Monday, January 19, 2015

Daily Wisdom...Bitter vs Better

Then Abner called to Joab, and said, Shall the sword devour forever? knowest thou not that it will be bitterness in the latter end?...” 2 Sam 2:26

Although Abner and David frequently saw each other across battle lines, the Bible gives a glimpse of the respect they had for each other. As a young man, David had served under Abner. But later, Saul's campaign to kill David was carried out by Abner; to only see him change sides after David took over the throne.  How easy it is for men to use Godly reason, when it makes for them, who would not use it, if it seems to work against them! Abner had selfish motives in his effort to reunite Judah and Israel rather than Godly conviction and thus lived by his wits and his will. To him, God was someone with whom he would cooperate if it suited his plans. Otherwise he did what seemed best for him at the time. Obedience is easy when the instructions in God's Word are cooperative with our plans…vs contrary.

Abner’s life had a tragic end; he would've been better served, not bitter, standing in God’s truth.


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