Wednesday, March 24, 2021

 ‘… why make you this ado, and weep? The damsel is not dead, but sleeps.’ Mk 5:39

Returning to Jairus’ story (Mk 5), Jesus was and is never too busy. Sometimes I declare I don't have time. All the tasks on my to-do list are incredibly important.  I must prepare for this sermon, do this Bible study, do this, do that. Then there's Jesus! When His cousin/friend John the Baptist had just been beheaded, Jesus tried to go to a lonely place to mourn, but the crowds beat Him there. He healed their sick and fed them dinner. Only that evening, did He get a chance to be alone, and that was interrupted (Mat 14). Even Peter (Mk 1:35-39), sought and interrupted Jesus when He was alone with the Father, and yet Jesus didn’t respond irritably.  

Even when his life was on the line, Jesus had time for other people's problems. When someone threatens to kill you, escaping will jump to the top of your to-do list! It did for Jesus, but he still let Himself be bothered: ‘The Pharisees went out and conspired against him, how they might destroy him. Jesus knew it, withdrew himself, and great multitudes followed, and he healed them all.’ (Mat 12:14-15).  It would be like your pastor being willing to stay up front after a service and pray for you, knowing there was someone in the building waiting around to shoot him.

Everything Jesus does is infinitely more important than what I/we do, but every time I interrupt Him, He pays attention. Nothing prevents Him from loving us. During immense sadness at His own loss, He made sure others needs were met. When facing the end of His own life, he saved others' lives.

Jesus in never too busy to listen, don’t allow yourself to get too busy to talk… HSAY

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