Monday, March 22, 2021

Daily Wisdom

 ‘she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole.’ – Mk 5:28

She found her hope and healing in the hem. We have seen Jesus touch the sick and healing occurred.  He has simply spoken, and healing occurred.  But now Jesus spoke not a word nor laid a hand upon a soul and the power of His healing still flowed from Him. Understand, the goodness of Jesus/God does not require premeditated efforts on His part as it does us. Jesus’ goodness is an innate and inseparable characteristic that is driven by His pleasure to do good. He’s not a “sci-fi” character requiring him to muster up his power to be put to use. Jesus is good by nature, not command.

But, in the same light He is not unaware when His virtue/goodness is applied, flows from Him. This prompted Him to stop and inquire. But not because someone had taken from, but because someone trusted in Him. Jesus asked, ‘who touched my clothes?’, not that he might blame her for her presumption, but that he might commend and encourage her faith. As secret acts of sin, so secret acts of faith, are known to the Lord Jesus, and are under his eye. Yet, while knowing she was cured, she fell down fearing and trembling when Jesus enquired, not knowing how He would respond.  As Christ’s children, and patients as well, we often come before the Lord trembling, when we have reason to be triumphing in His virtue/goodness.

If you desire a thread of hope, make sure it comes from the hem of His garment… HSAY

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