Thursday, March 2, 2017

Daily Wisdom

Jesse made seven of his sons pass before Samuel. And Samuel said unto Jesse, The Lord hath not chosen these.”  1 Sam 16:10

Don’t get distracted by the parades life has to offer, there will always be a myriad of options to garner your attention and though entertaining they misguide you.  As Jesse’s sons paraded before Samuel he was only interested in the one God anointed. In your efforts to follow Christ you’ll travel different roads that may not expose you to a lot of what those around you experience, but don’t compare yourself to others it’s Christ you’re called to follow not them. In (2 Pt 2:2) it warns us that “many shall follow their pernicious (ruin/loss) ways” being opposed to truth, and more focused on the scenery around them than the Spirit within them. Though your path may appear as valleys of darkness at times, fear not and rest assured of God’s presence and protection (Psa 23). Knowing that sometimes God may lead you into the deepest of waters not to drown you, but your enemies instead (Exo 15:4). Jesus didn’t say, Oh great follow me and you’ll be happy, prosperous, wealthy or healthy. He actually said he has no place to “lay his head” (Lk 9:58) and that it will cost you, SELF (Lk 9:23). You have only two choices to make when it comes to the path you follow in life, you will have to choose to serve Christ or you’ll choose to serve self!

Many of the deepest regrets of tomorrow can be avoided by following Christ today.  

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