Thursday, May 27, 2021

Daily Wisdom

 ‘… Thus saith the Lord GOD; I do not this for your sakes, O house of Israel, but for mine holy name's sake…’ Ezk 36:22

The Father’s act was to protect and restore what man had profaned. God was concerned about the salvation of not only His people but also the whole world. To allow His people to remain in sin and be destroyed by their enemies would lead other nations to conclude that their pagan gods were more powerful than Israel's God (Isa 48:11). Israel, and believers today, are called to represent the gospel and love of God to the rest of the world. Our sin can often impede and even profane God’s Word at times to a lost world.

This occurs in the spiritual warfare we encounter daily that impedes our ministry in the Father’s Word and His love. In (Dan 10), we see that Daniel had fasted for 21 days, laboring in an oppressed spirit until an angel was sent to minister and strengthen him. The prince of Persia withstood Daniel’s spirit in doing for the Lord. It wasn’t until the Lord sent Michael (archangel) to intercede on Daniel’s behalf was the demonic spirit subdued. In Daniel’s weakness the Lord ministered to him to ensure Daniel could move forward with the truth and not be hindered. All this was for the Lord’s name’s sake to be glorified through Daniel, not just for Daniel.

Darkness can oppress the wishes of man, but it can’t oppose the will of the Father … HSAY 

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Daily Wisdom

 ‘Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for his body's sake, which is the church.’ Col 1:24

Paul’s statement here shows us that suffering is unavoidable in bringing the Gospel about. When we suffer, Christ feels it with us. But this suffering can be endured joyfully because it changes lives and brings people into God's Kingdom (1 Pt 4:1-2; 12-19 & Phl 2:9 ‘For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake.')

Our convictions compel our actions and help us complete the course. Allowing us to endure and find encouragement in that which we endorse. But, Paul found himself in non-encouraging moments. But the Lord strengthened him to endure, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." (2 Cor 12). It was the Lord’s ever-present Grace which provided the power that sustained Paul; being more apparent because of his weakness – not in spite of it. Suffering for the sake of, makes the Gospel more evident when we’re not reliant on our own abilities.

You’ll find that if you focus on the right thing, you won’t be searching for things… HSAY 

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Daily Wisdsom

 ‘If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel…’ Col 1:23

Paul was speaking here to the unsaved within the Colossian church. No matter what church Paul addressed, he always had to consider the fact that there would be “tares” amongst the “wheat,” unsaved people among the saved within local churches (Mt 13:24-33).  Today as well we must be steadfast unmovable in the same truth of only one Saviour, Jesus Christ and one source, grace.

We must maintain the clarity of the gospel in Jesus, and ensure others understand the only hope they have is in the promised gospel. When one wavers from that one truth, hope begins to diminish, and confusion and doubt establish a voice. Hope becomes hopelessness for the believer as well when one looks beyond their salvation. The promise of the gospel that established their eternal hope, as well as in this life, only sustains itself by their continual dwelling in what it promises, not the hope which the world offers in exchange.

Hope isn’t the crossing of the finger, it’s simply the Cross itself… HSAY

Monday, May 24, 2021

Daily Wisdom

That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God.’ Col 1:10

Colossians was written by Paul during his first imprisonment in Rome. He's warning them concerning philosophic teachings against doctrine. Paul’s writings deal with two issues, doctrine (first two chaps.), then with the practice of it (last two chaps.). Interesting point being that Paul taught doctrine first, proving that what you believe will always determine how you behave. 

Good knowledge without a good life will not profit. Our understanding becomes a spiritual understanding when we exemplify it in our way of living: ‘That you may walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing.’ We walk in all well-pleasing when we walk in all things according to the will of the Father, ‘Being fruitful in every good work.’ Otherwise words without works is dead (Jms 2:14). We must abound in good works; not in some only, which are more suitable, safe, but in all, showing our faith being worthy in the Lord. It starts with hearing the Word of God, then one must walk in the truth of it.

Our walk counts far more than our talk… HSAY

Friday, May 21, 2021

Daily Wisdom

Can two walk together, except they be agreed?’ Amos 3:3

It’s like the slap-stick comedy scenario where two guys are handcuffed together and trying to run in different directions.  Only in this scenario, one it’s not funny, and two there won’t be a struggle on the Father’s part. Meaning He’ll move in His direction with no restriction, its whether we’re going to walk with Him or try to walk our own direction.

