Monday, July 31, 2017

Daily Wisdom

Then said the prophet Jeremiah unto Hananiah the prophet, Hear now, Hananiah; The LORD hath not sent thee; but thou makest this people to trust in a lie.Jere 28:15

Be cautious when it comes to God’s law and your will, one is fixed the other wishful.  Hananiah prophesied concerning the yoke (bondage) of Babylon would be broken, and though it was a worthy prayer and desire, even of Jeremiah was prayerful (vs 6), but it was not of God thus only making it wishful and unfortunately a lie in this case. The next yoke that God would place upon him and the surrounding nations, however, would be made of iron (vs 13-14). For every action (Hananiah pushed against God’s ordained will) there is an opposite, but not always equal, reaction (God pushed back). Take gravity as an example. An object (be it a bird or a plane) can only resist the resistance of gravity for so long. Then it must succumb. Why? Because gravity is a fixed law, ordained of God, and you can only resist a fixed law until its resistance to you prevails. Both God and His laws are fixed. They are ordained. Resist them and for a while it can appear that you are winning, but in the end, you will lose every time. When it comes to resistance, something always gives. Will that something be what you are resisting against or will that something be you? That will depend on what you are up against, God, be prepared to move!

Resistance to your will is obedience to God’s.

HSAY… Todd

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