Monday, January 16, 2017

Daily Wisdom

And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins;” Eph 2:1

The word “dead” in the original Greek means, dead/corpse! The love of Christ has quickened (brought to life) that which is dead, us!  Proclaiming such love of Christ is the overflow of sharing in the life of Christ.  Don’t be confused or be apart of confusing the gospel of Jesus Christ with modern/social evangelism. From the very beginning discipleship was the DNA of Christ ministry, Mt 4. But It’s hard to disciple others in following Christ if you are not being discipled yourself in the gospel. Sadly many in the church are missing the life and purpose of Christ, and are disillusioned in their purpose with the gospel. If we’re not careful we’ll take the life blood out of the gospel and replace it with kool-aide to make it more palatable for our consumption; minimizing the gospel while maximizing the gathering. The church  body is prone to focuses on the temporal, emotional and social healing of God, while avoiding the next life and the judgment of God. Instead focusing on how we can seek Christ to heal the struggles of sin while never addressing sin.

A diluted and disillusioned gospel is not discipleship.

HSAY… Todd

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