“The lofty looks of man shall be humbled, and
the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down, and the Lord alone shall be exalted
in that day.” Isa 2:11
by nature is the most destructive aspect of man’s character; leading him to
avoid humility, accountability and responsibility to God. It creates entitlement in one’s spirit that
leads to selfishness and their own means of sufficiency and dependence in
efforts to seek personal wants and desires.
“Put not your trust in princes,
nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help.” Psa 146:3 Men’s
haughtiness will be brought down by either the grace of God revealing the evil
of their pride or by the providence of God depriving them of all that they were
prideful of. It’s folly for man to think he can hide or shelter himself from accountability
to God or in his continual denial the wrath of God. The shaking of man’s heart will be felt by
those who set their affections on the things of this earth. He that cannot be reasoned by grace from out
of their haughtiness and sin will soon be humbled and brought before God’s account.
Israel’s continual sin was their choice to rely upon their neighbor/man instead
of their God. We’re all prone to self
reliance and dependence that turns us from faith in God to self-faith in that
around us. Let not man be your fear, nor your hope; instead hope in the Lord
who alone will be exalted above all. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of
wisdom…” Psa 111:10
is a high heel shoe for the low man.