Trying to move in a direction against the Father’s will for your life will always be a struggle. Yet, when you get where you’re heading without a struggle, you’re probably going in the Father’s direction. But when you don’t seem to get where you’re heading, it’s probably the Father’s protection.  Powerful things happen when we ask the Father for directions instead of telling the Him where we’d like to go. Know the Father has a plan. Pray for direction to follow it, patience to wait on it, and discernment to see it clearly. 

The Father’s direction won’t be without its own obstacles, but He’ll always provide a bridge over it… HSAY

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Daily Wisdom

‘… commanded the prophets, saying, Prophesy not.’ Amos 2:12

In Amos (Ch. 2) the Lord states the humility Israel was lacking. How He delivered victory for them against the Amorites, after leading them through the wilderness for forty years to the Promise Land. The Lord anointed them with spiritual privileges and advantages raising up their sons to be prophet’s and Nazarites. And now the Lord has charged them with the abuse of His grace they benefited from, having commanded the 'prophets to prophesy not.'

Israel become more interested in what they wanted and refused to hear the truth, and even went to efforts to extinguish it; ‘you gave wine to the Nazarites to drink.’ It doesn’t take much for man to interrupt the Lord’s will. First and foremost is the avoidance of God’s Word in one’s life. Doing so dulls the spirit against conviction, and repentance. Leaving one’s spirit to stray in self-will and thought. Our culture today is becoming less accountable to God’s truth, thus defining their own. Don’t quieten the Word of God in your life. Allow the Holy Spirit to use your pastor to speak truth directly to your spirit, and humbly receive it as “profitable doctrine for reproof, correction, for instruction in righteousness.” (2 Tim 3:16). 

You know you've gone blind to truth when you can ‘see nothing wrong’ with what God calls sin… HSAY

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Daily Wisdom

 ‘… I will not turn away the punishment thereof; because they sold the righteous for silver, and the poor for a pair of shoes.’ Amos 2:6

Interesting that while the Lord brought judgement upon nation after nation in (ch. 1), who did wrong to Judah and Israel, the Lord eventually looked upon them as well. Israel and Judah had their own sins. They had become trapped in their religion of self-righteousness and not humble in the righteousness of Jesus. They looked at what they did, and not what the Lord had done for them. Israel observed religious rituals. They gave extra tithes, went to worship, and offered sacrifices. But they were selfish, greedy and unjust. They sold the righteous man and his cause for silver/wealth, and the poor for personal gain.

We must be sure not to neglect the needs of others while we faithfully attend church and fulfill our religious obligations. It doesn’t matter much what we give religiously if you’re given it with the wrong heart and motive, as to buy favor or approval from God. Our religious servitude in rituals and giving don’t mask our selfishness, greed, and ill motives. The Lord warned the church of Laodicea (Rev 3:14) ‘I know thy works…’ They were blinded in their abundance and selfish desires. This is why they’re seen as the (last days church)! Play religious, and you’re playing with spiritual fire. Don’t let what we do be more important than what the Father call us to do.

What we gain is only good for us when it’s given of God, and not gathered by our greed… HSAY 

Friday, May 14, 2021

Daily Wisdom

 ‘So shall ye know that I am the LORD your God… For I will cleanse their blood that I have not cleansed…’ Joel 3:17a; 21a

Joel began with a prophecy about the destruction of the land and ended with a prophecy about its restoration. He began by stressing the need for repentance and ended with the promise of forgiveness that repentance brings. Joel was warning the people to wake up (Joe 1:5), get rid of their complacency, and realize the danger of living apart from God.  This is Joel’s reference to their blood that has not been cleansed, their blood had become contaminated from their sinful acts as they wondered away from the Father. 

Broken fellowship is a sin that’s caused by man’s willingness to wonder in the world and venture after the visual lust it offers. This broken fellowship causes man to neglect their need for the Lord in their folly. Don’t find yourself waiting to need God until you need God. The Father hasn’t changed His position, He’s exactly where we left Him, we just need to change our priorities. 

Restoration is promised, it’s repentance that’s our problem… HSAY 

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Daily Wisdom

Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision.’ Joel 3:28

The Day of the Lord is speaking to the second coming of Christ (Rev 19:11-21). There are 283 verses (155 O.T. / 128 N.T.) that prophesy about the second coming of Christ. The RAPTURE of the Church (to meet the LORD in the air) and the SECOND COMING OF CHRIST are two separate events that are separated by a seven-year period.  Whereas the Rapture of the Church is seen as a time of joy (I Thess 2:19, II Cor 1:14 and Jn 14:1-3), the Second Coming is seen as a time of judgment (Mt 25:31-46, I Thess 5:1-3, II Thess 1:7-10 and Rev 19:11-16) and decision.

