Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Daily Wisdom

He must increase, but I must decrease.”  Jn 3:30

Some situations in life cause us to step back and reevaluate our position in order to move forward and accomplish our goal.  Maybe it’s laying a tile floor, we may have to step back and see if our direction is straight, if not we may have to pull up a few tiles.  We John says “He (Christ) must increase” there is a requirement associated with it, we “must decrease.”  This is the struggle for many; they don’t relinquish their role in the process.  It’s like trying to lose weight while maintain your normal eating habits.  To accomplish such a spiritual goal we must look beyond ourselves and focus on the goal, Christ, in two ways: what He has done in our life and what He wants from our life.  This is achieved by looking through God’s word as a mirror reflecting our spirit (2 Cor 3:18), not to see us, but to Christ working in us!  God’s word works as a mirror to reflect the image of Christ and His glory (outward manifestation) in our lives. Too many cannot see past their own reflection, thus concentrating on their brokenness, sinfulness and self-seeking inclinations.  To increase something one must focus on the interest and purpose of that subject.  We must see Christ interest and purpose in our lives and not our own; then God’s word will begin to reflect Christ’s goodness thus increasing within us and manifesting itself towards others.

Something’s wrong when the reflection of our life makes sense to unbelievers!


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