“It is finished:” John 19:30

is Friday, April 3rd, A.D. 33; the start of the darkest period in
human history unfolds over the next three days, culminating with the most gruesome
of deaths perpetrated by man. But, what
lies ahead is not only the worst it’s also the best of all human deaths, leaving
a brilliant brushstroke on the canvas of human history. In Jerusalem, God the Son, the creator of all
(Jn 1:3), will be crucified. Four of the greatest events in human history took
place in the span of three days against Jesus that fulfilled the future of
mankind. In the Garden…”It
Is Contrived” Judas, as prophesied by a kiss (Lk 22:48), delivers Jesus into the hands of the
soldiers. Yet, in the midst of His arrest a miracle is performed for a soldier
named Malchus and judgment is not allowed to be asserted by Peter. In the
Court…”It Is Condemned” At
Caiaphas’s house, the High Priest, the
trial progresses quickly to charged Jesus with blasphemy. Growing irritated and
impatient during the early morning uprising, Caiaphas demands Jesus to declare Himself
as the Son of God (Mt 26:63). Jesus, holding His
peace, responds “Thos hast said…” the
high priest proclaims blasphemy and declares: “He is guilty of death.” (Mt 26:66). In
the Government…”It Is Confirmed”
In spite of Pilate’s and Herod’s efforts to appease the court with other
options to quench their thirst for blood, it was of no avail the court was
willing to let a thief and murderer go free to ensure the death of Jesus. The Triune
God grants authority (Jn 19:11) allowing the powers
to be the ability to execute unwittingly the only innocent death to redeem
man. At the Cross…”It Is Finished” In the
early morning hours Jesus is paraded before man. Beaten and bloodied from the Roman soldier’s
creative cruelty, Jesus labors to carry the cross, on which He will eventually
die, to the hill of Golgotha. By (9:00 A.M.) Jesus, flanked by two thieves on
either side, hangs on what is the most gruesome and agonizing deaths man has
devised. Labeled by a sign hanging over
His head that reads “King of the Jews” is short of truth, He is the “King of
Kings.” As chants bellow out of the mouths of His condemners for Him to save
Himself (Lk 23:35), they understand not that
such an act would end the hopes of man. Now as noon (12:00) approaches, darkness falls
on mid-day, bringing confusion to those who watch. But, worse is the darkness
that approaches Jesus. With it a pain looms that is felt beyond the clanging of
nails that pierced His body or lashes that shredded His back. At
this hour, the Fathers wrath falls upon Jesus, at this moment He is no longer
the blessed, but the Cursed (Gal 3:13). Jesus
has become sin (2 Cor 5:21). And for the first time in eternity past,
Jesus is separated from the Father and the Holy Spirit creating complete
isolation and loneliness for our Saviour. In this moment Jesus, God in flesh,
screams in human emotions: “Eli, Eli,
lema sabachthani” (My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me) Mt. 27:46. No
greater love has ever been displayed or fulfilled by man (Jn 15:13)! At 3:00 P.M. Jesus, knowing that all things
were accomplished…” supped His last drink and said: “IT IS FINISHED” (Jn 19:30).
that through man’s pride and arrogance he boastfully proclaims…”It Is…” to no avail. Only Christ has the power and ability to
proclaim “It Is Finished.” It’s
those words that ensure man of his eternal promise in Christ Jesus!