Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Daily Wisdom

Isa 28:12 “… this is the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing: yet they would not hear.”

Here is a gracious promise of God's favor to the remnant of his people.

The Israelite's were reproved and threatened for their dullness and stupidity, and inaptness to profit by the instructions which the prophets gave them in God's name (vss 9-13).

Likewise, I can mistake being delayed with being denied.

What God is using for my rest and refreshing I can mistake for denial and discouragement.

Just because everything except you is moving about does not mean you’ve been left behind.

God’s delay in my life might have protected me from something that lie ahead I couldn’t see or wasn’t profitable for me. Or it may be God resting and refreshing me for something glorious that lies ahead.

The response I take will have the greatest impact on God’s will working in my life.

If I remain patient rather than impetuous in God’s process my spirit finds His rest rather than restlessness (Isa 40:31).

Just because you find yourself delayed, don’t feel denied. Enjoy His rest knowing the Father is preparing and refreshing you for something glorious.

You may not get there when you want, but He’ll get you there when He needs you, and rested!

HSAY… Todd

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