Mat 13:45 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is
like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of
great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.”
That’s it, the #11th parable of Jesus, just two
verses. But loaded with a challenging question for us, “Are we willing to
lose all that we have to gain all that Christ has for us?” Actually,
two questions must be answered: First, is there something worth losing everything
for? And then are we willing to lose everything to gain it? But it’s not something, it’s Someone who is
worth losing everything for. This question can almost appear as entrapment when
we answer yes to losing everything for Jesus, and then consider if we are truly
sold-out for Jesus! What is being sold-out in Christ Jesus? Are you giving
Jesus everything, losing all things to Him: our mind, heart, lives, actions, relationships,
and our will? We can add money/finances,
tomorrow, wishes and dreams? It’s literally like investing, you only gain a
return on what you’re willing to invest. Remember, Jesus was and is all in on
His side by way of the cross and losing His life for our gain; are we
withholding on our investment? Let’s be honest, would you sale everything you
had to purchase a lotto ticket that guaranteed a multi-million dollar return,
enough said!
By losing everything to get Jesus, you lose nothing because
Jesus is everything… HSAY