Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Daily Wisdom

For Pharaoh will say of the children of Israel, They are entangled in the land, the wilderness hath shut them in.Exo 14:3

The weakness to our faith is our failure to see as God sees. Notice God encamped the Israelite's against the sea.  In a military sense, it would be foolish to put yourself in such a position that entraps you against your enemy. God intentionally used the Israelite's to show Pharaoh and Egypt that He was the God of Israel (vs 4). But, God was asking for a little faith on Israel’s part that He would deliver them. Perspective is an either-or situation. Your perspective will be situated in faith that God will deliver or faithlessness that you’ve become entrapped. The proper perspective requires a faith that allows you to see as God sees. Faith goes beyond the surface of your situation, it may look hopeless or fearful but when we look again with your perspective in the promises of God things change. Moses told the Israelite's in (vs 13) “stand still and SEE the salvation of the Lord,” Get your eyes off the perspective of the enemy and see (look in faith) what God is doing. Your faith will always be a struggle if we focus on the problem rather than the promises of God.  Some of the greatest things (miracles) in your life will happen because you chose to look again with the right perspective and not give up in your hope. Whatever you’re about to walk away from because your current perspective is blinding your ability to see as God sees, can end up being your greatest victory when you allow God to part your Red Sea allowing you to walk through on dry ground. The Israelite's were looking at two things the enemy and the ocean, but their deliverance and promise was beyond the surface.  Their dry ground was below the surface… but their perspective could not see it!

Peace is not the absence of problems, but the presence and promises of God!

HSAY … Todd  

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