Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Acts 18:21b “…if God will…”

As Paul prepares to leave Ephesus the Jews asked him to tarry longer. But Paul told them he must keep the Passover feast in Jerusalem.

However, Paul stated he would return, “if God will.”

Man can accomplish great things. He can build a great reputation amongst his peers. He can even change cultural vision and ways.

But if God’s not in it what’ to be gained from it?

In (gen 11:4) The tower of Babel had a great objective, but despite man’s greatest of effort they would’ve accomplished everything except what they started out to accomplish… find God!

God knows man’s heart, and when we succeed in the best of intentions, we’re prone to put our name right up there with God’s when we succeed without God being in it. (Eph 2:8-9)

One must wonder how many ministries or churches with good intentions fall into this trap. We might think that a big building with our name on it will give God the fame, but bigger isn’t always better in God’s eyes.

Throughout the Bible God used men who had little experience or leadership qualities and guided them to be the Godly men their situation required.

The truth is that we all struggle with the temptation to rely on our works, or those of our congregation, instead of relying on God.

Paul simplified the key to the success of his ministry in Jesus when he told the people in Ephesus, I will return, “if God will.”

Our life ministry will accomplish one of two things, “our fame” or “God’s name”

HSAY… Todd

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