Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Daily Wisdom

'That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; of Christ love…’ Eph 3:17-19a

In one sense, there’s nothing special about “Holy Week.” Just another sequence of eight days each spring - nothing is intrinsically holy about this Sunday to Sunday.  Paul, for one, would be quite happy for us to partake, or not. “One person esteems one day as better than another, while another esteems all days alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind” (Rom 14:5).

While not an obligation, it’s an opportunity to walk as a bride with her Bridegroom through the most important week in the history of the world. While not mandating the observance, the (N.T.) does give us indirect reason if we’re looking for it. The final eight of Matthew’s 28 chapters are given to this one week, along with the last six of Mark’s sixteen and the final six of Luke’s 24. Most significant, though, is John. Ten of the Gospel’s 21 chapters - essentially half - deal with the final week of our Lord’s life, His betrayal, His trials, His crucifixion, and His triumphant resurrection. Even Acts, returns to the events of Holy Week with frequency.

Jesus’s step-by-step journey to Golgotha is a glowing revelation of the extent of His love; He loved us “to the uttermost” (Jn 13:1) in going all the way to the cross. 

The breadth, length, depth and height of Jesus love is unmeasurable, but it is a dimension we can dwell in. Doing so, makes this week personal and powerful… HSAY

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Daily Wisdom

After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once…’ 1 Cor 15:6

Despite what the world says, do put all your eggs into One basket!

Luke tells us Jesus gave many infallible proofs, and Paul himself said that five hundred people had seen Him alive, and some of those are still alive, if you want to go talk to them (1 Cor 15:6). He was raised physically. They recognized Him. They could put their hands in His wounds. He ate fish in front of them precisely to say a spirit doesn’t have flesh and bones as you see that I have (Lk 24:39). He ascended to the right hand of the Father. He sits on the throne with God. He intercedes for us there, praying for us. He is reigning until He puts all his enemies under His feet. The end of Matthew says He has all authority in heaven and on earth (Mt 28:18).

The resurrection vindicates Good Friday, Jesus’ death; His death which covers our sins. But the power of it all was Easter morning. It establishes His authority over the sting of death (1 Cor 15:55-57), the promise to never leave us (Heb 13:5), and the assurance of the same eternal life for those who accept Him (Jn 5:24). 

Paul put all of his eggs in this basket... (1 Cor 15:17 ‘And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins.’). Jesus is not a trinket in the basket, He is the basket in which everything else is to be placed… HSAY

Monday, March 29, 2021

Daily Wisdom

 ‘My soul is exceeding sorrowful…’ Mt 26:38

Know this, the more devoted you become to spreading the message of Christ to a lost and dying world… for the day you make that decision till the day you leave this earth you’re going to face untold persecution from without (Mt 10:16a) and from within (Mt 10:34-36).

Because of this, Jesus stated ‘My soul is exceeding sorrowful’ (vs 38). Jesus knew that He was going to die (Mt 26: 2). According to (Heb 12:2), He even looked forward to it. The reason Jesus began to be sorrowful and deeply depressed ‘…even unto death” is because He feared that He was about to face an untimely death by the hand of Satan (Jn 13:26-27). Jesus prayed to keep the influence of satan’s attacks from His ministry and life… (Heb 5:7) says He was heard.

Jesus, even amongst His disciples and a beautiful/powerful ministry, struggled in loneliness, persecution, and an indifferent people towards His love for them (Heb 5:8). Through His three-year ministry, into Palm Sunday and the eventual arrival at the cross, Jesus and His disciples were persecuted and yet protected and delivered by the hand of the Father.

The world will do enough damage to the gospel and love of Jesus, be sure we don’t contribute to such damage as well by succumbing to our flesh and the influence of satan’s attacks… HSAY

Friday, March 26, 2021

 ‘Of his own will he brought us forth by the word of truth…’ Jms 1:18

 The power of Doctrine over Doxology. Doctrine is the foundational truth of God’s Word; Doxology is the singing/exultation of praise to God.  While the (N.T.) makes references to songs, hymns, and praise it’s not the emphasis given. Jesus sang with His disciples (Mk 14) no doubt, but He taught them first. The disciples had set at Jesus feet, heard His doctrine, and seen His miracles; and now Jesus determines to make use of them. They had received, that they might give, had learned, that they might teach.  

 Exultation in God is first in the order of importance, but it doesn’t come first in our life. In life, doctrinal education precedes desired exultation. Learning truth precedes loving truth. Right reflection on God precedes right affection for God. Seeing the glory of Christ precedes savoring the glory of Christ. Doctrinal theology is the foundation of great doxology, that’s the order of life as His disciple.

