Friday, June 12, 2015

Daily Wisdom

“…but every man did that which was right in his own eyes.” Jdg 17:6

We all travel our own road in life, and along the way we search out values and morals that define us – who we are, what we stand for, how we treat others and how we want to be treated in return.  And every one of us establish such values, mafia, drug lords even Hitler established his own set of values. The problem that everyone must be cautious to is the source in which we use to establish them.  The problem arises when man starts at the wrong place, himself!  We’ve grown a society that is seeking “that which is right in their own eyes” and trying to redefine truth which is leading to chaos, spiritually, morally, emotionally and relation-ally.  Chaos steams from the confusion in our choices when trying to define moral truth.  There cannot be multiple definitions of moral truth that would be moral opinions. To avoid confusion, which God is not the author of but instead is scribe by satan (1 Co 14:33), one must have definitive direction, a path that is clear precise and unwavering.  Being unwilling to submit to God’s direction leads one to doing what is right in his own eyes resulting in confusion and destruction.  We all have a natural tendency to see things through our own eyes, but the more we travel that path the more blurry it becomes. “The way of the fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth to counsel is wise.” Pro 12:15

Don’t try changing the direction of the wind, adjust your sails instead.


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