Thursday, May 26, 2016

Daily Wisdom

“…he that watereth shall be watered also himself.” Pro 11:25

It’s been illustrated many times, but there are two bodies of water in Israel; Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea. One is flowing and alive with an abundance of resources while the other is dead, hence its name offering little to no resources. The reason for the vast difference is simple and very applicable to us as well. While both are feed by the same resource, the Jordan River, the Sea of Galilee passes on that which it receives to other bodies. Yet the Dead Sea has no outlet; it never passes that which it was gifted by the Jordan River and becomes dormant, and its one time abundance becomes useless; simply stated one gives and one hoards (Psa 41:1-3).  Both received the same blessings, one lives in giving and the other dies in taking. Your abundance is not in what you have, but what you’ve been given and like the Sea of Galilee you benefit from it, but the biggest blessing is in paying it forward. The highest appreciation and greatest form of gratitude towards what we’ve been giving is not in the words we utter, but in simply sharing it with others. Jm 1:17 “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father…” it’s not ours to hoard, but to give; its stewardship verses ownership! Jesus paid it all (Isa 53:5), and gifted you to share it with others.

Your blessings are a gift from God; what you do with them is your gift too God.


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