Monday, June 1, 2015

Daily Wisdom

“…the scriptures are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.” 1 Tim 3:15

Its common knowledge, that if we don’t continue to practice or use our abilities, we are prone to lose them.  Acquiring anything new in life requires practice and patience to grow in it.  A new language is difficult to learn and maintain if you don’t continue to practice it.  We’ve heard the cliché “use it or lose it” there is great truth in such a statement.  Always a common practice is health and conditioning.  People will exert great effort and time in a physical strength and conditioning program, only to see what they achieved return to an unhealthy status as soon as they fail at continuing in their program that brought them success.  The principle applies to our spiritual health as well.  Faith in God is like a spiritual muscle, the more you use it the more conditioned and strong it becomes.  And just like a physical program it requires two aspects; a great program and a great trainer.  It just so happens, God offers the best of both; the program is detailed out in the Bible and the greatest of trainers is Jesus Christ.  If one would be as committed to their spiritual health as their physical, their faith would reach great success.  But, like all programs it’s only as good as one is willing to work it.

Obtaining something of great worth requires the great effort.


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