“And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent form God unto a city
of Galilee, named Nazareth. And behold thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and
bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus.” Lk 1:26; 31
Ever consider God seems to show up in the interruptions of
life more than the plans?
Our brokenness is a great amount of our personality, and
broken vessels spill more water!
For many Christians we try to cover up the seeping wounds
underneath, hiding the appearance of the interruption they made in our life…
and in doing so the appearance Jesus made
during them.
If someone is unwilling to show their scars, I’m less likely
to want to hear about their trophies.
The scars may be ugly, but the healing that comes from them is
The bible is filled with fakes, frauds and failures. If each
of them hid the scars and interruption they made in their life how would we see
the beauty Jesus in them?
In the cultural setting of her time consider the interruption
Mary had in her life as a young child herself, coming to be with child without having
known a man.
Yet, it was Mary who silently watched Jesus hang on the
cross for her sins as well as ours.
Proving He was God. Because no mother, who knew different,
would’ve silently watch such an interruption in their life if they knew it not
to be true.
Her silence verified Jesus as Saviour!
Interruptions are inconvenient, but the scars from them
reveal Jesus as Saviour… show them faithfully!
HSAY… Todd
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