Monday, September 28, 2015

Daily Wisdom

If I be wicked, woe unto me; and if I be righteous, yet will I not lift my head. I am full of confusion; and again thou shewest thyself marvelous upon me.” Job 10:15 & 16b

We know God is not the author of confusion (1 Cor 14:33); Job’s confusion is the work of satan.  In either state, wicked (woe unto me) or righteous (I will not lift my head), Job knew the place of humility before God. Our Creator will not allow the works from the hands of the humble to be destroyed, but will renew them in holiness (Jas 4:10; 1 Pt 5:6). It can be strange how in a moment we can lose sight of Heaven, and suddenly find ourselves groveling in confusion at life, and yet come to realize God shows Himself wonderful still. Confusion is only a doorway in which wisdom travels through; but, until God shows you the door, praise Him in the hallway!  

Those who leave everything is God’s hand, will see God’s hand in everything!


Friday, September 25, 2015

Daily Wisdom

Oh that I might have my request; and that God would grant me the thing that I long for.” Job 6:8

In Job, Ch. 6 & 7, we see his response to Eliphaz, his friend, as well as to God justifying his restless countenance and even his willingness to die in it.  Claiming man has no means to question his integrity or to deal deceitfully with him or for God not to forgive his sins and set a mark against him for his transgression. Man often becomes despondent in his confusion; unable to find answers he’s prone to find fault in that around him.  One must remember God is not the author of confusion, but of peace (1 Cor 14:23).  God will not allow pain without allowing something new to born of it (Isa 66:9).  Often we have to forget what we want in order to understand what we need. Even in confusion, it’s one’s hope in God that allows them even in pain to smile; in confusion, to understand; in betrayal, to trust; and in fear, to continue to fight.

Never confuse the will for your desire with the will of God.   


Thursday, September 24, 2015

Daily Wisdom

Yet man is born unto trouble; and into God would I commit my cause; which doeth great things and unsearchable; marvelous things without number. Lo this, we have searched it, so it is; hear it, and know thou it for thy good.”  Job 5:7-9; 27

Trouble comes to one and all without respect or thought, thus don’t hesitate to bring it before God; make known your cause before Him, tell him the whole of it, pour out your soul and then leave it with Him and not wrangle, quarrel or contend with Him, but say, here I am, and let Him do was seemeth good to Him. The works of God are manifold, innumerable and unable to be counted; like the stars of heaven, He is the God of the cattle on a thousand hills (Psa 50:10). Like the grains of sand on the beach, the various things done in providence, blessings of goodness are more than can be reckoned or numbered. Our times are in God’s hands, and it is well to be so. This assurance has been accounted for truth, just as the land was promised to their father’s before Israel possessed it, so were God’s promises established before your needs. Thus take it for yourself to be abundant for your case and make good use of it for your testimony to God’s goodness.

Just count the letters and see, God made your BLESSINGS bigger than your TROUBLES.


Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Daily Wisdom

Behold thou hast instructed many, and thou hast strengthened the weak hands. Thy words have upholden him that was falling, and thou hast strengthened the feeble knees. But now it is come upon thee, and thou faintest; it touched thee, and thou art troubled. Is not this thy fear, thy confidence, thy hope, and the uprightness of thy ways?” Job 4:3-6

Does thy fear, thy confidence, come to nothing? Does it come only to this, that thou faintest?  Eliphaz – the mildest of Job’s three accusers; by way of Job’s complaints against God led the three to doubt Job’s integrity.  But (Lk 13:2-3) shows that, though there is retribution even in this life for our actions, we cannot judge by a single occurrence or appearance. “All things come alike to all; there is one event to the righteous and to the wicked.” (Ecc 9:2); but yet we must take it on faith, that God deals righteously even now (Psa 67:4); judge not by a part, but by the whole of a godly man’s life. “Behold, we count them happy which endure. Ye have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord; that the Lord is very pitiful and of tender mercy.” (Jms 5:11).  God brought about trials in Job’s case, so plainly to prove that He is pitiful and of tender mercy.  This did not appear during his troubles, but was seen in the event.  Let us serve God, and bear our trials as those who believe and know that the end offers a crown of life (Jms 1:12) for those who endure.  Our eternal happiness is safe if we trust to Him; all else is vanity.

That which is called to give off light, must endure burning!


Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Daily Wisdom

For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me.” Job 3:25

One overcomes their fear only when they begin to walk in it.  Job’s first reaction was to regret the day he was born, that without it he could’ve avoided his greatest fear. He had been careful not to worship material possessions but to worship God alone. Here he was overwhelmed by calamities that mocked his caution, and he complained about trials that came despite his right living. All the principles by which he had lived were crumbling, and Job began to lose his perspective. Trials and grief, whether temporary or enduring, do not destroy the real purpose of life. Life is not given merely for happiness and personal fulfillment but for us to serve and honor God. The worth and meaning of life is not based on what we feel but on the one reality no one can take away—God's love for us. Grace teaches us in the midst of life's greatest comforts, to be willing to die, and in the midst of its greatest crosses, to be willing to live. Let it be our care to be ready for another world and leave it to God’s care when He’s just to call us home.   

