Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Daily Wisdom

Many are the afflictions of the righteous; but the Lord delivereth him out of them allPsa 34:19

Life’s greatest of opportunities are often in the face of the greatest of opposition. This is what Elijah faced, one of the great prophets used of God, a man who destroyed 850 false prophets, and now himself is spiritually and emotionally destroyed and wanting to die (1 Kg 19:3-5).  Don’t get caught in your disappointment, don’t expect to reign without resistance. It’s hard to understand, but pain was necessary for salvation. Be patient in your affliction it reveals God’s grace that is missed in times of prosperity. Often disappointment and expectations are correlated in such a way that if you expect the wrong thing you end up disappointed because you went in delusional. Elijah was wanting to die because of his position in life. But God told him to “go return” (1 Kg 19:15) back to the wilderness where you came. Change your position and return to the provision that is already waiting in God’s promise to deliver you in the place the enemy is fighting you the most! But this time with the expectation of grace, not just personal gain.

Don’t miss the greatest provision by fleeing the place you fear, that’s often where God placed it.

HSAY… Todd

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