They simplest way to state the importance with this context of scripture is by saying, "decide today or the decision will be made for you!" (Isa 13).  Look around you. See your family and friends, have they received God's forgiveness and Christ promise? Have they been warned about sin's consequences? If we understand the severity of God's final judgment, we will want to take God's offer of hope to those we know. Joshua stated the importance over 4,600 years ago, ‘Choose you this day whom you will serve’ (Jos 24:15). We may have chosen to accept the promise of Christ, but are we choosing daily to follow Christ? 

Cautious in waiting till tomorrow to choose, the choice may not be waiting for you… HSAY

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Daily Wisdom

 ‘I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten… “You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD…’ Joel 2:25a; 26a

Don’t you hate making the same mistake twice? It’s better to prepare/prevent than it is to repair/repent. Consider how many ways we apply this, we take steps to ensure cars, homes, finances, health… yet often leave our hearts a drift. Failing to repent/repair our hearts, will often cause us to repeat our actions causing ongoing effects.   

If the Jews would never again experience a disaster like this locust plague ("my people shall never again be put to shame"), how do we explain the captivity in Babylon, their slavery under the Greeks and Romans, and their persecution under Hitler? It is important not to take these verses out of context. This is still part of the "blessings" section of Joel's prophecy. Only if the people truly repented would they avoid a disaster like the one Joel had described. God's blessings are promised to those who sincerely and consistently follow him (2 Chron “IF my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.’)

Blessed is the man who fears the LORD, who greatly delights in his commandments! (Psa 112:1)… HSAY

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Daily Wisdom

‘… turn ye even to me with all your heart…’ Joel 2:12

Ever been prone to put-off till tomorrow what you should’ve done today? Joel’s prophetic cry was of the Lord seeking after the hearts of man, while man was putting it off till another time. Often ‘not now’ becomes ‘never’ allowing for life to take root in our hearts and inviting anger, unforgiveness, bitterness, hate and fear to come along. 

There’s a degree of arrogance that comes with spiritual procrastination, assuming God owes us another chance to do tomorrow what He provided today. We must be stronger in our faith than we are with our excuses. Spiritual procrastination is the assassin of our faith and fosters fear and doubt instead.

Never use prayer as an excuse to procrastinate in doing what you already know to be true… HSAY

Monday, May 10, 2021

Daily Wisdom

Yet even now,” declares the LORD, “return to me with all your heart… rend your hearts and not your garments.” Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love…’’ Joel 2:12-13

A single bomb devastates a city, and the world is ushered into the nuclear age. A split atom - power and force such as we had never seen brings about discoveries dreamed of.  Volcanos, earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornados unleash uncontrollable and unstoppable force, and we can only avoid them and then pick up the pieces.

Power, strength, might - we stand in awe at the natural and man-made display. But these forces cannot touch the power of omnipotent Father. Creator of galaxies, atoms, and natural laws, the Sovereign Lord rules over all there is. How silly to live without him; how foolish to run and hide from him; how ridiculous to disobey him. But we do. Since the garden of Eden, we have sought independence from his control. The Lord has allowed our rebellion for a season, but as Joel prophesied to Judah so it applies to us today, don’t tarry in a lack of humility because patience still has its point of accountability. 

Don’t mistake the Lord’s patience with your actions as His acceptance or approval… HSAY 

Friday, May 7, 2021

Daily Wisdom

 ‘… feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.’ Acts 20:28 

We must be cautious not to allow the church’s purpose to become fat on prosperity rather than fat on the gospel. Though Paul was talking to the elders (pastors) of the church, this must be the supporting heartbeat of the body as well to help ensure the believers are being “fed” doctrinally by the Word of God so they can grow in spiritual prosperity, and not just desiring physical prosperity (Heb 5:12-14). All that Father has for you and offers you through His provision is for the preeminence of Christ (Col 1:18) and the furtherance of the gospel. In Jesus’s discourse with Peter in (Jn 21:15-17), Jesus was emphasizing the importance to both “feed & lead” His children in discipleship, not just desires. Christianity is not about catering to our cares, but about abandoning ourselves to a servant to the gospel. 