Don’t think of that which you did not get after praying; think of the countless blessings He gave you without praying!


Daily Wisdom

“…Dost thou still retain thine integrity…?” Job 2:9

These are the words Job’s wife offers in his affliction; interestingly enough she was never afflicted in any way like her children or her husband. It’s possible that her very presence caused Job even more suffering through either her chiding or her sorrow over all they had lost.  But obviously she had reached a point of sacrificing her innocence and was willing to encourage her husband as well to give up and accuse God. “Better is the poor that walketh in integrity, than he that is perverse in his lips and is a fool.” (Pro 19:1)  Integrity is choosing your thoughts and actions based the values of God rather than personal gain. Lot’s wife challenge him to give reason to continue in God; Job responds with his own challenge, are we to only receive good at the hand of God, and receive no evil? (vs 10)  Wisdom means knowing the right path to take; integrity is choosing to walk it.  Satan endeavors to draw men from God, as he did our first parents, by suggesting hard thoughts of Him; but, we must see as Job and overcome such temptation and murmurings and appear the brightest in the furnace of afflictions, knowing God’s grace has the upper hand.  

Integrity is the means in which one meets the demands of reality.


Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Daily Wisdom

“I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.” Ecc 9:11

It isn't difficult to think of cases where the fastest and the strongest don't win, the wise are poor, and the skillful are unrewarded with wealth or honor. Some people see such examples and call life unfair, and they are right.  Men's success seldom equals their expectations.  We must keep God’s perspective; What if the trials in this life are mercies in disguise? Knowing the pain we experience and see reminds us not to struggle getting comfortable in this life, it’s not our home.  Don't let the inequities of life keep you from earnest, dedicated work to God: “a living dog is better than a dead lion.” (Ecc 9:4).  The time God gives us is precious, don’t waste it evaluating the fairness; instead create its worth in God, because that which we often ache for is actually a thirst this world can’t satisfy.  Fairness is not about getting what you want; it’s getting what you need to bring you closer to God. “For all this I consider in my heart and declare it’s in the hand of God…” Ecc 9:1

Life is fair, because it’s unfair to everybody; God is just.


Monday, September 14, 2015

Daily Wisdom

And all this assembly shall know that the Lord saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle is the Lord’s…” 1 Sam 17:47

These words uttered by young David as he faced Goliath; “for the battle is the Lord’s” is a consistent cry. Jonathan (1 Sam 14:6) “the Lord will work for us”; Moses (Exo 14:13-18) “stand still and see; the Lord shall fight for you”; Gideon (Jdg 7:2-7) “will I save you and deliver you.” These men came to realize the battle they faced was not theirs to win, but God’s to deliver! Like the armies of Israel many Christians are fearful of the battle as well as the opponent when they come to realize or consider the size of the battle confronting them.  David utilized five stones to confront his enemy, knowing the battle would be won by God if he was willing to sling a stone. Psalm 44:6 “For I will not trust in my bow, neither shall my sword save me.”  Are you willing to call out your enemy, stand in boldness and confidence, knowing all that is required of you is to be willing to sling a stone; not depending on your strength our accuracy, but the God who delivers.  The security and presumption of fools destroy themselves who depend on their surroundings. Nothing can excel the humility, faith and piety in David’s words “for the battle is the Lord’s.”  

Where are you slinging you stone, in the world or in the Lord?


Friday, September 11, 2015

Daily Wisdom

Declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure.” Isa 46:10

The sovereignty of God can be overbearing even to some Christians; confusing as to why God will deliver one person and not another, why evil can seem to elude justice, why are the faithful still allowed to suffer?  As Christians, humans, the first answer is we cannot understand God’s ways and thoughts:  “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.” (Isa 55:8)  Though true, it does not always comfort us because our pain and fear override our faith.  But, the clearest and most accurate answer is simply, God is sovereign! He is just in all ways, without respect of person to give and take life; deliver us from pain or even choosing to deliver us through pain. Yet, He loves us unconditionally and His mercy endureth forever.  But, His love and mercy are not defined by blessings or healings, but by way of Jesus whom He ransomed for our sins.  For us to define God’s sovereignty by blessings and healings, and not recognize it in trials and death, only illustrates our typical selfishness.  Sovereignty of God: “The Son of God became man to enable man to become the sons of God.”

Though He may choose to take us through that which we dread; it’s the sovereignty of God in which we lay our head.


