Monday, April 13, 2015

Daily Wisdom

Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.” Acts 5:29

The preeminent concern of a Christian is to live in the righteousness of Christ by way of our obedience to Him.  We are often faced with such decisions on a regular basis, and yet we have accountability to both; society’s laws and God’s law. But, in spite of man’s desire for equality and establishing moral standards with such law, it does not trump God’s law.  This was the disciple’s stance to the counsel of Gamaliel, they were told not to teach in the name Jesus, but Peter claimed they are called to be witnesses to such truth, as are we.  This is our dilemma today, the definition of moral truth.  Man desires for law to declare equality through tolerance based on personal conviction, not righteousness of Christ.  This institutional persecution is at our very door today and the goal is to diminish the number of those who claim identity with Christ.  This works on a people who have never experienced persecution, and whose belief system is bendable and compromising as “play-doe.”  And sadly a little leavening, leavens the whole loaf (1 Cor 5:6).   This type of imagery of Christianity is being written by a mindset of tolerance and lustful desires using selective scripture to shame believers into silence and compromise of sin. The success is achieved through biblical illiteracy and has ensnared the church in agreeing with the redefinition of sin using tolerance, and all the while redefining God in the process.  Believers are swallowing the heresies of the media, academia and entertainment that what was evil is now good and what was good is now evil (Isa 5:20).  Acceptance, compromise and tolerance is quickly becoming the litmus test for modern Christianity, and are the only measures in which an evil society will tolerate. Sadly a great number of believers have already swallowed societies standards and many more are quickly becoming silent; this is devastating to the church and is purging the fishers of man.  Alarms are sounding and truth is being challenged by governments, society and individuals looking to establish a “new” doctrine predicated on tolerance and acceptance of personal, not Godly, desires. The persecution is arriving, attacks are surrounding the church and in some cases are happening within the church, are we, are you prepared to stand as the disciples and answer…”We ought to obey God rather than men?”  This is not about hate-mongering, it’s exactly the opposite, it’s about the love of Christ towards all men; are we willing to share it!


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