Monday, April 14, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."Rose Up"

But there rose up…” Acts 15:5

Spring is laboring to sprout forth and overcome the grip of winter and bring with it a new growth of life.  Gardens are being cultivated, plowed and planted flower beds are prepped and mulched both waiting with good intentions to spring forth a harvest.  But without fail emerging right beside the growth of spring life pops-up weeds/tares; fighting for their own resources for life.  In Acts 15 Paul and Barnabas faced the same challenge within their ministry.  Having declared the victory of salvations in Phenice and Samaria; (vs 3) states “the conversion of the Gentiles, caused great joy unto all the brethren.” Yet among the harvest of salvations that brought great joy, weeds/tares “rose up” among the sect (vs 5).  Why it is some Christians will labor long and hard to eliminate and remove the weeds/tares from their own garden and yet allow them to flourish within the church; even so much as to plant them themselves? Unfortunately in nature the weeds/tares travel with ease within the wind landing without respect in fertile soil looking to take root without our control.  But as Christians it’s shameful when we allow our actions, which bring about weeds/tares, to flow as effortlessly as if nature is in control.  Just like a garden, weeds/tares rob the garden of its beauty and if left unattended will eventually choke out any hopes of new life.  As foolish as it sounds why would one plant, along with their seeds of life, seeds of discord, gossip, hatred, bitterness, deceit, dishonesty or self-intentions and yet desire new life? What’s “Rising-Up” in your garden, is it all new life or do you see signs of weeds/tares sprouting forth?  (Pro 6:16-19)  If anything is to “Rise-Up” let it be according to Rom 14:19Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace and things wherewith one may edify another.”

Faith no more tolerates a moderate love amongst fellow man than it tolerates a moderate love between God and man


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