Thursday, April 3, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."Insanity of Sin"

“Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy the was set before him endured the cross…” Hebrews 12:2

Lesbian Sex, HIV, Esau and Christ…Now that I have your attention, there’s a N.Y. times article from the “CDC” (Center for Disease Control) concerning lesbian life-style and their sexual promiscuity. But, I would like to address it by going somewhat backwards starting with Esau.  In (Heb 12:16) we see Esau sold his birth-right for a single meal. This act alone was insanity; his desire for food was greater than his ability to be rational “I am at the point to die: what profit shall this birthright do to me?”  Beyond the spiritual aspects of primogeniture, Esau was to receive a double portion of inheritance over his brothers.  By comparison it would as if Bill Gates asked you for a meal and you demanded his majority stock-ownership in Microsoft…such is the Insanity of sin!  Yet, the author of Hebrews makes this an example of sexual craving, not gluttony! “Lest there be any fornicator or profane person, as Esau…” (vs 16)  How many, from Presidents to Pastors, have sacrificed their influence and position for momentary sexual pleasure? Now for the “CDC” article titled “In a Rare Case, Woman with HIV Infects Female Sex Partner.” What type of strange force is at work when two lesbian women engage in reckless sexual acts knowing one is infected? Answer; Esau Insanity! Who has the ability to feed a temporal passion at the cost of being as irrational in their decision as to forego their blessings? Thus, the Insanity of Sin; which thankfully brings us to Christ? In Hebrews 12, Christ is contrasted to Esau. Esau could not endure the passion of missing one meal for the joy of his inheritance. But, Jesus “…for the joy set before him endured the cross…” (Heb 12:2)  One sold out, Esau; the other was all in, Jesus! One was temporally driven, the other was eternally invested.  We are all cursed with the madness and ability to act in the insanity of sin.  The remedy to such insanity is to see the cost associated with it.  Understand that Christ was more than an example of sinlessness; He was the purchaser of your Esau-Insane debt of sin that you owe.  Christ’s death purchased a new heart, seeing heart, rational heart that would not be willing to give up an eternal inheritance for temporal passion fueled meal.  Esau-Insanity, sacrificing an eternal blessing for a temporal passion!


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