Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Daily Wisdom

Jn 16:33 “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” 

One can accurately say (Jn 16:33) is one of the more quoted or referenced scriptures in the N.T.

And yet we still awake to mornings with the first thought in our mind “I don’t feel I can face another day with trials. My heart is too full of hurt, hate, anger or sadness.”

In Psalm 69, Psalm for the brokenhearted, David himself talks of “deep waters and miry depths” (vss 1-4), “guilt” (vss 5-12), “cries of deliverance” (vs 14) he faced and felt hopeless so many times.

In (Jn 16) Jesus in His last moments with His disciples warns them about further persecution, why He was going and His return. He also promised them they would not be alone, but the Holy Spirit the comforter would be with them. Jesus knew what lay head and didn’t want the disciples shaken or destroyed.

Likewise, the Father knows what lay ahead for us and wants us to know we as well are not alone, our comforter is present, and that Jesus has already overcome the world and thus our trials.

By way of the Father’s promises we’re never deeper than He can descend and deliver us from it. WE must find our reason to “rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” (Rom 12:12)

H.O.P.E. (Hold On, Pain Ends) – Jere 29:11

When you feel you’re drowning in life’s tribulation, remember our lifeguard walks on water!

 HSAY… Todd

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