 You learn to love - deeper the knowledge of a thing, greater a love for it… HSAY

Thursday, March 25, 2021

 ‘And he could there do no mighty work…’ Mk 6:6

Here Jesus visits His own country, Nazareth, the place of His birth and raising, and where his family were. He had been in danger of His life among them (Lk 4:29), and yet He came among them again; so patient is Jesus to be gracious, and seek the salvation of His enemies. Yet there’s no recording of crowds flocking to Him as with other appearances, possibly limiting Him to the synagogue only for teaching. But they still couldn’t avoid two aspects of His life… His teachings and wisdom, knowing He had no learned education. And His works of miracles with His own hands, both of which confirmed the doctrine of the divine gospel He taught and lived. 

And yet, Jesus received no due honor or sincere acknowledgment, ‘A prophet (teacher) is not without honour, but in his own country and among his own kin, and house.’ (vs 4). Point being, despite being God in flesh, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, Jesus was powerless amongst His own people – ‘And he marvelled because of their unbelief…’ (vs 6).  The most debilitating and disruptive act against the gospel and the work of the Father is man’s doubt in its goodness for their life. As the Father’s children we’re just as much family as those that Jesus encountered in Nazareth. Cautious with being apathetic in your response towards the Lord, causing Jesus to marvel over your unbelief in His goodness for you!

Just as the smallest grain of sand can disrupt the comfort of a shoe on your foot, so can the smallest degree of doubt or apathy towards the Lord disrupt His goodness in you!

God never stops being good, we just stop… HSAY 

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

 ‘… why make you this ado, and weep? The damsel is not dead, but sleeps.’ Mk 5:39

Returning to Jairus’ story (Mk 5), Jesus was and is never too busy. Sometimes I declare I don't have time. All the tasks on my to-do list are incredibly important.  I must prepare for this sermon, do this Bible study, do this, do that. Then there's Jesus! When His cousin/friend John the Baptist had just been beheaded, Jesus tried to go to a lonely place to mourn, but the crowds beat Him there. He healed their sick and fed them dinner. Only that evening, did He get a chance to be alone, and that was interrupted (Mat 14). Even Peter (Mk 1:35-39), sought and interrupted Jesus when He was alone with the Father, and yet Jesus didn’t respond irritably.  

Even when his life was on the line, Jesus had time for other people's problems. When someone threatens to kill you, escaping will jump to the top of your to-do list! It did for Jesus, but he still let Himself be bothered: ‘The Pharisees went out and conspired against him, how they might destroy him. Jesus knew it, withdrew himself, and great multitudes followed, and he healed them all.’ (Mat 12:14-15).  It would be like your pastor being willing to stay up front after a service and pray for you, knowing there was someone in the building waiting around to shoot him.

Everything Jesus does is infinitely more important than what I/we do, but every time I interrupt Him, He pays attention. Nothing prevents Him from loving us. During immense sadness at His own loss, He made sure others needs were met. When facing the end of His own life, he saved others' lives.

Jesus in never too busy to listen, don’t allow yourself to get too busy to talk… HSAY

Monday, March 22, 2021

Daily Wisdom

 ‘she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole.’ – Mk 5:28

She found her hope and healing in the hem. We have seen Jesus touch the sick and healing occurred.  He has simply spoken, and healing occurred.  But now Jesus spoke not a word nor laid a hand upon a soul and the power of His healing still flowed from Him. Understand, the goodness of Jesus/God does not require premeditated efforts on His part as it does us. Jesus’ goodness is an innate and inseparable characteristic that is driven by His pleasure to do good. He’s not a “sci-fi” character requiring him to muster up his power to be put to use. Jesus is good by nature, not command.

But, in the same light He is not unaware when His virtue/goodness is applied, flows from Him. This prompted Him to stop and inquire. But not because someone had taken from, but because someone trusted in Him. Jesus asked, ‘who touched my clothes?’, not that he might blame her for her presumption, but that he might commend and encourage her faith. As secret acts of sin, so secret acts of faith, are known to the Lord Jesus, and are under his eye. Yet, while knowing she was cured, she fell down fearing and trembling when Jesus enquired, not knowing how He would respond.  As Christ’s children, and patients as well, we often come before the Lord trembling, when we have reason to be triumphing in His virtue/goodness.

If you desire a thread of hope, make sure it comes from the hem of His garment… HSAY

Friday, March 19, 2021

Daily Wisdom

 “What have you to do with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I adjure you by God, do not torment me.” Mk 5:7

In this passage the demon screamed at Jesus, "Why are you interfering with me?" It was a shriek of defense, and rebellion against God. No one today would like to admit to being demon possessed or even persuaded, but most of our society, like the demon, is screaming at God, the church, and Christian values, "Why are you interfering with me? – translates to, “Get out of my life!" 

