Monday, November 17, 2014

Daily Wisdom...Spiritual Healing

“…I will save thee from a far…I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the Lord, (Jere 30:10 & 17)

Incurable grief’s are owing to incurable lusts that are grievous to the soul rendering it incurable and no medicines can heal (vs 13). Yet though one can find oneself captive, and suffering justly, unable to plead their cause; the Lord offers hope.  While one may endure an unwanted harvest from their choices along with the Lord’s correction, the Lord will not put an end to you nor will He ever leave thee (vs 11).  But every effort to heal ourselves must be seen as fruitless, so long as we neglect the only One who can heal our wounds.  The medical language here conveys the idea that sin is terminal. Sinful people cannot be cured by being good or being religiousGod alone can cure the disease of sin and its captivity, but you must be willing to let him. In doing so the Lord will bring those that devour you into captivity and give them as a spoil and a prey (vs 16).

The Lord desires to break the hardened heart and heal the broken one.


Monday, November 10, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."Calamity of Carelessness"

Take good heed therefore unto yourselves, that ye love the Lord your God.”  Joshua 23:11

The calamity of carelessness…this is what Joshua warned the children of Israel to be cautious of. Over the course of twenty chapters in Joshua, God delivered the Promised Land into the hands of Israel as He promised; by way of their dependence and obedience to the Lord. Now Joshua is stricken in years and calls the leaders together (vs 3) to warn them not to turn from what had brought them this far. Joshua warns them in (vs 12) “Else if ye do in any wise go back (to the fallen world)…(vs 13) “Know for CERTANITY that the Lord your God will NO MORE drive out any of these nations from before you…”  Has God been thus true to you? Be not you false to him. He is faithful that has promised, Heb 10:23Many good souls have been ruined through carelessness, returning to snares, traps that are scourges in their side and thorns in their eyes (vs 13b) all of which they had been delivered from.   Nothing will make one see how wretched they are, so much, as to see how happy they might have been if they remained faithful to the One who delivered them.

A wandering soul may pass through moments of happiness, but will never find a point of peace.


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."Wise Counsel"

And the men took of their victuals, and asked not counsel at the mouth of the Lord.”  Jos 9:14

What appears as wisdom today is often revealed simply as luck tomorrow.  Joshua and Israel excluded God in their decision to accept the Gibeonites offer of surrender through means of deception. Even though the Gibeonites became proselytes and surrendered their possessions to Israel, it did not excuse Israel’s neglect in seeking God’s will. Seeking God’s direction would have either exposed the deception or they would have been in mind with God concerning peace.  However what resulted was simply luck on Israel’s part in avoiding damaging consequences in their decision. Don’t be deceived in your own wisdom by the brightness and clearness of a decision, remember the same sun that softens wax and hardens clay, and thus result in luck on our part. Find peace in your decision by getting God in it!

Luck clothes itself in the appearance of wisdom, deceiving one to think it was something they earned.


Monday, November 3, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."True Encouragement"

And the Lord said unto Joshua, Fear Not, neither be thou dismayed…”  Joshua 8:1

Among them that are born of women there was not one greater than John the Baptist (Mt 11:11), yet even he had doubts and fears (Mt 11:2-3). Where there is true faith, yet there may be a mixture of unbelief. The remaining unbelief of good men may sometimes, in an hour of temptation; call in question the most important truths.  In John the Baptist case whether his inquiry was of some degree unbelief or just for strength and confirmation while imprisoned by Herod, Jesus answered his request with facts (vss 4-6) instead of simple words of encouragement. The hope one often longs to grasp in times of great need is only of true value if twined together by facts.  Encouragement by itself, without facts, offers little assurance of hope. Jesus’ encouragement to John the Baptist was a challenge to his faith, to reflect on the fact that what had been promised has been delivered. 

“Fear Not” and let your encouragement be in the Lord, it’s the only promise of hope one has.