Saturday, September 29, 2018

Daily Wisdom

Jn 9:1 “And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth. And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?  Jesus answered, neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.”

It’s interesting to see the illusions that offer two images in the same picture (Old Woman – Young Girl). That’s often an accurate interpretation when it comes to life when looking at the hurting and evil around us.

Depending on my perspective, I’ll either find purpose or pain. 

When I hurt physically I understand there is something that needs to be addressed or corrected.  The pain is purposeful and helpful despite the discomfort and pain I must endure.

The disciples decided to focus on the hurt and sin instead of seeing the picture of God working through it. I can do the same thing. Why did God allow this to happen in my life?  I must stop focusing on the “disease” and should focus on the cure that is in Jesus.

Stop looking for something to blame and start looking for God in praise!

I can’t be blinded by the problem pain brings, instead of seeing God’s glory displayed through it.  If not, like the disciples I’ll miss out on the wonderful works of the Lord.  Knowing in the worst of pain, “God’s glorious works should be manifest in it.”

I often think of Joseph (Gen 50) when facing painful and difficult problems. The darkest of evil was perpetrated by his brothers, and yet God turned the pain into a glorious work that even blessed the evil who were responsible.

Sometimes the greatest pain inflicted upon those around me, as well as myself, can manifest the greatest blessing. I must choose the right perspective, I can focus on the hurt or the Healer!

The right perspective keeps me from living in the shadows of yesterday and allows me to walk in the light of today and the promised hope of tomorrow.

HSAY… Todd

Friday, September 28, 2018

Daily Wisdom

Job 6:11 “What is my strength, that I should hope? and what is mine end, that I should prolong my life?”

This can be a hard question that Job is asking. Especially when I feel hopeless in my situations.

But I can assure you of this, whatever has your hope, has your heart!

In (Psalm 86:10-12) David’s prayer asked God to unite his heart to His word. Like David, I struggle at times with a divide heart. It’s easy to get caught up in words and not solely God’s Word. The danger is man’s word causes my mind and heart to wander and hope to diminish.

David said, “teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in truth.”

The question is poignant, “where do I place my hope?”

Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a knowing God. If not, feeling the situation is hopeless instead, you’re slamming the door in the face of God.

I know God is working things out for me, even if I don’t see it. I hold to my faith, I’m thankful for His promises and my hope is held in His hands.  Hope is the smallest of light that shines in my darkness and illuminates the promises of God’s love for me.  

By putting everything in God’s hands and you’ll see God’s hand in everything.

HSAY… Todd

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Daily Wisdom

Psa 34:18 “The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.”

We read our verse and yet, it can feel as if the Lord is a million miles away.

As the deep aches of grief and guilt surface and the tears run down my cheek, they bring with them the question of how could I have changed this situation?  Longing to be able to change it by any means necessary, but the pain burrows in and the daily frustrations wear the soul down.

These are not comfortable feelings and thoughts. Pain and grief are never comfortable. It’s human nature to want to pull in, away from the world. To want to go silent, keep to myself all the thoughts I dare to shout out loud.

Running from it. Numbing it. I distract myself.

Yet, the loving voice of God says that he is close. He is there to comfort me, he has rescued me.  Some answers we will never know this side of Heaven. The pain may have to be my cross to bear the rest of my days, but I must find comfort because I’m not carrying it alone.

Psa 56:8 is a beautiful verse, the Lord captures every tear I shed and bottles them… Even in my deepest sorrow, God cares!

He promises to be "close to the brokenhearted" and my source of power, courage, and wisdom, helping me through my trials. Don’t let your lack of ability to feel His presence fatigue you, know His promises. Sometimes he chooses to deliver us through our situation and not from it.

Often our greatest ministry will come out of our greatest pain.

I do my best to lean into the pain and not run from it, I’m promised on the other side is peace!

HSAY… Todd

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Daily Wisdom

Pro 17:3 “The fining pot is for silver, and the furnace for gold: but the LORD trieth the hearts.”

