Friday, January 19, 2018

Daily Wisdom

Jos 7:10 And the Lord said unto Joshua, Get thee up; wherefore liest thou thus upon thy face?”

Often and easily we can find ourselves like Joshua after his men were defeated by Ai, face down ready to give up. But Israel’s problem wasn’t their enemy, it was their own heart and the sin they let permeate within that was their obstacle. Yet, God’s response is one of encouragement not condemnation; (vs 13) “Up, sanctify yourselves” To make things right again, is to simply get things right with your heart before God. It starts with wanting what is right, and humble yourselves spiritually. We can’t pray for our situation to change, and be unwilling to sanctify (set apart) our heart towards God’s will. Like Israel, we all make mistakes (sin), struggle, and even have regret. But don’t allow satan to define you by such and drive us to the ground. God’s Word is a promise of restoration, healing and love. We must be willing to get up, look up, and never give up in that promise. Our ability to overcome our past is not in our power, but His promises and our humility… “I Can” is far more important than “IQ.”  Man is not made to mourn, he was created to rejoice in the Lord’s love. The worlds view calls one to reflect on life’s past performance, and look for the coming sorrow. God’s promises empower the believer to “Arise and Shine” (Isa 60:1) even during sorrow, foreseeing the promise victory coming through Jesus. Don’t live in the shadows of yesterday, walk in the light of today and its promised hope of tomorrow. Don’t dwell on the battles lost in life, nobody is undefeated, focus on the promised victory that no matter what satan wages against you, the war has already been won!

It’s not happy people who are thankful, its thankful people who are happy!

HSAY… Todd

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