‘… Thus saith the Lord GOD; I do not this for your sakes, O house of Israel, but for mine holy name's sake…’ Ezk 36:22
The Father’s act was to protect and restore what man had profaned. God was concerned about the salvation of not only His people but also the whole world. To allow His people to remain in sin and be destroyed by their enemies would lead other nations to conclude that their pagan gods were more powerful than Israel's God (Isa 48:11). Israel, and believers today, are called to represent the gospel and love of God to the rest of the world. Our sin can often impede and even profane God’s Word at times to a lost world.
This occurs in the spiritual warfare we encounter daily that impedes our ministry in the Father’s Word and His love. In (Dan 10), we see that Daniel had fasted for 21 days, laboring in an oppressed spirit until an angel was sent to minister and strengthen him. The prince of Persia withstood Daniel’s spirit in doing for the Lord. It wasn’t until the Lord sent Michael (archangel) to intercede on Daniel’s behalf was the demonic spirit subdued. In Daniel’s weakness the Lord ministered to him to ensure Daniel could move forward with the truth and not be hindered. All this was for the Lord’s name’s sake to be glorified through Daniel, not just for Daniel.
Darkness can oppress the wishes of man, but it can’t oppose the will of the Father … HSAY