Psa 130:5 “I wait for the LORD, my soul doth
wait, and in his word do I hope. (6) My soul waiteth for the Lord
more than they that watch for the morning: I say, more than they that watch for
the morning.”
This possibly being a Psalm of David (after repenting for
his adultery/murder) is expressed with such climax that it’s recorded as a song
of degree, expressed with an assurance of relief and comfort, believing it will
come, and longing till it does. Stating, “my soul does wait” in sincerity
and not profession only. David is placing his faith in two areas, God’s grace,
and God’s power. And both are placed on God’s Word, which is his/our hope, only
hope! David illustrates his assurance of God’s grace and power as one waiting patiently
for the sun to rise in the morning. Subconsciously, we never question the dawn
of a new morning, yet we are prone to question the One who raises? That’s not a
logical thought process, but still often presents itself as problematic to the
believer. O Lord, help us to find such great assurance, as the psalmist, in
Your grace and promises, looking each and every morning before the break of day
with anticipation of its promised arrival by Your mighty right hand!
Faith stands and falls on the truth that our hope in God is
more assuring than the one promised by this world… HSAY