Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Daily Wisdom

For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will forgive your trespasses.” Mt 6:14

Consider the depth and power that can be projected when one is able to speak with a masterful and eloquent use of words.  Yet, within the vast array of words that can be used to paint a picture some of the most powerful are a simple two letter word.  Most of us have read, heard or spoken the Lord’s Prayer. Consider what Jesus says here in Matthew when instructing the disciples in prayer “For if ye forgive men of their sins the Father will forgive you.” The “if” implies we should not be asking for forgiveness until we ourselves are willing and able to forgive others.  Jesus makes it explicitly clear in the next verse that if we are not willing to forgive, neither will the Father be on His part.  Forgiveness is a commandment many are quick to gloss over in their Christian life.  We play a spiritual game of verbal forgiveness, yet our hearts are still hardened towards those individuals who have hurt us.  Some of us have been deeply wounded by others, but the depth does not compare to the wounds Jesus endured for our on sins.  We must be as quick to offer forgiveness as we are to ask for it.  Jesus would never ask us to do something He has not already offered and given us the ability to do.  Unforgiveness is the symptom that leads to bitterness which will eventually kill the soul.

Bitterness is the poison we swallow, hoping the other person dies.


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