Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Daily Wisdom

Pro 11:25 The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself.”

This verse presents a paradox: we become richer by being generous. God encourages and directs to give freely and liberally of one’s time, energy and resources towards the kingdom’s work in others. In doing so God gives us what we need generously. But, the world says hold on to as much as possible. The world stands jeering and baiting, promising acceptance, while Jesus offers the cross. The world offers flesh and flash, Jesus offers faith. The world says, “follow us and fit in,” Jesus promises, “follow me and stand out.” The world promises to please every desire you have, Jesus promises to save. We make daily decisions what we invest our self into, and what we choose directly affects what type of return we receive, worldly or heavenly. C.S. Lewis talks about he abolition of man towards God’s institution, stating the bargain we make with our choices to gain what we desire. In doing so the power conferred by our choices will not belong to us; Noting we shall in fact be slaves of that to which we have given of ourselves, the world or God!

Wealth is not measured by what you have, but how you use it!

HSAY… Todd

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