Don’t come to Jesus to get more for yourself, come to Jesus to get more of Jesus… HSAY

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Daily Wisdom

neither count I my life dear…’ (Acts 20:24a)

finish my course…’ (Acts 20:24b)

ministry in which I have received…’ (Acts 20:24c)

Paul gives us a clear and distinct path for all believers to walk in for their individual ministry. While the Lord will and may lead us down different paths through different seasons, it’s how we walk in those paths that greatly affects the outcome. Paul’s spiritual game plan was simple, purposeful, and affective, 1.) Humility – right motive. 2.) Finish our race – hold to your faith. 3.) Spiritual gifts – utilize the gift/s the Holy Spirit gave you. 

We often feel that life is a failure unless we're getting a lot out of it: recognition, fun, money, success. But Paul considered life worth nothing unless he used it for God's work. What he put into life was far more important than what he got out. Any efforts on our part that disrupt these steps in our faith walk, disrupts the Lord’s will for our walk.

Ministry is not for or about our gain; rather heaven’s glory… HSAY

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Daily Wisdom

 ‘our craft is in danger to be set at nought…’ Acts 19:27

The silversmiths in Ephesus became fearful by Paul’s preaching that there were no gods made by hand (vs 26), knowing the gospel would diminish their source of money gained from worldly gods. Their personal interest wasn’t devoted to a pagan god, nor to the gospel of Jesus; it was to personal gain and wants. Their façade was hiding behind their religious loyalty and patriotism, but it was truly for self-interest.

How far will we go in true loyalty and love for the gospel truth? Often human sacrifice has a quick end to it once it becomes physically uncomfortable or not personally economical. If one is growing in the truth of the gospel, limiting their investment only limits their return. The scriptures tell us to, ‘buy the truth and sale it not’ (Pro 23:23). According to Solomon, truth should cost us something... because it cost God everything (Jn 3:16 & 14:6). Thus, we’re pressed of God to buy the truth. But at what rate? God does not say. However, we must purchase it at any rate. If you think education is expensive, try biblical ignorance (Hos 4:6).

Be careful putting a price on the gospel, one may find it becomes more about the cost than the gain… HSAY

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Daily Wisdom

 ‘… and the name of Lord Jesus was magnified.’ Acts 19:17

Most are familiar with the term “scared straight,” often associated with exposing young individuals to the environment and effects of incarceration in hopes to get their attention refocused on what is right. This is not new per-say, in Ephesus this was experienced throughout the city during Paul’s mission stay there. The sons of Sceva, who was a high priest, had ill-motive in their works of ministry, obviously for personal gain, not heaven’s. When performing supposed exorcism’s, the sons were exposed by demonic spirits as being mis-focused on their efforts, are were possessed themselves and fled through the town naked and wounded (vs 16).

No humor intended, but in (vs 18-19) it states many confessed (sacred straight) and divulged their practices, and those who had books of incantations burned them in sight of all. There is a little levity here to say the least.  Point being motive is so important within our heart and own ministry. I don’t believe any of us are practicing incantations, but why we do what we do must be for Jesus’s glory and heaven’s profit, and not our own. Be careful drawing attention in your efforts, you may receive the kind of attention you don’t desire.

The right thing, with the wrong motive, is the wrong thing… HSAY

Monday, May 3, 2021

Daily Wisdom

 ‘I beseech thee, O Lord’ 2 Kgs 20:3

We must be cautious in concern to our want.  Desiring more than what the Lord has for us, can often result in being more than we can handle and thus dangerous for us. Hezekiah was blessed by God and wise in his rule (2 Kg 18:3). Yet, when Isiah told him to get his house in order, the Lord was finally calling him home, Hezekiah wanted a little more. Hezekiah knew the Lord was right, he just didn’t want Him to be right, right now. Prompting him to pray for more years which the Lord gave him. Sadly, Hezekiah was unwise with those extra fifteen years (vs 14-15), which brought about the eventual fall of Jerusalem to Babylon and more so brought about the rule of his son Manasseh, the worse king Israel ever had.  

Desire what you will, just make sure it’s not outside of the Lord’s will for you. Hezekiah’s testimony faltered in the end because he desired a little more.  Be content in the Lord’s will, it will always work to His glory and your good. More is not always better; it can sadly be more than you hoped for.

There’s a difference between desiring what is best, and what is best for you!... HSAY