Monday, April 11, 2016

Daily Wisdom

And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the LORD caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided.” Exo 14:21

Like the children of Israel, we too have found ourselves stuck between what appears to be a dead end; caught between boundaries that seem to prevent us from moving forward while being pursued by a fast approaching enemy from behind.  This is where we find Nahshon; he was counted in the census following the Exodus to represent the tribe of Judah.  Though he obviously survived the Pharaoh’s assault, he was now challenged in his faith to move forward in the will of the Father.  God had led them to what appeared to be an ultimate death. But, God was about to birth a nation using the parting of the Red Sea as His tool of choice.  This is where the faith of Nahshon and the Israelites would be challenged.  Jewish tradition claims Nahshon was the first Israelite to step into the Red Sea. However, as he waded in his faith the waters continued to rise over his body, starting from his ankles and slowly rising as it proceeded towards his head. Then the miracle was delivered and the waters parted for their deliverance.

Nahshon teaches us a powerful lesson.  For many Christians we fail to walk a new path God has set before us, instead choosing to stick with something old and familiar.  Many times the only way through a trial is to walk forward in our faith no matter what the obstacle before us appears to be, even if an ocean lay’s ahead.  Don’t challenge God by demanding the miracle first, that’s a poor definition of faith.  Instead, be a Nahshon, walk boldly in your faith and leave the timing of the miracle up to God!

Faith requires an action on our part before we get a re-action on God’s part.


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