Friday, August 29, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."Subjective Christianity"

“Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world, why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances”  Col 2:20

Ones acts of religiosity can become subjective Christianity which create a false sense of entitlement and spiritual accomplishment, one cannot reach up to God by following rules of pious self-denial, by observing rituals, or by practicing religion.  Man-made religions focus on human effort; Christianity focuses on Christ's work. Believers must put aside sinful rudimental desires of the world, but doing so is the by-product of our new life in Christ, not the reason for our new life. Our salvation does not depend on our own discipline and rule keeping but on the power of Christ's death and resurrection.

"We are prone to find comfort among those who agree with us and bias growth among those who don't."


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."Wealth"

A little that a righteous man hath is better that the riches of many wicked.”  Psa 37:16

There are two truths implied here:
(a) It happens not infrequently that the righteous have little of the wealth of this world; and
(b) Little is to them of more real value, accompanied, as it is, with higher blessings, than the more abundant wealth which the wicked often possess.

It is better to have but little of this world’s goods with righteousness, than to have the riches of many wicked men - with their ungodliness. It is not always true, indeed, that the righteous are poor; but if they are poor, their lot is more to be desired than that of the wicked man, though he is rich. (Lk 16:19-31)  The small property of one truly good man, with his character and hopes, is of more value than would be the aggregate wealth of many rich wicked men with their character and prospects.

The greatest wealth is not locked in a bank, but freely obtained in the bible.


Monday, August 25, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."Good Treasures"

The Lord shall open unto thee his good treasure…”  Deut 28:12

Rare is the man who has access to the greatest of treasures; greater the value, greater the security. Even on a personal level our own treasures are reserved and secured, only revealed and offered to those we desire to bless. For the Lord, beyond His blessings are stored up treasures to which only He holds the keys. The Jews have a saying: “The keys are in the hand of the Holy One…”  We know the Lord holds the keys to eternal life (Mt 16:19), the keys to knowledge (Lk 11:52), but here in Duet 28 we see the Lord holds the key for even a temporal life and one of abundance in the Lord.  This key unlocks the “good treasure”, the heavenly rains that not only produces life, but sustains it through the seasons allowing man to be prospered in his daily labors; so much so, his abundance allows him to bless others. The “Key” to such rewards is not derived by prayer or man’s efforts, but only in his willingness to “hearken diligently unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe and to do all His commandments…” (Deut 28:1).  Where there is a key, there is hope.

The key is not the desire to be blessed…we all posse that. It is the will to prepare our life to be blessed that is the key.


Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."An Empty Vessel"

And it came to pass, when the vessels were full, that she said unto her son, bring me yet a vessel. And he said unto her, there is not a vessel more and the oil stayed.”  II Kings 4:6

Elisha's miracles were acts of real charity (love): Christ's were so; not only great wonders, but great favours to those for whom they were produced; God magnifies his goodness with His power. We are never in straits with God, or in the riches of his grace; all our difficulties are in ourselves; it is our faith that fails, not His promise. He gives more than we ask: where there are more vessels, there is enough in God to fill them; enough for all, enough for each; and the Redeemer's all-sufficiency will only be stayed from those whose vessels are already full of worldly debt. The oil, sent by miracle, continued flowing as long as she had empty vessels to receive it.  Maybe what hinders God’s ability to fill you with the power of His goodness and charity is the lack of an empty vessel to receive Him!

The heart of the matter with God is always the heart itself.


Monday, August 18, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."Humble Gratitude"

Then said Hezekiah to Isaiah, Good is the word of the LORD which thou hast spoken. He said moreover, For there shall be peace and truth in my days.”  Isa 39:8

Hezekiah showed the son of the king of Babylon, all his treasures in an ostentatious and improper manner Isa 39:2. Isaiah is sent with a message to Hezekiah to inquire what he had done (vss 3-5).  Isaiah is directed to deliver the solemn message of God that Jerusalem should be taken, and that all its inhabitants and all its treasures should be carried to Babylon (vss 5-7). Hezekiah expresses submission to the just sentence and purpose of God, and acquiescence with GRATITUDE!

The Lesson…

Hezekiah had abundant cause of gratitude in that God was dealing with him in so much kindness. All that the passage fairly implies is, that Hezekiah saw that it was right; and that it was proof of great mercy in God that the punishment was deferred, and was not, as in the case of David (2 Sam. 13-14), to be inflicted in his own time.  By acknowledging God’s reproof with humility and ownership we will find God’s mercy will often be greater than the wrath we deserve.


Friday, August 15, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."God's Hand"

Who knoweth not in all these that the hand of the LORD hath wrought this?”  Job 12:9

Job appeals to the simplest of facts and defends it so plan that the lowest animals of the land and sea can acknowledge it; who does not discern, or cannot learn, even from irrational creatures, the above things? Even Zophar (Ch. 11) spoke concerning God and His perfections, His power, wisdom and providence? For, by the things that are made, the invisible things of God are clearly seen and understood, even His eternal power and Godhead, (Rom 1:20)…the Lord orders all things.  Job points out, as with his finger, “the Lord hath wrought this” the visible world and all things in it were created by Him; Jehovah (self-existent / Eternal God). This is the only place in Job’s discourse with his friends were Jehovah is recorded. Job’s very use of the name Jehovah in such a context is the clearest evidence of the superior knowledge that he claims. Such passage evokes two truths: one, it demands our Humility in and amongst our surroundings and second, it offers great comfort that Jehovah is sovereign.  This allowed Job to prosper through his perils.

“Those who leave everything in God’s hand will eventually see God’s hand in everything.”


