Friday, February 19, 2016

Daily Wisdom

For the Lord of hosts hath purposed, and who shall disannul it? and his hand is stretched out, and who shall turn it back? Isa 14:27

A friend of mine made statement the other day, “Reckless pursuit of purpose.” The statement was poignant for his situation, but made me consider the struggles many have in their personal purpose in Christ? The daily challenge comes in failing to find in Christ: the purpose for the pain; strength for the struggle and faith for the fight.  Unfortunately life has personified purpose in success, status, possessions and happiness, these are life’s by-products. Life is about love in and with God that is purposeful towards others. God’s children are ordinary people who have been given an extraordinary purpose, and it was established long before anyone else had an opinion. The Israelites extended an eleven day journey into 4o years; it wasn’t the distance of the Promised Land that was the challenge, it was the condition of their hearts. God’s purpose was deeper than simply transporting them into a “better” life, but into His chosen purpose to bring forth our Saviour. The only purpose we have in life that we can take to heaven is the souls of our family, friends and those that are waiting for us to tell them about the PURPOSE of CHRIST!

The greatest translation of the bible comes from translating it into your life!


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