Friday, March 4, 2016

Daily Wisdom

The Lord is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy.” Psa 145:8

Claiming to have compassion, then being confused between empathy and pity is common. One moves you to action while the other is selfish and indifferent.  Likewise there is a difference between having Christ and being a Christian; one is a gift, the later is a desire to make a difference in others. Jude 22 “And of some have compassion, making a difference.” The key words are “some” and “difference.”  Paul greatly embodied this example of compassion in Rom 9 stating he would be willing to give up his own salvation, if possible, for others to receive it. If we were as motivated by compassion as we are condemnation, we’d all be better off. Compassion is the antidote to the soul: where even the most poisonous attacks can remain harmless. For many, compassion is self-serving/reflecting leaving only pity for others.  Through compassion God gives you an amazing opportunity to make a difference, a change without limits in someone’s life; that brings a joy and peace for both souls.

Compassion requires action or it’s just a thought of pity.


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