Thursday, August 14, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."Peace from the Battle"

He hath delivered my soul in peace from the battle that was against me: for there were many with me. God shall hear and afflict them…because they have no changes therefore they fear not God.” Psalm 55:18-19

David, through his battle, feeling all were against him, comes to realize there are many with him, more than he supposed.  Often is a man blessed who seeks his counsel and strength from God; finding it is HE who rises up friends making them faithful and trustworthy in a storm. His enemies will be reckoned with, and brought down; they could not ease themselves of their fears, as David could, by faith in God. Mortal men, though ever so high and strong, will easily be crushed by an eternal God. Those who refuse the rod of affliction will certainly be brought down to the pit of destruction. We must commit our ways and works to the Lord; let Him do as seems good, and let us be satisfied. Cast our burden upon God, rest upon his providence and promise. He, who bore the burden of our sorrows, desires us to leave to Him the burden of our cares, that, as He knows what is best for us, He may provide it accordingly.

Why does one trust a doctor to practice on the creation more than they trust the Creator to govern that which He redeemed?


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Daily Wisdom...""What is Good"

He hath shown thee, O man, what is good and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God.” Micah 6:8

Concerning God being pleased with us, our acts must be for an interest in the atonement of Christ, and that the sin by which we displease Him may be taken away. What will be a satisfaction to God's justice? In what righteousness shall we appear before him? Our proposals often betray ignorance, though they may show zeal. We are becoming flippant, offering that which is rich and costly, as if it will appease the God that owns it all (vss 6-7). Yet, the Lord wants a living sacrifice not a material or monetary substitution. One cannot bribe God spiritually with rituals and religious acts, “the Lord requires of thee” changed lives a living sacrifice (Rom 12: 1-2). Our walk is not about finding ways to please God, but simply to serve Him.  God has made His wishes clear: He requires thee “to do justly, love mercy and to walk humbly” with Him; as an offering to others, not simply for your own consumption.

For the man who gets all he can and saves all he can, does not give all he can, he better devise another plan!


Monday, August 11, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."Thankful Faith"

For what thanks can we render to God again for youthat we might see your face and might perfect (mature) that which is lacking in your faith.” 1 Thess 3:9-10

Simply stated if one will remain thankful unto God, one increases their ability to remain faithful unto God. Such is Paul’s plea through Timothy to the church, illustrating that that which was the instrument to obtain faith, is also the means of increasing and confirming it, as faith cometh by hearing, so it is confirmed by hearing also.  It should bring great joy to a Christian to see another person come to the saving knowledge of Christ and mature in that faith. Paul experienced this joy countless times.  Thank God for such joy and support them as they continue to grow in the faith. Likewise, have you benefited from the ministry of others? Has someone's guidance and faithfulness stimulated and matured your growth in Christ? Such joy should be two-fold, for those whom you are ministering too and for those who are ministering to you.

Ones discontent towards what they lack, springs forth from the void of thankfulness for what they have.


Friday, August 8, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."Morning Talk"

My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, o Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up.” Psa 5:3

For many the hardest part of any day is the morning, the efforts to energize themselves to get a day started is often their greatest accomplishment, for others the day springs forth as quick as their eyes open.  In both scenarios the day’s opportunities begin to fill our thoughts prioritizing our responsibilities for the day. However, here in Psalm 5, David makes a plea that is all so important in establishing the priorities of one’s day, prior to one’s mind becoming clouded in thoughts and distractions he declares: “My voice shalt thou hear in the morning.” In the morning, our minds are freer from problems and distractions. Who knows what a day will bring forth? Who knows what temptations may await him? Who can protect himself from the dangers which may encompass him? Who can enable us to discharge the duties which are incumbent on us every day? Feeble, helpless, sinful, prone to err, in a world of temptation, and surrounded by dangers alike when we see them and when we do not, there is an obvious spiritual fitness in looking to God each morning for his guidance and protection; and the resolution of David here should be the firm purpose of every man.

The hardest part of the day is not getting up, but looking up to the One that created it!


Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."Uncovered Heart"

“And he (Bartimaeus), casting away his garment, rose, and came to Jesus.” Mk 10:50

Jesus heard the call of Bartimaeus for the healing of his sight and commanded him to be called, and Bartimaeus arose “casting away his garments” both physically and figuratively approached Jesus. This garment was called a cloak, an outer covering to conceal a common appearance underneath.  In order to work/labor it was customary to remove the cloak as not to hinder one’s ability to do so.  Here he threw it off; full of joy at the prospect of being healed, and that he might run without impediment to Jesus.  In this all should come to Jesus, throwing away the garments of his own righteousness, that which is cumbersome and hindering acting only as a false covering of what’s underneath and rise speedily and run with joy to He who is righteous of following. It’s the cloaks in one’s life that impede their relationship with the Saviour causing them to stumble over the very item they are challenged to disrobe when coming to Christ in honesty.

Those who cover up and glory in their looks – not in their hearts – dress to please others.


Monday, August 4, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."Mending the Heart"

“…James the son of Zebedee and John his brother in a ship with Zebedee their father, mending their nets and he called them.” Mt 4:21

As Jesus passed along the shores of Galilee he gathered disciples for His ministry. As He calls James and John two thoughts come to mind 1.) At the time James and John were honoring their father/parents (Exo 20:12) by laboring and supporting the family business and 2.) They were mending their nets to unsure they were prepared for what was hopeful to come in their labors (Psa 10:17).  The Point being: are you currently laboring and being fruitful (Lk 13:6) where the Lord has you planted and second, are you active in preparing your heart to ensure that you hear the Lord’s voice when He calls. A fruitless tree offers little for the Lord to use and offers nothing for those who encounter it and a heart that is left unattended grows hard in a busy world and seldom hears the soft whisper of the Lord.

A frayed heart and a fruitless spirit offer a tattered soul in need of help instead being a help.