Thursday, October 26, 2017

Daily Wisdom

But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:” Phl 2:7

Too many people are more concerned about making an impression rather than an impact in others’ lives. But, selfishness brings about discord.  Paul therefore stressed spiritual unity, asking the Philippians to love and serve one another in one spirit and purpose of bearing another’s cross with them. Again, it’s not about making oneself look better, but helping others to become better. This is the image of Jesus, willing to give up his eternal equalities with the Father and the Holy Spirit, the creator becoming the creation, in order to serve and meet our needs first (vs 5). This was Jesus’ attitude of choice, and should be ours. One can expect or desire to be served or you can look for opportunities to serve others.  What one chooses will either reflect the image of Jesus or self. The best thing a man can do is simply be quite and serve. When he starts complaining how and who he’s going to serve it becomes about him. It’s not about you being better, but rather helping others to become better at reflecting the image of Jesus!

The only person you should try to be better than, is the person you were yesterday!

HSAY… Todd

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