Thursday, September 10, 2015

Daily Wisdom

Therefore I will look unto the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation, my God will hear me.” Micah 7:7

There are 7 continents and 7 oceans on the globe. There are 7 colors in the rainbow and 7 notes on a musical scale. This is a pattern of 7 stars, which are guiding stars (Big Dipper) and there are 7 objects in the solar system that are visible to the naked eye. There are 7 metals on antiquity upon which civilization is based and 7 levels in the periodic table of elements. There are numerous aspects of 7 within the universe and the world around us. The bible makes it clear; the number 7 is God’s divine, complete and perfect number. Point: we see in our verse Micah 7:7 the perfect answer; the Lord (Jehovah…7 letters) and God (Elohiym…7 letters) whom we are to look to and wait upon for our salvation and our answers. God has a plan, it’s not good; it’s a perfect plan for those who wait and look upon Him and listen to what you know, not what you fear.

God has perfect timing; never early, never late.  It takes a little patience and a whole lot of faith…but it’s worth the wait.


Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Daily Wisdsom

O my people, what have I done unto thee? And wherein have I wearied thee? Testify against me.” Micah 6:3

O my people” – these tender words are repeated again in vs 5; within are contained a volume of reproof.  He claims, we are by His creation, providence, deliverance, love, guardianship, miracles and grace His children; such things He has done for us; what do we have against Him? His commandments are not grievous (1 Jn 5:3). Isaiah paints a heavy picture that is often our relationship with God, wherein we impose our expectations in lieu of His will.  Exerts from Isa 43:22-24 “But thou hast called unto me, but thou hast been weary of me; I have not caused thee to serve with an offering; thou hast brought me nothing; but thou hast made me to serve with thy sins, thou hast wearied me with thine iniquities.” We must be every so quick and consistent to bring into subjection a heart of humility and reason with ourselves, remembering God’s favor and mercy (vs 5) and compare them with our unworthy and ungrateful conduct towards Him. Such a question should be fearful to come about; “where have I wearied thee?” God sends no one away hunger, except those who are full of themselves.

“Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less.”


Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Daily Wisdom

Now also many nations are gathered against thee, that say, let her be defiled…But they know not the thoughts of the Lord, neither understand they his counsel…” Micah 4:11 & 12

Israel found itself in the pains of oppression and suffering from Babylon, as a women travailing in child birth (vs 9).  Yet God encourage them to go forth in their labor assuring them they would be delivered and the Lord will redeem.  The beauty of birth is in great contrast to the pain of the delivery.  While at times it seems the process that brings forth new beginning is more than you can endure, remember whom the Great Physician is who will bring you through it.  Keep in mind as well; Christ endured great pain and travail that promised you opportunity for a new and eternal life. “For thou hast delivered my soul from death; wilt thou deliver my feet from falling…” Psa 56:13   Often the lack of sacrifice invested lessons the appreciation for what is brought forth. Ask a mother if their sacrifice and travail was worth it and she’ll point out that the blessings are greater than the pain. Likewise, what we suffer through now is of contrast to the glory He will reveal to us later (Rom 8:18). 

The Lord will not allow pain without something new to be birthed (Isa 66:9)


Thursday, September 3, 2015

Daily Wisdom

Give me also this power…Thou hast neither part nor lot in this matter, for thy heart is not right in the sight of God.” Acts 8:19; 21

Simon, a sorcerer, was aware of the great works the disciples were doing in the name of Christ for the early church. After receiving the gift of salvation himself, he was now wanting the power to perform miracles as them.  Unfortunately is motive was selfish, not for serving.  Our purpose is to please God, not people.  He alone examines the motives of our heart (1 Thess 2:4).  Christians can be prone to being spiritually arrogant towards others, looking down to judge rather than to lift one up.  We harshly judge those who are not like us, condemning their actions because they don’t align with ours. It’s as if we serve in order to earn spiritual strips on our sleeves to proudly display as Christian hierarchy in the church. Simon wanted the power of the Holy Spirit to be seen rather than to serve through Christ.  Too many times Christ is not the issue with the world, it’s the Christians that represent Him that’s hard accept; we sit on pew and condemn another for sitting on a bar-stool. A self-righteous nature does not make a comfortable pew for others. The truth is; Christ would be more comfortable sitting on a bar-stool beside one who needed him, rather than in a pew with those who think Christ needs them.

The only person you should try to be better than, is the person you were yesterday.


Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Daily Wisdom

Strength and honour are her clothing: and she shall rejoice in time to come.” Pro 31:25

God is never blind to your tears, deaf to your prayers and never silent to your pain. He’s close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit (Psa34:18).  It’s not what or how you feel that makes you strong, but knowing He is your God, your strength and your deliverer; “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God…” (Isa 41:10).  We are never promised days without pain, laughter without sorrow or sun without rain. But, He does promise strength for the day, comfort for tears and light for the way; knowing He has an expected end. You don’t have to be strong, He is your strength lean on Him.

“Grow in grace today, plant faith in your heart, let it be rooted in His love and more grace will start.”

HSAY…Todd (love ya SIS!)