Gen 42:36 "... all these things are against me."
Jacob uttered these words thinking his sons Joseph, Simeon
and Benjamin were dead. Adam and Eve
must have been as devastated when Cain murdered Abel (Gen 4:8). Yet when Eve
had another son, Seth, and although the Savior was a long way off, we can still
see a glimmer of hope here, for as Seth grew up, we read, “At that time people
began to call on the name of the Lord.” Likewise, Jacob found his sons, and
came to realize that what he endured was for his good and the good of his
family and the nation of Israel. Such stories echo the promise that God is
continually renewing His children. Don't let a lack of faith, fear or seasons
of discouragement hinder us from holding to our hope in God's faithfulness. If
you got God, you got hope! (Jere 29:11)
"Hope itself is like a star - not to be seen in the
sunshine of prosperity, and only to be discovered in the night of
adversity." - Spurgeon