Mt 24:35 “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my
words shall not pass away.”
When a culture removes or negates a foundational source for
strength, knowledge, and direction then weakness, ignorance, and confusion (1
Cor 14:33) prevail. And ultimately “man does that which was right in their
own eyes.” (Jdg 21:25). Man does not need systems or institutions because such
does not change a heart, they only offer to provide answers based on popular
opinion or majority rule. The answer starts with The Book and a home. It is
more important that we make head-way in our own house. By the time any
systemic, institutional or cultural problems come into play the damage is done,
our culture isn’t locking up 7 year old’s. Our challenge that is plaguing our
culture is the absence of spiritual leadership from the father within the home.
Cultural opinion, thoughts, trends, movements and even man will come and go.
But only one truth and hope will endure forever! Hold to and stand on the only
One who matters.
Only a changed heart can be used to change a heart; it must
start with an example of the truth… HSAY
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