Thursday, October 22, 2015

Daily Wisdom

And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church. Which is his body, the fullness of him that filleth all in all.” Eph 1:22-23

As Christ is head of the church, we as Christians are to make the body, making each of us a vital part of the whole.  The human body has an estimated 32.7 trillion cells which break down to five primary types.  Question is do you function properly within the body of Christ as a Christian?
First type, Skin cells; they protect the inner workings of the body and while Christ does not need protection, do we allow the outside world interfere in our relationship, trust and faith in Christ or are we able to keep the temporal out of the eternal? Second type, Muscle cells; they power the body and strengthen it, do you depend on your own physical power to fight life or the power of the Holy Spirit? (bodily exercise profit little…1 Tim 4:8)  Third type, Nerve cells; the information highway which transmits and processes information vital for functioning properly, what fuels your mind, by what means do you transmit information (let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus…Phl 2:5). Fourth type, Stem cells; provide the renewing of damage cells, fight off that which attacks.  Do you offer strength, encouragement, hope to those around you, showing the fruits of the Spirit in your life for others to draw from?  Fifth type, Gamete cells: brings forth life, reproduces.  Are you helping to bring forth new spiritual life through Christ, sharing the hope and promise of His salvation?

We're are all familiar with the FAT cell, just taking and absorbing all it can get to feed itself, eventually producing an ugly site, surely not us!


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