The credit of the Most High never was impeached, and never shall be. He is punctual to the promise and the moment: He never is before his time, but He never is behind it, (Jos 21:45) ‘Not a word failed from any good thing which the Lord had spoken to the house of Israel. All came to pass.’  Paul as well spoke to the Lord’s righteousness, (Rom 3:4) ‘Let it not be! But let God be true, and every man a liar; as it is written.’

Think not that God loves us because we are good; He will make us good because He loves us…HSAY

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Daily Wisdom

 ‘And his hands were steady until the going down of the sun.’ Exo 17:12

So mighty was the prayer of Moses, that all depended upon it. The prayers of Moses made inept the enemy more than the fighting of Joshua. Yet both were needed. The prayers of Moses already showed its power when pleading with the Father over the need of water, and the Lord directing him to strike the rock (vs 6). Now Moses holds up the rod, a token of the covenant of the Lord's  promise to Israel, as a war cry for deliverance and victory. 

Yet, Moses grew weary, Aaron and Hur had to assist him. When at any time your prayer weakens, let faith support one hand, and let hope lift the other, and prayer seating itself upon the rock of our salvation, will persevere and prevail. Don’t worry, war but not alone, it only leads to faintness; our greatest strength comes in worship/prayer, it’s the more spiritual exercise leading to victory.

Hands raised until the setting of the sun and the evening of life is or’, with the rising of a better sun, then the glory of the Father’s promise shone… HSAY

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Daily Wisdom

 ‘The King’s garden’ Neh 3:15

Nehemiah reminds us that saying and doing are often two things: many are quick to say, ‘let’s rise up and build,’ who sit still and do nothing. Like the well-spoken son who said, ‘I go sir, but did not’ (Mt 21). Nehemiah was no such man. Upon his repentance for the nation of Israel to the Lord, the heart of king Artaxerxes was moved and allowed Nehemiah to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem and restore what the Lord had already built that had been destroyed by man’s sin.

One such garden we must always consider is the paradise which the Lord prepared for Adam. Sin utterly ruined that abode of all its delights and drove man from dwelling with the Father to tilling the ground, yielding thorns and briers. We must humbly remember the fall, not as a burden or curse, but that it was of men. And weep because the Father of love was so shamefully ill-treated, and yet still endured to restore that which man ruined and reclaim his heart to salvation.

The King’s garden, lets arise and continue to rebuild daily its fruitfulness within our hearts … HSAY

Monday, April 12, 2021

Daily Wisdom

 ‘For the Lord of hosts hath purposed, and who shall disannul it… who shall turn it back?’ Isa 14:27

The people to whom Isaiah prophesied might ask, “What is this to us, or what assurance shall we have of it?” To both questions Isaiah answers by prophesying the ruin both of the Assyrians and of the Philistines, the present enemies that infested Israel, and that Israel should shortly be eye-witnesses of the Father’s promise. This should be a comfort to us today, and a promise of future deliverance, and posterity. God is to His children the same today that he was yesterday and will be hereafter.

This is what David experienced as well when the Father gave him the ability to defeat the lion, bear, and giants (1 Sam 17) and tread upon the adder (Psa 91). David had cast his love on trusting the Father for his deliverance, as the Father asks, (‘draw near to God… he rewards those who seek him.’ - Heb 11:6). It was David’s trust that empowered him and allowed for the Father to be faithful to His Word, as He was and always is!

No matter how mysterious or unreasonable it seems, the Father always keep His Word – Do we keep our hope? … HSAY

Friday, April 9, 2021

Daily Wisdom

 "We must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God." Act 14:22

As the Father’s children we’ll have trials. It was never designed by God, that we should be an untried people. We were never promised “worldly” peace, prosperity, or joy; those only dwell in the presence of Jesus. Trials are a part of our lot; predestinated for us in Christ's ministry (Jn 16:33). Why then does such a difficult road of hard choices/decisions have to be travelled if the Father loves us so?

Free will!  The Father placed the forbidden tree in the Garden, not to tempt us (Jms 1:13), but to afford us the opportunity to obey. The Father understands, as we must, the unprecedented beauty that comes from the result of obedience. Without such a choice in obedience vss disobedience, what would define “good and bad or right and wrong?” The result being, God would not be able to show us or allow us to experience how much He does love us! No choice (free-will), no reality for us to experience a love, goodness or joy worth having. Ultimately allowing us to see our need for Jesus to ensure we  dwell eternally in the Father’s great love.

“Free-will” – it will either be led captive by sin or held in the blessed bonds of grace… HSAY

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Daily Wisdom

 "I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction." Isa 48:10

These words offer us comfort and hope in the faithfulness of our Lord. Like a soft shower diminishing the fury of the flame, let affliction come - God has chosen me. Poverty may stride at my door, but God is in the house already, and He has chosen me. Sickness may intrude, but I have a great Healer ready - God has chosen me. Whatever befalls me, I know that He has "chosen" me.

As the three Hebrew children stood in the fiery furnace (Dan 3), the Lord stood amongst them as a cloak shielding them from the flames. We too must draw from the same hope and promise that we are His chosen/adopted children as well. Our Lord dwelt in the lives and dwellings of the impoverished both physically and spiritually. Be cautious in desiring to improve your conditions out of a desire for comfort, you may end up thinking you don’t have a need for the True and only Comforter (Lam 1:16).