Different metals purify at different temperatures. But, one must be careful to get the temperature just right, so that you don’t lose any of the precious metal being refined. Otherwise, you’ll burn it too much and it all turns to dust.

In this process it brings the dross (Isa 1:25; Pro 25:4) to the surface, forming a thin crust and is scrapped off. Dross is the concentration of the impurities that were once within the metal, but now they are being separated by the perfect application of heat.

The process is vigilant, requiring the refiner to apply the right amount of fire and heat without scorching the metal, again all the while the dross separates revealing the true value within.

This is the same refinement the Lord uses on our hearts (Psa 119:119).

With just the right amount of heat and trial, the Vigilant Refiner burns away the dross that is not just buried within us but has been a part of us for as long as we can remember. Peter says, "These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold—though your faith is far more precious than mere gold" (1Pt 1:7).

If you’re in the Refiner’s Fire now don’t pull away and run, be patient and endure the heat because a greater beauty within is rising to the surface. The Lord will not scorch you but will separate you from that which hides your beauty.

The presence of the Lord was in the furnace for the three Hebrew boys. (Dan 3)

HSAY… Todd

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Daily Wisdom

Jn 16:33 “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” 

One can accurately say (Jn 16:33) is one of the more quoted or referenced scriptures in the N.T.

And yet we still awake to mornings with the first thought in our mind “I don’t feel I can face another day with trials. My heart is too full of hurt, hate, anger or sadness.”

In Psalm 69, Psalm for the brokenhearted, David himself talks of “deep waters and miry depths” (vss 1-4), “guilt” (vss 5-12), “cries of deliverance” (vs 14) he faced and felt hopeless so many times.

In (Jn 16) Jesus in His last moments with His disciples warns them about further persecution, why He was going and His return. He also promised them they would not be alone, but the Holy Spirit the comforter would be with them. Jesus knew what lay head and didn’t want the disciples shaken or destroyed.

Likewise, the Father knows what lay ahead for us and wants us to know we as well are not alone, our comforter is present, and that Jesus has already overcome the world and thus our trials.

By way of the Father’s promises we’re never deeper than He can descend and deliver us from it. WE must find our reason to “rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” (Rom 12:12)

H.O.P.E. (Hold On, Pain Ends) – Jere 29:11

When you feel you’re drowning in life’s tribulation, remember our lifeguard walks on water!

 HSAY… Todd

Monday, September 24, 2018

Daily Wisdom

2Ti 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:” 

We live in a society that wants to tailor everything to their desires.

We like to define our experience of reality and “have it our way” as Burger King offers.  Trying to customize everything from our meals to our cars.

Unfortunately, even though having life a certain way is by no means wrong, it is easy to fall into a trap of applying this type of philosophy to God’s word.  Becoming susceptible to only choosing to follow the parts that fit our wishes and likes.  What if someone makes us angry and we wanted to remain mad at them or seek our own defined justice?

If we could customize our won version of God’s Word, we could just ignore Eph 4:26.  Not requiring us to be accountable to growth, Christ-likeness, correction or instruction.  And leave inspiration to our own definition and wants.

We live in a world where truth has become relative to our situations rather than absolute. We change the definition by culture trends, opinions and man’s philosophy. Every word in the bible was inspired by the Holy Spirit and is just as valid today as it was when it was written.

Society has put God’s Word on trial, on the witness stand to defend itself, leaving truth itself to be weighed and determined by man’s jury.

It’s easy to discern truth. Just listen closely, God will never contradict His word… man will!

HSAY… Todd

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Daily Wisdom

Luk 15:17 “And when he came to himself (18) I will arise and go to my father …”

These two excerpts from (Lk 15:17-18) some up the whole matter when it comes to man’s separation from the Father.

I’m not a runner.  I liked cardio training but couldn’t endure just running, I was prone to run too far out, meaning if I ran say 5 miles out I realized I had to run 5 miles to get back. There were times when I felt I was doing well, and I ran too far, and thought I’d never make it back.

Point being: Fortunately, with God you can never run so far that you can’t make it back!

