Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."Inspiration"

But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the almighty giveth them understanding. Great men are not always wise…hearken unto me; I also will show mine opinion.”  Job 32:8-10

Wisdom is not gifted upon the aged, the experienced or the great; nor is it to be self appointed.   Wisdom is imparted by God into the spirit man who seeks such Godly wisdom by attention to His Word and the dependence upon the Holy Spirit. Thus the young may become wiser than the aged, but wisdom will render itself to him that is swift to hear, slow to speak and dispose to give others patient hearing (Jas 1:19).  What is your source of inspiration; life, education, success, experience? Remember, man will seldom achieve anything greater than what his heart desires.  It’s difficult to inspire others to accomplish what you haven’t been willing to try.  If any man lacks wisdom, let him ask of God who gives it liberally to any who ask (Jas 1:5).  The bible never says figure it out, but over and over it inspires us to live it out by trusting in God who already has it figured out.

Don’t fear that life may end, fear that life was never lived through Christ!


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