Through flood and flames, where Jesus’ lead, I will follow… HSAY

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Daily Wisdom

 ‘He answered him to never a word.’ Mt 27:14

Patient silence is the best reply to a gainsaying world? Calm endurance answers questions infinitely more conclusively than lofty eloquence. The best apologists for Christianity in the early days were its martyrs. It’s said the anvil breaks a host of hammers by quietly bearing their blows. Did not the silent Lamb of God furnish us with a grand example of wisdom? 

The false and the mean, will ere to try and convince and prove themselves, and therefore truth can afford to be quiet, and finds silence to be its wisdom: ‘Even a fool, when he holds his peace, is counted wise…’  (Pro 17:28).  Our Lord, by his silence, furnished a remarkable fulfilment of prophecy. A long defence of himself would have been contrary to Isaiah's prediction. "He is led as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he opened not his mouth." (Isa 53:7)

Truth need not to be sold; only opinions; "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt,"… HSAY   

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Daily Wisdom

 ‘Therefore let us go forth to Him outside the camp, bearing His reproach.’ Heb 13:13

The Jewish Christians were being ridiculed and persecuted by Jews who didn't believe in Jesus the Messiah. The book of Hebrews teaches how Christ is greater than the sacrificial system. Here the writer makes the point: It may be necessary to leave the "camp" and suffer with Christ. To be outside the camp meant to be unclean - in the days of the Exodus, those who were ceremonially unclean had to stay outside the camp. But Jesus suffered humiliation and uncleanness outside the Jerusalem gates on their behalf. The time had come for Jewish Christians to declare their loyalty to Christ above any other loyalty, especially man’s traditions and worldly opinion, and choose to follow Jesus whatever suffering that might entail. They needed to move outside the safe confinement of their past, their traditions, their ceremonies and what's popular by man to live for Christ.

Is your worship a worldly approach based on popular opinion and styles or is it solely sacrificial and serving of Christ? One is in the camp, the other is outside! … HSAY 

Monday, April 5, 2021

Daily Wisdom

 “And when Peter was come up to Jerusalem, they that were of the circumcision contended whit him.” Acts 11:2

Don’t allow a preconceived preference on your part hinder spiritual your progress. When Peter brought the news of Cornelius's conversion back to Jerusalem, the Jewish believers were shocked that Peter had eaten with Gentiles. After they heard the whole story, however, they praised God (Act 11:18).

Their reactions teach us to be slow in judgment when another’s actions don’t mirror our own thoughts and expectations in a situation. Even Peter’s thoughts didn’t line-up with the Lord’s at first (Acts 11:7-9). Often what man sees as disapproving, disruptive, inconvenient, or confusing the Holy Spirit is revealing truth.  Before judging the behavior of fellow believers, it is important to hear them out, the Holy Spirit may have something important to teach us through them.

Be slow to judge and quick to learn; another’s experience may be your greatest lesson… HSAY

Friday, April 2, 2021

Daily Wisdom

When Pilate therefore heard that saying, he brought Jesus forth, and sat down in the judgment seat in a place that is called the Pavement, but in the Hebrew, Gabbatha.’ Jn 19:13

What a scenario, an earthly king and religious leaders empowered themselves to sit in a position of judgment (Gabbatha) of Him (Jesus) who would soon judge them eternally! 

This veiled threat by the Jewish leaders pressured Pilate into allowing Jesus to be crucified. As Roman governor, Pilate was expected to keep the peace. To do so, Pilate maintained control by crushing rebellions immediately with brute force. Pilate was afraid that reports to Caesar of insurrection in his region would cost Pilate his job and perhaps even his life. The religious Pharisees were equally afraid of losing their religious power to control the Jewish population. Jesus preaching grace and healing eliminated the need of the law over the Jews in exchange for spiritual freedom through Him. But both groups lacked humility and feared losing what they worked hard to establish.

We too must be careful not to place ourselves in positions of judging what’s best for our interest over the Father’s Word. Doing so, we as well place ourselves on the Gabbatha!

There are two kinds of men: The sinner who seeks righteousness and the self-righteous who thinks he’s not a sinner (Lk 18:9-14) … HSAY

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Daily Wisdom

 ‘The Lord is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me? Psa 118:6

On Thursday, the night before Jesus was crucified, he ate a holy meal and sang a holy song with his disciples. It was “the day of Unleavened Bread, when they sacrificed the Passover lamb” (Mk 14:12). Jesus and his disciples ate lamb and unleavened bread; they prayed and sang (Mt 26:30). But Jesus wasn’t going through the motions on this Thursday night; he was preparing the last Lamb for slaughter by singing from (Psalm 113-118). Here are four Psalm melodies from the music of Maundy Thursday, as Jesus prepared His soul for desertion, denial, and death. 

Jesus blessed the Lord – 

     Psa 113: ‘Blessed be the name of the Lord from this time forth and  forevermore!”

Jesus looked forward to the cross – 

     Psa 116:8-9 ‘You have delivered my soul from death… I will walk in the land of the living.’

Jesus lifted His cup –

     Psa 116:13-14 ‘I will lift my cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord…’

Jesus embraced the Father’s triumph – 

     Psa 118:6-7 ‘… the Lord is on my side… I shall look in triumph on those who hate me.’

Where words fail, the Psalm’s can speak of the Praise, Power and Promise we have in Jesus… HSAY