When people reject or refuse Jesus and his authority, they put themselves on the side of the demons and are heading in the same direction. Every person must ask: Will I choose autonomy and self-will leading to my own spiritual destruction, or will I choose Christ's loving leadership over my life, giving me favour, healing, joy, peace, strength, and true freedom? 

The measure in which we are filled with Christ will be directly related to how empty we are of self… HSAY

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Daily WIsdom

 ‘Let us go across to the other side. Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?’ Mk 4:35; 40

Our greatest journey or walk of faith will be crossing from where we are to where the Father wants us to be. For the disciple’s, part of their walk was literally across the Sea of Galilee. The sea was 680 ft. below sea level and surrounded by high hills which created strong winds and violent storms. But the disciple’s were seasoned fisherman and have spent their life on the sea. Yet, in this storm they panicked. 

A point to consider, it was the same day that Jesus had preached out of  the ship (vs 1-2). Jesus had been laboring all day preaching and healing, but when evening/night came He wanted to travel elsewhere. Instead of reposing Himself, He exposed Himself to more in need. The end of a long toil may perhaps be but the beginning of a toss/storm to come. But notice, the ship that Christ made his pulpit is taken under his special protection, and, though in danger, cannot sink. What is used for Christ, He will take particular care of especially His children.

But fear still followed and settled on them. Why are ye so fearful? Though there may be cause for some fear, yet not for fear to such a degree as this. The disciples believed that Jesus is the Son of God; but at this time their fears prevailed so that they seemed to have no faith at all. Don’t fear being where the Father calls you to or the storm surrounding it.  The greater fear is not being where He calls you, because no matter how clear the skies appear, the greatest storms reside.

Peace doesn’t come from finding a lake without a storm, but from having Jesus in the boat… HSAY

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Daily Wisdom

The kingdom of God is as if a man should scatter seed on the ground. He sleeps and rises night and day, and the seed sprouts and grows; he knows not how. The earth produces by itself, first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear.’ Mk 26-28

Jesus describes Heaven like a mustard seed being planted. It’s less than all the other seeds on earth, yet it will grow to greater heights and branches in the hand of the Father. So much so the birds shall lodge in it and under the shadow of it from the heat. Illustrating that the littlest efforts with the right purpose can and will do great things for the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Father promises that His harvest will be magnificent and prolific - the best fruit ever grown. Your witness may appear weak and your efforts may seem to influence so few, but the Word of God is a powerful growth agent. Keep your eyes on the great harvest to come and don't let bad soil or weeds discourage you from faithful service and witness. It’s not how much you’re planting in this world, but what you’re planting that makes the difference for Heaven and your ministry purpose.

Don’t judge your day by what see but rather by what you’re planting, the harvest may not be seen until Heaven, but it will be reaped… HSAY

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Daily Wisdom

'Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you.’ Jn 16:7

Have you ever wondered how Jesus’s absence could be an advantage to us?  What “Helper” could possibly be better than Jesus’s perfect, powerful presence and witness with his people on the earth?  I can only imagine that this question was going through his disciples’ minds when Jesus announced that he was leaving them (vs 5-6). What advantage would it be to them for the Messiah to leave, when his mission was not yet complete, and to send them as his replacements?

Jesus knew his absence would be a huge advantage, not only for his closest disciples.  Jesus knew His power within Him existed in and through the Holy Spirit; illustrating clearly, it’s not who is “with”, but who is “within “you that matters most. The physical presence of Jesus is beyond imagination, but the presence of the Holy Spirit within you is even greater, and Jesus knew that. Stating ‘those who believe in me, greater works than these will he do’ (Jn 14:12).

Don’t be distracted by needing to experience the emotional presence of Jesus, when you have the greater promise and power with (within) you… HSAY

Daily Wisdom

 ‘Is a lamp brought in to be put under a basket, or under a bed, and not on a stand?’ Mk 4:21

Too many Christians today are hidden from sight, reluctant to be identified as Christians. Such a Christian is like a brand-new light that never leaves the carton it came in. If a lamp doesn't help people see, it isn't worth much. Does our life show other people how to find Jesus and how to live for him and in Him? If not, ask what "baskets" have hidden your light? Complacency, indifference, embarrassment, stubbornness of heart, or disobedience will keep the light you’ve been  given from shining. 

What do you need to do to let your light shine? The light of Jesus' truth is revealed to you, not hidden (vs 24-25). While you may not be able to see or to use all that truth right now, as you put God's teachings into practice you will understand and see more of the truth revealed, allowing others to see more clearly as well. 

The truth is clear, but is it seen clearly in us by others – be a source of light in a dark world… HSAY