Jam 1:27 “Pure
religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the
fatherless and widows in their affliction and to keep himself unspotted from
the world.”
The word “religion” is quoted five times in scripture, four
of which are used in a negative connotation. The word religion from its Latin
roots means to “bind together” meaning to cultivate a unity and purpose greater
than oneself. That purpose is servitude, we are saved to serve not to be served
(Lk 17:1-10). Jesus (God in flesh) clearly illustrated that for us. The church
today is falling to the pressure of being culturally appealing rather than
Christ compelling. Churches are being driven by commercialism and consumerism,
causing more emphasis being placed on external amenities in stead of internal transformation.
Driven by budgets instead of the bible, presentation
instead of prayer, displays instead of doctrine. Don’t get trapped by the distraction of cultural
religion. It’s not scriptural and it disenfranchises a believer from their purposeful
relationship with Jesus and makes it a superficial emotional relationship, and
not a fellowship in unity for servitude. Quick quiz: If one thinks it’s the
governments job or programs we can through some towards to care for the needy, one
might need to be held back a spiritual grade. Servitude is doing for another
who can’t or will never repay you. That’s how Jesus served us, our gain through
His giving!
You’re either a fan
or a follower; one is looking to get and the other to give!
HSAY… Todd
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