Thursday, April 14, 2016

Daily Wisdom

Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world, why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances.” Col 2:20

To the Colossians, the discipline demanded by the false teachers seemed good, and legalism still attracts many people today. Following a long list of religious rules requires strong self-discipline and can make a person appear and feel moral, but religious rules cannot do what only the Holy Spirit can, change a person's heart. Nor can we cannot reach up to God by following rules of pious self-denial, by observing rituals, or by practicing religion.  Man-made religions focus on human effort; Christianity focuses on Christ's work. Believers must put aside sinful desires, but doing so is the by-product of our new life in Christ, not the reason for our new life.  Rather choosing to deny and humble ourselves in order to serve someone else is the greatest act of growing in Christ. As Christians we are called to be selfless rather than self-centered.  Verse 18 says: “Let no man beguile you of your reward” don’t let religion cause you play the hate card rather confessing you’re your own hate; if you want to arrogantly lecture, rather than humbly learn; if you don’t want to feel guilt in your soul when you are guilty of sin; if you want to be enabled rather than confronted, there are religions that will feed your wants, but none of which is Christ-like! Christ is more interested in you practicing personal forgiveness than religious judgment; reconciliation rather than conflict. Church/Religion should not be a “safe-zone” to hide from your convictions, but rather to learn that life is not about you, but Christ and others around you. And while you may have to deal with guilt when listening to a sermon, be thankful the Holy Spirit cares enough to convict you.  And the way to address it is to repent, not relocate to a more comfortable word.


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