The prodigal son makes this clear. Yet we must notice the son’s first step in returning to the Father. The son didn’t increase his work/s to get in better shape. He simply “came to himself.” The son had become mentally deranged from the Father’s will. The Greek phrase “came to himself” implies a kindred mind-set, unity in thought. We change our thinking to the Father’s.

The beauty is the Father who is always prepared, ran to the son upon seeing his return! There’s a beautiful song titled “When God Ran” by Phillips, Craig & Dean:

He ran to me,
He took me in His arms,
Held my head to His chest,
Said "My son's come home again!"
Lifted my face,
Wiped the tears from my eyes,
With forgiveness in His voice He said
"Son, do you know I still love You?"

Running can be great for us if we’re running in the right direction with the right mind. Maybe your mind-set is deranged from the Father’s, that’s not fatal and is easily fixable. Just “come to yourself” change your thinking and bring into unity, kindred to the Father’s, and He’ll be prepared to run to you and meet you where you are!

Stop believing the lies of the enemy that there’s no way back! The Father’s ears and eyes are on you, just “come to yourself” and He’ll come to you!

It’s not about the distance you’ve run that matters, it’s the direction you’ve running in!

HSAY… Todd

Friday, September 7, 2018

Daily Wisdom

Not for that we have dominion over your faith, but are helpers of your joy…” 2 Cor 1:24

Such a simple statement is extracted from (vs 24) that can bear great weight on one’s spiritual health.  Paul’s letter to Corinth was for the purpose to build up and not for tearing down, “…the Lord hath given me to edification and not to destruction” (2 Cor 13:10). 

So, the question presents itself, do we offer value to the ministry of the Gospel and the “Joy” of one’s faith?  We have no ability or power to command faith, nor can we add to another’s faith, but, we can add value through what is contained in the scriptures. 

Paul refers to “joy” (5) times in 2 Cor.  Joy is the result of grace which is wrought in the soul by which Christ is the object. It’s the by-product of faith, and as one’s faith grows so does one’s joy. 

Yet it is often interrupted by the corruptions of the heart and temptations of this world, leaving the soul feeling unloved, discouraged and hopeless.  Such state of the soul drove Paul’s purpose, as should it ours, is to edify and add value by building-up one’s spirit in Christ. Making ourselves instruments and means by which the Spirit of God can be manifested in other’s hearts.

Our value to others comes when we tell our story not so that we get the glory, but so others may know the joy of the Lord.

This world is full of Joy, if you can’t find it offer it!


Thursday, September 6, 2018

Daily Wisdom

If I must needs glory, I will glory of the things which concern mine infirmities.” 2 Cor 11:30

Catch the perspective Paul testifies to, he glories in what God has done, not on what He will do.

Paul found his strength, testimony and glory in the numerous afflictions God had faithfully brought him through. This fueled his faith and witness for God and kept him encouraged for tomorrow knowing God has the final say in all trials we face. 

Christians are prone to focus on what they fear or the desired outcome they want rather than what they have been given and delivered from. This creates a consumer Christianity mindset that if we are getting from God we find glory in God.

Be cautious in letting your glory in the Lord to be based on what He’s going to do rather than what He has done. Rejoice “of the things” God has done.  This is your testimony that allows others to see God’s favour (Grace) in His children.

In doing so, you’ll find that what concerns you today will tomorrow be one “of the things” He’s done for you… again!

Live (testify) in a way that allows others to see the goodness “OF” God in you!


Monday, September 3, 2018

Daily Wisdom

Psa 118:24 “This is the day the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.”

Joy is not in things, it is in us… “If you have no joy there’s a leak in your Christianity somewhere.”

Our ability to find joy in every day is not because life is good, but because God is. And nor is joy in the absence of suffering, but in the presence of God and knowing that suffering produces endurance (Rom 5:3).

The source of our joy should be situated in our salvation (Psa 51:12 “Restore unto me they joy of thy salvation”), thus making it a privilege and duty to “rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice“(Phl 4:4)

Joy is in the journey that leads us to the end of ourselves and into the beginning of God!

HSAY… Todd